The cruelty of MSD debt slavery laid bare


Māngere mum faces crippling debt after flooding ruins her state house

A mother of four has been plunged further into debt after her government-provided home was ruined in the Auckland floods.

Jayde Jones’s Kāinga Ora home was built on a flood plain, and lifted off its foundations when a historic deluge swept across the city.

Jones believes the state housing agency should pay to replace her belongings; Kāinga Ora says that’s the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).

MSD coughed up just $500, and while Work and Income did provide another $6000, that’s money Jones will have to pay back – adding to her already sizeable Work and Income debts.

There is a deep cruelty built within our user plays welfare state.

When beneficiaries are in need beyond the meagre crumbs they are paid as a benefit, they can ‘borrow’ the money from MSD and are forced to have deductions to already meagre benefits to pay it back!

This is nothing more than debt slavery. MSD use their opaque rules to catch people out via ‘relationships’  and have access to mass surveillance tools to hunt these supposed enemies of the state.

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Making the poor borrow money for a flood through a State House is a special kind of malice isn’t it?

What makes it so much ore offensive is that it is being done under a Labour Government.

Carmel Sepuloni, who has been an appalling failure as Minister to people in need, should be forced to explain why debt slavery to a cruel welfare ministry with an appalling track record of abusing vulnerable people, is a successful social policy from a Labour Government.

Every Kiwi should feel ashamed that we are driving State House Tenants into debt to buy the basics because of flooding they had no hand in generating.

How have we become this cruel and spiteful to one another in need?

Where is our basic humanity?

We need urgent solutions to the billions in debt that many have with the State, be it student loan, fines, tax debt, benefit ‘fraud’.

We are facing a Black Swan economic event, forgiving debt could be an easy means to alleviate immediate relief.

The problem is that MSD and WINZ see that debt as an asset and use it that way on their balance sheets.

They see enslaving the poor into debt as a means of total spectrum dominance on the under class to ensure total subservience to the State.

Fuck that.

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  1. The MSD is not enslaving anyone as there is no expectation of getting any work out of the beneficiaries. However, if you are an overseas worker with a large debt (to cover your visa “administration” fees), and that visa is tied to your job that pays less than minimum wage with non of the legislated benefits, then you have been truly enslaved by your debt. Ditto if you’re a mortgage holder.

  2. if only we had a left leaning socially minded government staffed with kind people from the left. Oh yeah, right, we have that, and they have full majority.

    • You know your argument has defeated any selfless reasoning I might make, therefore I am going to go full retard and vote ACT later this year, because I know they won’t improve a thing, and will make everything twenty times worse.

      • We have a Labour government that does exactly like National does, namely load beneficiaries with debt to the government. Tell me again how Labour is different.

        • Fuck off numb nuts, tell me how Nat/ ACT will improve shit seeing as they are the flavour you are spruiking. Then go eat a bag of donkey dicks.

  3. The debt of those who refuse to pay it back will eventually be written off.
    Winners and losers.
    The losers are the decent people who try hard to survive within the constraints imposed on them by government while the winners are those allowed by government to free ride by playing the system.
    For some the benefits are such that they can even afford to pay accountants and lawyers to help the game the system.
    How the hell did we get here?

    The harassment of those who struggle to work within the constrains imposed on them are also harmful.

  4. a mortgage holder is not a slave helen because they are tenants of the bank and gain unearned income, from the landlords slaves..bad decision making in overleveraging yourself is gambling on low intrest rates is like losing your money at the TAB not slavery but bad decision making–live with greed coming back to bite you…but rightwing wilting snowflakes do love their faux victim status.

    • Bad decision making is why many are on benefits, isn’t it? Should we cut benefits to punish those making bad decisions? That sounds fair to you?

      Having a roof over your head is a basic human right. Homes are now grossly inflated on their true value, largely thanks to the Banks magical creation of money to lend, and home owners with a mortgage are slaves to that debt and must labour most of their lives to repay it, or slave to pay someone else’s mortgage (or be homeless). If you are bound to certain actions by debt, you are a slave. Without debt, you are free to truly make your own decisions and live your life the way you choose. Set yourself free.

      • How many more neo lib cliches can you come up with?

        The poor choices are made at a macro economic level beyond the immediate control of NZ’s underclass-created by ‘Roger’n’Ruth’ when they swung a wrecking ball through provincial NZ, blitzed manufacturing and gifted public assets to private capital.

      • Helen Beck A former colleague, scientist, wheelchair bound with multiple sclerosis, did not make any bad decisions, nor did another actuary colleague who became legally blind.

        Nor do families where a young mother dies of breast cancer or where dads top themselves, or go lightly mad. Nor do children choose to have inadequate parenting. Out in the real world, bad things can happen to good people, and you may be unacquainted with the real world.

        And if you think that the WEF agenda of ridding yourself of property to feel unburdened will somehow set you free, go for it, and jolly good luck to you depending upon the masters of the universe, you’ll need it.

        • Gagarin brought up the poor decision making argument, I merely extrapolated on that example. Many end up on benefits through no fault of their own, many others choose to blame society for their own failings. The welfare safety net should be a working safety net (currently it isn’t), not a lifestyle choice.

          As to ridding yourself of property, that is you. I said rid yourself of debt, not property, that way you free yourself from debt slavery.

          • Helen. Paying a landlord rent, sure helps the landlord, and that’s about it.

            Paying off a mortgage and enjoying life are certainly not mutually exclusive, and like it or not, there will always be folk who need to be carried, and we carry them because we’re decent human beings. That’s the way it is.

      • I think gagarin tends to the pragmatic and clincal,, may be an AI model in the making. Thinks – are algorithms classified, and coded and will we in future have them described to us as they are introduced eg this year’s code is slanted to come down hard on sugar but reduce taxes on toothbrushes and sponsor travelling children’s shows that teach littlies songs about the benefits of cleaning teeth.

  5. Establishing debt at all on beneficiaries really just shows benefit rates are too low, and abatement rates too high, and how other areas of state policy have failed or been monetised for the benefit of the private sector.

    Taxpayer funded dental and medical care, fare free public transport, large scale state house build and GST off food would go a long way to removing the need for debt in the first instance. That and a basic income for all citizens.

    The problem is most MPs have not a clue how the other half lives–the 50% that own just 2% of the wealth that is! Carmel Sepuloni and other officials must have an inkling of exactly the punishment maze that MSD/WINZ operate–which is why they created a higher rate second tier COVID benefit that middle class people could access without have to battle combative case managers, and while their partner was still working! The latter is a no no for normal dirty filthy bennies.

    Monetarism views nearly every element of life as a transaction that can be expressed on a spreadsheet. “Live your best life?” well the top State Sector bludgers certainly do–but not you dole bludgers! don’t get aspirations above your official loser status…

  6. With a budget of more than $24b. Where does it all go because less than $6.5b is spent on welfare for beneficiaries.

    $14b is on Superannuation. $2.2b on landlord subsidies.

    $365m on motel subsidies that create more debt.

    Employer subsidies $900m.

    Student loans $1.5b

    And so on and so on.
    It’s a debt creating monster for the poor and a cash cow for the private sector, employers who want subsidies.

    Welfare for who?

    • By far the biggest problem is superannuation with the woke committees signing off on more and more foreign elderly coming to NZ (many of those ‘advising’ and ‘advocating’ the NZ government, have huge conflicts of interest with elderly foreign relatives who then come over to take NZ pensions while the woke advise government on it).

      Woke seem to be keen on wanting more elderly pensioners to come into NZ, give them free pensions, health and aged care, then make the Kiwi workers pay for KiwiSaver and if they ‘earn too much’ are apparently not even going to get a state pension as the keep threatening to means test pension.

      There are now so many asian pensioners in NZ it is expected to be more than both Maori and Pacific Island pensioners in a few years. How did this happen when many of that demographic never worked in NZ or only worked for a very short period here and we were told immigration was helping pensions?

      Same problem with health care. Kids under 3 and the elderly in last 3 years of life take up the most health resources – so why are the woke so keen to have students and minimum waged workers coming to NZ, having kids who then become NZ citizens and assess free health and education here. Nobody has to stay and work and increasingly if they are skilled they don’t. But their families can still fly in and get NZ care as they got residency.

      Meanwhile NZ workers can’t get cancer treatment or operations, because the waiting list is so high and the NZ kids education is getting worse and worse.

      Kiwi pensioners can’t go to China and India and the Phillipines and other countries, then suddenly qualify for a free pension and aged care for the rest of their life.

      Why does the NZ government allow it?

      Why let NZ pensions ballon to 14 million…

      14 million for pensions is more than all the spending on NZ benefits, NZ accomodation subsidies, NZ wage subsidies and sNZ tudent loans combined.

      Completely outrageous and irresponsible to be giving free NZ pensions for decades to people who should never have been allowed to qualifiy for one.

  7. Work it out! Building on flood plains and not building for vastly worse climate conditions is a crime to society!

    Under woke virtue signalling and globalist capitalism, the developer and consultants get their profits, but the person that lives in the house will not only face huge problems when it floods, but also become poorer as they lose their uninsured belongings.

    Meanwhile the taxpayers will have to pay to rebuild the house they just paid for – less money for health care and other big ticket taxes.

    Many houses being built in NZ are compromised by poor rules around consenting and poor building practises. Thus more and more people lose everything and are on the welfare system when disasters strike. It also then puts a strain on those in state housing and those without – some get everything paid for, some are expected to have private insurance and so forth.

    The governments management control mentality kicks in, creating more committees and centralised power that tend to be even more useless, slowing everything down further, while costing a bomb, that doesn’t get to the source, which is helping the victims of the disaster quickly.

    Added to this, NZ wages not allowed to rise for inflation in real terms, while everything else, (food, power, building materials, services, insurance costs, transport). This then means people are often just as well off on a benefit than working in NZ.

    In spite of those that think the tax system does not tax the rich. They found it did. The problem seems to be the way that wages vs goods vs welfare has created a system in NZ, that seems to discourage workers. Even the unions seem to have abandoned the workers in NZ and concentrated on migrants right and benefits.

    NZ Workers don’t get paid much, often have stressful jobs and don’t get the benefits that others who do not work get. Then in woke NZ, they are told they are too rich and should pay more tax. This has created a system where workers have tiny wage increases, their costs going up and their taxes going up, but they are told they are the problem in woke NZ. Thus they leave NZ to work else where.

    Meanwhile it is also discouraging for employers, as there is so many extremes in how NZ wokeforce is handled – people who don’t work or are terrible get compensation, and there is a blind eye to the growing trade of worker exploitation which competes with companies that are not exploiting (and puts them out of business), where more and more companies use workers and their work that is either cash or below minimum wages (aka Chorus subcontractors, cash worker restaurants). The quality of work as well as the quality of workers, is also going down, the more the huge discrepancies keep growing.

  8. The Labour government needs to increase the abatement levels particularly with the recent inflation rates.
    Too many people are struggling unnecessary, and we must remember for inflation to drop we need higher unemployment, so people need to stop putting the boot into beneficiaries. And there is no point increasing benefit rates only to take it away by reducing other entitlement like the accommodation supplement this is counterintuitive.

  9. Wealthy people who build on cliffs and have directly contributed to the destruction of our great city and other parts of this country will be well insured and don’t give a crap if the world ends, they are building their stone mausoleums for the final disco party and eventual tomb of the greater whanau. Meanwhile those truly affected by climate change are ignored. It is true between the Global North (Aotearoa included) and the Global South, but also true between the Auckland North and Inner East/ West versus SOUTH and WEST Auckland. Call it what you like, ignorance, racism, colonialism, evil. IT IS WRONG and if the state regonises that a mother of four performs an important task in being a mother, then the state should support her if that is required. Sepuloni as the representative of Kelston knows real life. We should expect better of her.


    The Hon Carmel Sepuloni –
    Current responsibilities:

    Arts, Culture and Heritage
    Minister 06/11/2020

    Social Development and Employment
    Minister 06/11/2020

    Foreign Affairs (Pacific Region)
    Associate Minister 01/02/2023

    Deputy Prime Minister 25/01/2023

    Date first elected: 08 November 2008
    Member of the following Parliaments: 49th, 51st, 52nd and 53rd

    Carmel has always been committed to improving social, health and educational outcomes for all New Zealanders but has especially focused during her career on low socio-economic groups, Māori, Pacific, disabled people and sole parents. During her political career Carmel has expanded access to the training incentive allowance, made public the impact of cuts to ACC funding for survivors of sexual violence, campaigned for better legislation around social workers and fought for the right to privacy for social service users.

    Looking at the wide range of her responsibilities and how she must be divided in her loyalties towards those pertaining to the Pacific Islands, I think that Ms Sepuloni is over-stretched. Being Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs (Pacific Region) should be the limit. Why Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage also?

    I think definitely that Minister for Social Development and Employment is a load that needs one person’s full attention. That it is added to other portfolios indicates that the Labour Party has not enough able players in this field, or they are discriminating against white people who have experience and drive and a vision of a united country.

    With reference to this – the impact of cuts to ACC funding for survivors of sexual violence, – it should be known that if some payment is made by ACC to assist with problems that arise, the payment is required to be spent immediately or the benefit or grants are dropped. The person is not allowed to retain savings against hard times or difficulties. This ensures that the person continues to feel at heart vulnerable and needy. It seems that is the outcome that all political parties wish for most NZs.


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