Jacinda just called David Seymour an ‘arrogant prick’ and I’m all here for it!

The West Wing's Hot Mic Episode

Never hasn’t a truer word been spoken in Parliament!

Comrades, the political story of 2022 in the last days of the political year…

‘Such an arrogant prick’ – PM Jacinda Ardern lashes out at Act leader David Seymour

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has called Act Party leader David Seymour an “arrogant prick” as she took her seat in Parliament this afternoon, following questions in the House of Representatives.

…to be fair this isn’t right!

He’s more a smug prick than arrogant prick!

Sold as a ‘hot mic’ moment, Jacinda gets a pot shot in as Parliament closes that changes her brand from kindness just when she needs to show the electorate she isn’t being pushed around.

It’s like that West Wing Episode where the President pretends to have a ‘hot mic’ moment to slag off a political rival while pretending not to.

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I love it.


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    • TWGBTM. My understanding of this matter is that her humble apology was not for having erred, but for hurting his feelings. The woke are all about feelings, and that includes pricks.

  1. The only error the PM made was issuing an apology!

    The horrific personal comments made by ACT supporters on social media the last several years, involving misogyny and violent threats, have been truly appalling. No wonder she gave Mr Seymour a serve.

  2. Seymour can’t be an arrogant prick and a useless Maori as described by Willy Jackson, all at the same time.

    Labour need to make up mind.

  3. Smarmy prick, rather than smug, or arrogant.
    Seymour, New Zealand’s ‘Twerking Doctor death’, lost my vote when he championed the right for poor people to not be a burden on the Epsom society-types.
    The ultimate neoliberal solution to the poor being a drain on the health system.
    Arrogant, smug, smarmy prick!

    • Yes, the ” thou shalt not build state houses in Epsom” sums up the smug arrogant prick!
      So when in the chamber Seymour talks of helping New Zealanders, he just means Epsom and the uber rich.

  4. I think this shows Jacinda is stressed and over it (at least for the year). And maybe she is feeling a bit of ‘after all I have done for the people of NZ………

    Labour seem to have no idea why they have become so popular.

    I don’t think David S is an arrogant prick. I think he is super smart.

    • “And maybe she is feeling a bit of ‘after all I have done for the people of NZ”

      In which case she’d be the arrogant prick.

    • If you think he’s super smart you need to go back to school.
      His former girlfriend couldn’t stand him, probably thought he was an arrogant prick also.
      I know it’s hard Anker but the truth hurts. Defense of the arrogant David Seymour is always amusing.

  5. As long as we dont have to hear from her any more about misogyny in parliament.

    And I agree he is much more smug than arrogant. Arrogant better describes Ardern herself.

    • Fantail. “ Arrogant better describes Jacinda herself” 100%. But do remember that her government is the sole source of “ truth”, and somewhere, somewhere out there there’s a reason for diplomatting hooligan Trevor and abolishing the Commissioner for Children and ours is not to reason why.

  6. He’s a fatuous fool. That she doesn’t understand how to destroy him says it all about Roge and Helen’s ‘Labour’.

    Why I’m not allowed on The Standard. Savage wouldn’t be allowed there. Jesus, not at all. Over-state involvement in the seventies still the main ideology over there.

    You small Left dairy businesses unwilling to talk truth that will undermine your small income.

    Truth is brilliant, but maybe you have kids — unlike Savage, who understood the equation.

    • The truth comes first, and when that’s the people’s truth, there is no money in it if you want to do it justice. Usually the suffering is passed onto the families. Those who think income and reality can be combined are wrong. One suffers. Witness since 1984. Witness just Corbyn and Sanders alone surviving on the highest level.

      • Witness the small Left dairy businesses not rarking up my/the truth.

        Divide and rule — your special interests divide to the benefit of … who?. No solidarity even here.

  7. Seymour asking questions during question time, the gall of the man!!! How dare he do his job!

    We now know who the nasty party really is don’t we.

    • BG, the nasty party (sounds like nazi party) has always been the dirty Nats, or NACT if you like, since Rimmer is an offshoot from the dirty Natz. Your far right propaganda porn is showing.

  8. She’s quite clever to let that one “slip”. It’s now much more widely known that Rimmer is indeed an arrogant prick (though Red Dwarf fans have always known this). He’ll no doubt gain even more arrogant prick male voters, though he’ll lose some of the women, who will go back to labour. We do love a mostly venerable female leader who shows her humanity from time to time and calls it like it is, after all. Well done Ardern.


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