Of course Simon Power is stepping down from TVNZ

My job here destroying Public Broadcasting is done!

Simon Power to resign as TVNZ’s chief executive

TVNZ says Simon Power has advised its board of his intention to step down as chief executive at the end of the company’s financial year, on June 30.

The former National Cabinet minister had led the business through a period in which the prospect of a merger with RNZ was explored, and then dropped.

He had been suggested as a potential leader of the new, combined media entity.

Chair Andy Coupe thanked him for steering the business through a period of change.

Oh of course he’s stepping down.

The way Simon Power gerrymandered killing off the RNZ/TVNZ Merger by hiring political hitmen to quell it is so beyond what anyone else is allowed to do, it makes Rob Campbell’s commentary the most balanced utterance ever spoken in the Backbenchers Pub after happy hour on a Friday.

The rest are mere children to the House of Cards level Machiavellian fuckwittery Simon was pulling by bringing in hired guns to take out the merger.

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That’s Warlord level interference in local Government.

There’s a reason he got to Number 3 in the National Party, he is a genius at the game and is a high ranking Sith Lord with commercial interests in the House of Slytherin.

To actively interfere in political policy that is directly impacting your Fiefdom, kill it off and get away with it is a master stroke of the game as played in NZ and we just need to give such manipulation a standing ovation.

The RNZ/TVNZ Merger that could have been a real threat to ZB talking points private media  was killed off, actively by the cEO who hired consultants to kill it off…

MediaRoom column: On the eve of a Cabinet decision on the fate of the proposed public broadcasting merger, questions emerge over the engagement by the TVNZ chief executive of two former National government aides to change the narrative and push TVNZ’s view on the Government’s plan

…and the sleepy Hobbits of muddle Nu Zilind got punked once again and were tricked into playing along because it was sold as a big waste of money etc etc etc.

Simon is the master of the dark arts and we all raise a glass to salute his dominance of the game.

Even after Fuck Boy Island, a grotesque clickbait ratings driven orgy of shallow crassness was vomited up against the vision of a public broadcaster free of those market driven dynamics that could provide true public broadcasting with a level of fourth estate journalism that could counter the madness of the conspiracy theory movement, EVEN AFTER THAT, Simon still managed to kill it.


The man is good.

Never underestimate the ease with which it takes to trick Kiwis into demanding things that are contrary to their interests as citizens.


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        • ” She was not even allowed to speak ”

          Absolutely and I know the reaction was perfect P.R for her I would rather wait to hear what she has to say and then form an opinion on that.

          After all it seems only one group has reacted before hearing her out.

          Descent into utter stupidity and farce.

      • “Posie Parker opposed erosion of women’s civil rights by the Trans Activist community” – there, fixed it for you Millsy

      • millsiy laddie, you’re ghost hunting again …whooo…ooo …ooo… lies flying like gulls in the skies. She’s gone, and her ideas haven’t, so just get on with your life. You’ll be fine so long as you’re nice and try to tell the truth.

        • Why don’t you try that yourself Hock? You along with RB etc seem to completely ignore the Marjorie Taylor Greene level shiite that Posie was spewing that was shared on twitter. Why the hell would Hipkins and co be on some big mission to misrepresent Posie Parker when they let her come in anyway? I could understand painting Posie P as a deranged nut as an excuse not to let her into the country but that’s not what happened.

          • The answer to your question stares you right in the face.

            A very sad argument when one relies on the biased position taken by a politician.

            The policy bonfire by Hipkins demonstrates this so clearly. Humans have the ability to think rationally and even that does not get one to the universal truth.

            But relying on a politician to think on your behalf is very ignorant. (And generally stupid)

    • @ N. Why not kick both?
      “Should offshore private equity companies be running our public transport buses?”
      If Satans arse dags aka AUSTRALIAN private equity companies are fleecing us via not so public transport you can bet your front and back bottoms they’re also up TVNZ and RNZ itself and God only knows what and where else! Are the up the Natzo’s? Are they up the wool board, the meat board, the apple and pear marketing board ! Are private equity companies dug in deep in to our politics!? Do Australian private equity companies hold the reigns on our AO/NZ! What a fucking thought!
      Who the fuck did this to us? Who effectively committed treason here?
      Australia is our most motivated and determined agrarian primary exports competitor and they’re here rorting us for access to our essential infrastructure. Who the fuck is behind that shit!? What traitor Kiwi scum bag brokered those deals? Who, the fuck, opened our door to Australian private equity companies!?
      Are you feeling like a raw prawn because I hope your Kangaroo’s well tied down mate?

  1. I was always very suspicious of Power’s appointment to TVNZ CEO role.
    You have confirmed beyond doubt, my suspicions.
    On a commercial outcome level (as ‘outcomes’ are beloved of Luxon), this manipulation of the system beats hands-down, anything Nash got out of his indiscretions.
    This outcome is a classic example of Luxon’s ‘insider-trading’ to the nth degree!

  2. Another dumb appointment by labour, then?
    If Labour never intended the merger to go through, then it was an inspired appointment.

  3. Well lets blame National for Labour fucking up. Totally. Cause Labour can’t do wrong, Labour can only be wronged.

  4. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Trying to drag people down to his level with “ FBoy Island “ was typical National Party schoolboy slime. Appointing him was a typical dumb Labour attempt at inclusivity. He’s probably a misogynist anyway, one of the blokes scared of engulfment, hence that pro-active silencing of the women’s voices. Pox on both their houses.

  5. ” To actively interfere in political policy that is directly impacting your Fiefdom, kill it off and get away with it is a master stroke of the game as played in NZ and we just need to give such manipulation a standing ovation ”

    Well as I pointed out when he took up the role …..what is it about our media that it has to be run by a partisan appointment ! do we not have any talented individual who can do this well remunerated job our fourth estate who is not an ex National minister or a National party sympathiser ?

    ” The RNZ/TVNZ Merger that could have been a real threat to ZB talking points private media was killed off, actively by the CEO who hired consultants to kill it off…”

    When you are talking about one of our so called facets of democracy an un biased media which as New Zealanders regardless of your political leanings should be impartial and bias free !!!!

    The one policy the PM should have retained and seen through with a majority in the house is this one. After all they spent 20 million tax payers money on the consultants ( so at least they got paid )only to cancel it in favour of ” bread and butter issues ” was a serious mistake.

    Once again it shows that as voting tax paying New Zealanders we really have no power or voice at all !

    This is a plutocracy and it acts like a financial authoritarian state that denies me and other New Zealanders the right to a free and unmolested MSM that is not bought by those with their own agenda.


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