Green on Green friendly fire – the Rainbow Parakeet savages Chloe Swarbrick

A Sustainable Eco-Village divided against itself cannot stand!

The Rainbow Parakeet

Jesus wept.

The Greens can’t go a week without fucking up can they?

After Marama Davidson bewilderingly launched a woke culture war on White Cis Males, the Rainbow Parakeet, Elizabeth Kerekere, launched a savage attack on Chloe Swarbrick in a Group Chat that she accidentally sent to everyone!

I’m not kidding. They are this fucking hopeless…

‘Wrong chat?’ – Green MP Kerekere calls Chlöe Swarbrick a ‘crybaby’

Green Party MP Elizabeth Kerekere has been chastised by party leadership after calling colleague Chlöe Swarbrick a “crybaby” in a text message sent to other MPs in error.

Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and James Shaw say they are disappointed, the message appears to go against Green Party values, and they are now launching a full internal investigation.

“We are taking this matter very seriously,” they said.

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The text was sent to a group chat of Green staff and MPs while Swarbrick was speaking in the House on her Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Amendment Bill on Wednesday night, which failed at first reading.

A screenshot of the message leaked to RNZ shows Kerekere’s text: “Sucks that her bill goes through during list ranking! Please Universe, pick my bill tomorrow.”

…Kerekere has been fiercely climbing the internal woke staff rankings and sits far too high on the Party list.

Elizabeth Kerekere is a very self interested politician who has a sense of self worth far disconnected from reality.

It’s nice people are seeing her for who she really is.

A hyper aggressive woke bean bag with no sense of loyalty.

The Green Party’s initial list for the 2023 election is:

  1. Marama Davidson
  2. James Shaw
  3. Chlöe Swarbrick
  4. Dr Elizabeth Kerekere
  5. Julie Anne Genter
  6. Teanau Tuiono
  7. Ricardo Menéndez March
  8. Hūhana Lyndon
  9. Golriz Ghahraman
  10. Lan Pham
  11. Steve Abel
  12. Fa’anānā Efeso Collins
  13. Darleen Tana
  14. Kahurangi Carter
  15. Lawrence Xu-Nan
  16. Benjamin Doyle
  17. Francisco Hernandez
  18. Scott Willis
  19. Stephanie Rodgers
  20. Suveen Sanis Walgampola
  21. Gina Dao-McLay
  22. Celia Wade-Brown
  23. Reina Tuai Penney
  24. Mike Davidson
  25. David Kennedy
  26. Nick Ratcliffe
  27. Rochelle Francis
  28. Sapna Samant
  29. Dr Alec McNeil
  30. Richard Wesley
  31. Neelu Jennings
  32. Kair Lippiatt

This is the uber woke internal staff preferences and the wider Membership will now list theirs. Technically the ranking comes from local chapters, but these tend to be Cliques that have been purged by the uber woke internal staff so that the candidates are pure bloods.

The above list is who the wokes think they can push through, I mean there are lots in that list who should never be allowed near power ever.

Like fucking ever.

That a toxic woke avenger like Stephanie Rodgers is ranked 19 highlights how disconnected the uber woke internal staff are.

Really? Stephanie Rodgers? You appreciate her social media timeline reads more like a multiverse 1984 satire where she is Big Sister right?

Including Stephanie Rodgers in the top 20 is like including cancer in a list of agreed ingredients for kindergarten lunches.

Look, after declaring a war on white cis males, I suspect the Greens are about to get smashed in the Polls, but as a movement, we desperately need the Greens to be in Parliament so we can get to doing actual change as our country gets twisted by the next economic recession and the enormous work to adapt for climate change.

So, here would be my top 5 for Green Party Members who want candidates who have the capacity to do the job in front of us to consider for their ranking.

1: Chlöe Swarbrick: She remains one of the most unique Political Leaders of her generation. Her oversight, insight and understanding of the process, system and solution based approach would unleash more genuine change in just one term than all the Green Party achievements since creation. She is a unique talent.

2: Julie Anne Genter: Our Transport system is fucked, our public transport infrastructure is fucked and the Trucking Industry do what they want. The only person smart enough to fix those problems and stick it to the Trucking Industry is Julie Anne Genter.

3: Golriz Ghahraman: She’s one of the smartest MPs in the Green Caucus, you need very smart people when making decisions. She has capacity to oversee many different issues happening all at once, she’s too much of a star player within the decision making process.

4: Fa’anānā Efeso Collins: He gives the Greens access to Auckland which they have never had. Fes is one of the best political leaders within Gen X, he is ready to be the co-Leader, doesn’t need training wheels and can bring a South Auckland vote the Green Party has never managed to win over.

5: Steve Abel: Steve is one of the m most important environmental voices in the debate. His activism is unquestionable, his values beyond reproach. What is most important with Steve is his intelligence on the climate change science. As a NZ Greenpeace spokesperson, he knows the tricks Industry use to hide their environmental damage. He would be essential

These 5 represent the best of The Greens and are the only ones I have any time for.

Rank them exactly like that from 1 – 5 and then place whoever you want after that, but those are the only 5 that actually matter and will be worth fighting an election for.

If the Membership are sick of the circus and want progress, those are the 5 best we have.

If the wokes who only see identity win, you will have a lot of people put forward who shouldn’t have any access to power.

TDB will be reviewing some of the candidates over the next couple of weeks and you can make you decisions after reading them.

Comrades within the Green Whanau. Let me be as a clear as I can be.

A National-ACT Government would fucking burn every single thing we hold dear to our hearts and desecrate it. We need candidates who have electoral appeal AND the intellectual capacity to do the job. The Top 5 I have pushed for here are those candidates.

Anyone else will fail.

Especially bloody Elizabeth Kerekere!

A Sustainable Eco-Village divided against itself cannot stand!



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  1. Chloe is the worst thing after ‘white cis males’, she is a ‘white cis female’ I would not be surprised if Chloe is not already on They / them pronouns or he / him pronouns just to be allowed to live. Ahh, the kindness of the Queer Theorists.

      • Green Party values?
        What would they be?
        Dislike everyone that doesn’t agree with us?
        Hang on we can’t agree with one another.

      • Why? The country needs a change of direction, a restoration of law & order, plus we get our guns back. Big smile 😉 What’s to worry about?

        • “Law and order” is an election time grift that never actually works and more often than not actually makes crime stats worse! Meanwhile ACT will let businesses ignore minimum wage laws… Look I know the Greens haven’t been great but there are much better options than voting for the Ancapistan nightmare Nat and ACT and proposing…

          • Such as? Most are just as useless as Labour and the Greens, and most of the other smaller “options” won’t be in Parliament after the election. I’m voting purely on the firearms issue.

          • Yes, Te Pati Maori is the answer.

            Law and order, close the inequality gap that would be the start of making real change.

            Stop locking them up and throwing away the key, have real rehabilitation – everyone who goes in there needs to be learning a trade, make each day meaningful, helpful.

    • You were never going to vote Green, No Comment, be honest. My very first vote was Values. This time, party vote TPM. I also suffer from WCM syndrome.

      • I suspect I voted Labour although Values were around. I might have gone back to Values I certainly stopped voting Labour, I was then a founding member of New Labour, then the Alliance then the Greens. The Greens have totally lost their way they are nothing like those of Rod & Jeanette, Keith, Sue K, Sue B, Nandor, Meteria. Honestly these ones had real moral fortitude – doubt any of them have that now. I left that lot 4 years ago.

        I too am voting te Pati Maori and I plan to have a billboard to announce it in my community.

        Davidson should be much higher, a good local councillor here in Otautahi and certainly streets ahead of Lam Pham

  2. Elizabeth Kerekere might be right. In these ultra-sensitive times keeping one’s own counsel is the politic thing to do.

    When Ms Kerekere is back on the Opposition side of the House with less of her party mates than she has now, and a drastically reduced Labour lot with them, I wonder if she’ll think that some of the fuel that got them there was from her.

  3. Who below them on the list is agitating for some “friendly” fire, or you think the good doctor is leaking the info herself? *crickets chirping*

  4. Dear Bomber I’m afraid you’ll find that having a “sense of self worth far disconnected from reality” is a pre-requisite for all politicians. Love the Rainbow Lorikeet bit though – tag of the week – if humour is still a thing in NZ.

  5. Isn’t the real story here who leaked this?
    Like, Kerekere’s a bully, no surprise. And she’s supposed to be all about the baby LGBTs, buthere she is bullying one, go figure.
    But who leaked this? There are people in the Greens that must hate her, becuase this looks sooooo bad for them, esp on top of Davidson’s stuff. Do they hate her enough to get rid of her? If you look at her facebook page, she pretty much says she’s the queen of the greens. Gross.

  6. I like that top 5. Just needs to focus on economically sound environment policy. Best thing to happen to get that top 5 is the Greens poll under 5%

  7. Hahahahaha brilliant! Kerekere really should be the sole leader! She’s doing a brilliant job in the torpedo bay.

  8. The greens are anything but green these days. In my opinion their main redeemable feature is one of their main candidates, James Shaw, as everyone else is so obviously skewed towards their own self interests.

    • Daniel Lang Hmm – they look more like gender obsessed sex maniacs apart from James Shaw and a couple of others.

  9. Can someone please tell me why we should be so interested in this. Shouldn’t your headlines read about the selected national candidates one a bully and no one told Luxon ( sounds familiar) and the other one who is a fundamental christian and absolutely who hates gays. I dread to think what his views are on women’s rights and abortion.Where are the questions to Luxon who is constantly on his high horse . He and his party are getting away with murder and as for your favorite son David Seymour enough said.

    • Fair call Ma’am. If there is anything worse than (or at least at par with) those woke nutters it’s god bothering twats like O’Connor.

      Looks should not come into it but what is with the fascinator on Kerekere? The first Tuesday in November is a long way off.

    • Thank-you Queeny for getting back to basics.
      Election 6 months away and they are arguing about sexual identity.
      They are behaving like a lot of scatty school girls and look as if they belong at St. Trinian’s.
      Not many credible Greens left.
      No-one is asking Christopher any hard questions. He seems to have gone to ground and is letting his deputy make a splash. Perhaps he’s has gone to Te Puke for Easter.
      Anyway, message to the Greens – Go Green or Go Home. Your petty school-girl squabbles are a disgrace.
      There is plenty to worry about without giving this nonsense any attention.
      We need intelligent, sensible, green policies, not silly distraction.

  10. All of the political parties in the bourgeois Parliament have a varying quotient of dingbats–ACT & NZ First 100%–others a little less. Exhibits A & B “Nashy”, Sharma, Pugh and recent Natzo Matt King are further examples.

    I saw the body language between Chlöe and Dr Kerekere on Parliament TV yesterday and thought what the…something has gone down here…

    Surely, people need to take some responsibility again and get involved politically and collectively. The individualist blind canyon is not working.

  11. Getting described as one of the best and brightest in the Green caucus be a bit like being the deputy head boy at a home school?

  12. It would be nice to read a headline stating ‘greens begin an investigation into climate change inaction’, or ‘biodiversity collapse’, instead we get the greens opening up an investigation into someone being called a cry baby… Oh dear god give me strength. I really want to vote green but I just can’t in good conscience…

  13. “The Rainbow Parakeet” ! Ba hahahaha aha ahhha a hahaha !
    Chloe Swarbrick’s a great person so for the morons above, good on you for making yourselves look like mean, nasty, ugly little people living at the edge of The Abyss.

    • Agree Ed but the left wing trolls above won’t agree, they are incapable of individual thought,only group thought.

  14. The Greens are imploding.

    When Kerekere is moved down the list by any sane person left in the Greens, wait for the howls, aggression and push back from the trans rights activists.

    The greens (let’s go and fight Nazis) values lol

    • Anker Oddity Kerekere ahead of Genter on the party list confirms suggestions that the Green’s fruitcake gender collective is on kamikaze mission, the most socially responsible thing they have ever undertaken, and one can only wish them every success.

  15. So which MP leaked Kerekere’s messages to the media? As Farrar points out:

    “Also of interest is that someone has given these screenshots to the media – a message that only went to Green MPs and senior staff. I doubt a staffer would give this to the media without permission, so this implies the hatred is so bad within the caucus that one of their ten MPs leaked it to damage Kerekere.”

    And from the NZ Herald:

    “At the time, Green MPs Golriz Ghahraman and Julie Anne Genter were sitting behind Swarbrick as she spoke, and can be seen on Parliament TV appearing to react to the messages.”

    One of these two maybe? Txt their assistant “DO IT”.

    • Ouch, probably true.
      I think their brand has become irreversibly tainted by identity politics.

      It really needs to start over. I’d vote for a new environmentally focused party that promotes steady-state economic systems.

      • I’d vote (again) for a Green Party if they went back to the original principles of green politics: ecological justice, social and economic justice, participant democracy. The latter has especially gone out the window with the current GP MPs, and they are very selective about which groups count for their support in the second principle

    • No don’t imagine it,too frightening.
      They don’t want power anyway,they are there to have fun only,at our expense.

  16. Hopefully the Green membership will show Kerekere the door when it ratifies the List. If not, they’re heading for history, sadly, as we need a strong, principled Green party as never before.
    If you cannot see that, you’re clearly living on another planet.

    • We do need a Green Party but this lot will only go with Labour and any policy will be watered down to not upset the middle ground voters. If the Greens had wanted serious change they could have said to National in 2017 we choose you but with a tough bottom line and they would have been in a powerfull position not the 3rd leg of a do nothing group of parties that had no respect for each other.
      They are now falling apart and I predict only 5 or 6 will get back into power.Why would any white man feel comfortable voting for them

      • Trevor can you honestly see a green party anywhere in the world attaching itself to a right wing party. You ask why would a white man feel comfortable voting for the Green Party. My question is why would any woman vote for a Christian fundamentalist party who thinks abortion is murder and criminal, who thinks they have a right to control women’s bodies, who think the little woman should be tied to the kitchen sink. Who thinks gay marriage is incestuous .

    • I can’t follow why you would dump one party member for insulting another.
      Yet a week earlier do nothing when a party member insults 50% of your voter base?

  17. Rainbow parakeet LOL, that’s pretty good.

    But seriously Martyn, a Top 5 Green MPs list is about as meaningful as the “Top 5” diseases you can catch in the tropics.

  18. “Some of these people shouldn’t be near the levers of power”
    Or probably the crayons or the milo tin unsupervised.
    2 year olds at least aren’t as toxic.

  19. Ummm…if they can’t work as a strong mature cohesive team right now how can they potentially help run a country?
    Geez not good for voter confidence.

  20. Idiots.
    But what this probably is – as the exchange was leaked- is an internal fight for list placings.
    And that tells us the Greens are worried about their polling after Marama went full retard on white people.
    Watch the next poll with interest.

    • A rare intelligent comment., Keepcalmcarryon.
      Far too many RW trolls like Bob, Trevor, Andrew etc obviously piling in on the obvious meme – ‘Nobody with any intelligence could possibly vote Green!’
      Stupid crap. On many serious issues the Greens have been on the correct side for many years now. Serious Green supporters will wait and see, rather than be influenced for life by petty fireworks such as this current issue.

  21. Kerekere goes on and on and on and on about a pre-colonial Maori bouillabaisse of genders which reduce Elgar’s sublime “ Enigma Variations” to the sound of one hand clapping. She’s an awful bore.
    At Select Committee she behaved like an ill-bred bully, IMO, and shouldn’t be in Parliament at all. Typical, IMO, of the dumbing down of what were once universities; the greenery in her hair does nothing to convince me that she’s an environmentalist and her vocabulary is as bad as Marama’s.

    • I think Kerekere got one of those dumbed down PhDs which has very little intellectual rigour – like Maori science.

      • Yes Gadfly it astounds me to learn some people are graduates of a university.
        It reflects poorly on the University and is demeaning to those with Masters/PHD’s in real subjects.

  22. To be woke is to be aware of social injustice and inequity and want to do something about changing it. Martyn you were woke before the word woke existed. What you call being woke is actually nothing of the sort it is just being a w⚓️ and unfortunately w⚓️s have been around even longer.

  23. ” The above list is who the wokes think they can push through, I mean there are lots in that list who should never be allowed near power ever.

    Like fucking ever.

    I voted Green from 2014- 2020 but the party and incredible Green activists have died away. They had the most impressive policy mix and the tragedy is that if they could have dropped the non resistance and been forthright and determined to push their agenda maybe they could of and should of been a political voice to be reckoned with like ….Winston and the Jones show , Peter the prostitute Dunne who would go with anybody and take on this excuse for a Labour party which is still pretending it adheres to its historical commitment to protect our vulnerable low paid workers and their families against the neo liberal enemy.

    This Swarbrick nonsense has shown once again how far the NZ Green party has drifted away from its founding principles and why I can no longer support this Green party and without realising the significance the party has turned its back on the only environmental , social justice voice we has in the parliament.

    Another example of the left destroying itself in full public view.

    The right and their enablers will be ecstatic at how easy it was to subjugate what remains of the peoples resistance at the ballot box.

  24. crybaby – seriously !!!???

    The fact that the greens are going to have a serious investigation on the use of the word “cry baby” after their fearless leader just alienated 40% of the population with her extremist racist gender commentary defies belief.

    What a pack of self parodying morons the greens have become. Meanwhile the crushed underclass get pulled deeper into the orbit of the right ala US politics. It’s a bloody tragedy with the left allowing the woke thought police to march them right off the edge of a cliff. What an effing mess.

  25. Forget the greens martin, they will be smashed by the polls and the elections. The 5 you mention would be better off standing for national after the hiding the greens will take come election time.

  26. Oh My God, seriously Chloe and Golriz? You have to be joking! As an adult human female I’d say you’re mad. The only Green Party member worthy of recognition EVER! was the late Jeanette Fitzsimmon. With her retirement went all credibility and true focus on environment and grass roots fundamental Green policy. Greens = Woke = misogyny = racism nothing else.

    • Sue. Dr Sue Bradford was pretty good. Our children are forever in her debt for her fighting to protect them from the violence of adults. She’ll always be a political giantess. Even John Key supported her, the best thing that he ever did. Shame that the Greens shafted her.

  27. Oh My God, seriously Chloe and Golriz? You have to be joking! As an adult human female I’d say you’re mad. The only Green Party member worthy of recognition EVER! was the late Jeanette Fitzsimmon. With her retirement went all credibility and true focus on environment and grass roots fundamental Green policy. Greens = Woke = misogyny = racism nothing else.

    • If it was reversed and Kerekere got that treatment, it would be rampant racism and she would be milking it.

      As is, it is blatant bullying and depicting the ‘trans love’ behind the scenes, in the Green Party.

      Stopping more liquor abuse and supporting other members, is not a priority, clearly for some members of the Green Party.

  28. The Green Party reminds me of the Stephen King movie “The Mist” where Dr Elizabeth Kerekere is the religious spiritualist Carmody – gaining power as disaster strikes before sacrificing people who oppose her.

    The Green Party is not really the Green Party anymore, too many have left or been expelled, those still environmentally focused are well down the list, and it’s really just an extreme rainbow party.

  29. Don’t forget Covid rules didn’t apply to Kerekere.

    She was never prosecuted by police.

    Unlike the female lawyer and judges son who were made an example of! LGBTQ activist’s don’t need to follow laws anymore – they will escape prosecution – especially if they were born male but identify as female!

    We see that by the lack of interest in prosecuting the violence at the Speak Up for Woman rally. The juice throwing refugee has left the country and the one that punched out the old lady on camera has not been prosecuted so far.

  30. the whole lot are a useless waste of space, and unable to achieve anything worthwhile. Not voting for them this year, for the first time in my life.

  31. Thank-you Queeny for getting back to basics.
    Election 6 months away and they are arguing about nothing as usual.
    They behave like a lot of catty school girls and look as if they belong at St. Trinian’s.
    Not many credible Greens left. Jeanette Fitzsimons would be disgusted and so are a lot of us.
    No-one is asking Christopher any hard questions. He seems to have gone to ground and is letting his deputy make a splash. Perhaps he’s has gone to Te Puke for Easter.
    Anyway, message to the Greens – Go Green or Go Home. Your petty school-girl squabbles are a disgrace.
    There is plenty to worry about without giving this nonsense any attention.
    We need intelligent, sensible, green policies, not silly distraction.

  32. If I was on social media or gave a shit about anything ‘happening’ on it, I might give a fuck.

    As is, I fail to see how this is even newsworthy.

    • Ohhh ‘Brown with a Vengeance’,
      I’m pretty sure if this was ACT and not the greens you would be posting heaps and letting us all know your thoughts, buuuuut it’s a left party so
      ‘Nothing to see here, move on!’ lol

  33. Why is Kerekere so high on the Greens list?

    Is it because she fails to follow the Covid rules during travel? The law beyond her?

    Why did the greens also change their charter so that they don’t need a male and female anymore instead requiring one woman and one person of any gender, plus a requirement that one must be Māori.

    AKA Marama and Kerekere – the Green Dream Team Leaders. Sarcasm.

  34. Chloe represented a cannabis bill without really knowing cannabis, Never used it before then sides with the Drug Foundation making it a health issue as if a drug causing 3 times less harm than alcohol needs 170 pages of regulations while alcohol continues getting a wet bus ticket ride.
    Julie Ann Genter, the original author of a cannabis bill goes on and introduces mouth swabs for cannabis drivers, luckily because no actual impairment is being measured accurately its been thrown out.
    Greens did more harm than good when it comes to cannabis law.


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