Will China’s Covid incompetence spark rebellion, war & economic pain?


New Zealand spent the time during our lockdown and Covid restrictions to ratchet up our vaccination rates so that when the inevitability of opening up presented itself, we could do so with a certain amount of hope.

That is not what has happened in China.

Xi staked his credibility on China’s authoritarian lockdown without preparing for the inevitable change.

China did not push through with a strong vaccination program, and the vaccinations they did use were bullshit Chinese designed ones.

China did not prepare for the increase in sickness and they did not prepare for the reality of the virus once they were forced to change tactic.

This incompetence means 2 million Chinese are at risk of death in 2023.

This incompetence will have economic impacts, social impacts and perhaps political impacts.

The people of China hand over real freedom and agency to the Communist Party in return for harmony and prosperity.

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In a one child Nation, Grandparents are a cherished cultural power and having vast numbers of them dying because of Government incompetence has the potential to be the spark that generates actual political rebellion against the Government.

Xi has already shown he fears the people after they protested the extreme lockdowns, so how he will respond to their incandescent rage due to the high death rates is anyones guess.

The fear is that he will respond with a foreign Nationalistic military adventure against Taiwan to force the people to rally around the flag.

The massive movement of workers from the cities to the country this month will see waves of Covid peaks throughout the rural areas.

The true impact and social repercussions of China’s failure to prepare for Covid won’t be known until March but it throws up real threats and challenges.

The Communist Party are currently lying and hiding the true scale of the Covid impact and that’s never a good starting point.

All eyes will be on China in the coming months.


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  1. I don’t think that there is even just 1 country/nation where the people have not been lied to in regards to Covid.

  2. Covid Schmovid.
    Now Pfizer on the other hand. $$$ Ca Ching! $$$ Aye boys?
    Russell Brand:
    “Child Covid vaccines. Entirely necessary to keep children healthy, or ludicrously profitable to Big Pharma and of marginal benefit considering the low risk to healthy children from the virus? I of course have no opinion, but Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla does – and we now know we can’t trust it. That moonshot isn’t looking quite so shiny anymore, is it…”
    I think it’s funny that c-19 keeps popping up in China. Makes me think there may be a conspiracy.
    I can’t help but think that China’s an easy target for American Psycho’s who’s dreams of plasti-palaces and purpose built coke tables are not, somehow, involved here. One such nut just gave ZQT the middle finger then set a hill on fire doing gunpowder dick-spurts over his neighbours. The yanks, NOT THE CHINESE, come here, swagger about, shit out money, then leave with tenure over our AO/NZ. So nothing to see re China right Boys?
    The Guardian.
    ‘Burned the hill down’: billionaire’s runaway fireworks spark New Zealand furore
    Neighbours furious after firefighters had to be called to Redemption Song, owned by Empire State Building magnate Tony Malkin
    ‘Redemption Song’… what a load of wank. Fuck off!

  3. Xi is too proud to get help from the West. Not willing to admit incompetence
    “Let whomever destined to be infected get infected, let whoever destined to die from covid die from it”

    The complete opposite to “zero covid” “put people and lives first”

    Like at the beginning of the pandemic, the CCP wants to spread covid so the rest of the world is in the same boat and the PRC isn’t at a disadvantage. They want to have the edge by dealing with it first

    When the CCP is being hypocritical like they are with traveller covid testing, we need to not be stupid


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