So let’s talk about the Jayden Meyer case then


Let’s be honest, the photo ain’t helping is it?

Any time a rapist is smiling and skipping from Court isn’t a great day for any sense of justice is it?

He has a very punchable face in that photo and the knowledge that he he was found guilty of raping 4 15 year old girls while sexual assaulting a 16 year old doesn’t generate any sense of proportion when wanting to punch him in that smug face of his.

Which is why we hand the punishment of people as deplorable as Jayden over to a Judge right?

Someone who has the skill set to look dispassionately over these repugnant crimes and the damage they generate and use mercy in the passing of justice by the State.

Which is what happened here.

The only reason Jayden wasn’t thrown into prison and instead served a home detention charge was because of his incredibly young age when he committed these crimes. You put a young sex offender into a NZ prison and I’ll tell you what you get on release, a far more dangerous, older and angrier sex offender who goes on to do way worse!

We refuse to acknowledge that our underfunded, dangerous, violent and corrupt Prison system is counter productive because it produces men more damaged than when they went in.

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You put Jayden in prison now, you will get a far more dangerous rapist on release.

That’s why the Crown and Defence agreed with the Judge when they went down the home detention path, because they all knew that an imprisoned Jayden was a death sentence to any possible rehabilitation.

This is the very system we want, one where those with a better understanding of the case have the flexibility to pass sentences that are based on best outcomes for society.

There was no way that the review into this case was going to stand legally, all parties had agreed with the home detention sentence because they all knew it was the only chance to prevent the inevitability of his offending if imprisoned.

You can’t challenge decisions you agreed to outside the allowable time to do that just because there is a mob back lash generated against the sentence.

That’s not a justice system, that’s mob rule.

We don’t allow mob rule to decide our justice system.

Once upon a time, the Left were the ones who championed mercy and acknowledged the counter productive nature of prisons, but now identity politics has taken over from class activists, the woke Left want serious imprisonment and punishment just as furious as the Sensible Sentencing Lynch mob.

Look at how the Left gerrymandered the sexual assault laws to ensure more guilt. Look at how the Left made Gay Conversion Therapy a 5 year jail sentence! When it’s an issue the identity politics mob want, there is no end of draconian measures that feel enough.

We require Judges that rule without fear and rule in the best interests of society. Jailing a sex offender as young as Jayden would have only ensured he left prison more dangerous and more damaged than he went in.

You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t sickened by this little creep, but the only hope of rehabilitation requires he stays outside prison. If he re-offends however, that crosses any line of rehabilitation and moves to one where society has to be protected from him with a very long sentence.

He won’t be skipping then.

This was our system working, we don’t need a witch hunt against Judges here.


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  1. Sensible comment Martyn. Can’t help thinking if he was brown it would be a jail sentence. Not just a rapist already, but a serial rapist already. He should be in jail. Rapists don’t rehabilitate. I’m getting fed up with men getting a free pass when they do violent crimes “because of their age at the time”. It’s bullshit when it comes to serial rapists. I raised a young man and successfully drilled into him the notion of consent and respect for himself and all women, all others. He started dating around age 10, very innocently until about 15. He’s 22 now, has always been popular among his peers and has never behaved like a fuckboy let alone a fucking rapist. It’s not that hard to raise decent men. But if they start raping young, they’re rapists for life, so a jail sentence is always appropriate. JMO

    • Furthermore, sexual assault, especially of young people / teenagers/ children is a fucking traumatic experience that shapes a person’s experience of life, ability to trust and form healthy relationships etc. Home detention, whatever the age was at the time of the crime (and 16 is old enough to know better especially when consent is taught at high school and in responsible homes) just doesn’t cut it. Whichever way you look at it, those victims, and there were many of them, must really regret putting themselves through the trial trauma for that particular result. It’s not justice for them. The serial rapist isn’t going to self reflect much wanking off to internet porn in-between his game station marathons while under the protection and safety of his parents roof. No wonder he looks so gleeful – it’s a fucking holiday sentence!

    • Sinic The kid has a fairly crappy Christian name which identifies him as socially him low class
      and chances are his family values mightn’t be as decent or responsible as those of your family and acquired by your son – not that I’m necessarily blaming his family/ parents – peer group is a big thing at that age. One can only hope that the family within whose bosom he’s serving his sentence isn’t as bad as the ones behind tho iron bars he’s been heading towards. But at least the judge is giving him some sort of chance to adjust his thinking.

      • Gentle Annie, with all due respect, I am from “low social class” with all the associated issues being the great unwashed and I still managed to turn out a decent young human being who doesn’t behave as a fuckboy/rapist and neither do his peers FWIW. This arsehole needs a bit more of a reality check than home D, and no doubt he’ll experience that not too long after his “sentence” is over, of his own volition/violations.

        • Sinic The difference between your son and this kid, is that your son acquired decent values, he wasn’t a teenage rapist. I don’t like.people blaming parents for bad kids, within the same family group their are sometimes ok and non-ok siblings. Like others I have zero sympathy for Jayden. My kindergarten son was assaulted by the father of one of his playmates; my nephews wanted to go beat the guy up, but at the request of the assailant’s wife I called in the police. The outcome wasn’t optimum, but the guy turned out to be already on parole, and had a probation officer, and this went on his record, and it was nowhere near as bad as young girls being raped. He came to my house, God knows why, several years later to apologise and said he hoped what happened hadn’t had a bad effect. I told him that it had, and that my young son had developed a stammer. So no, I have no sympathy for Jayden.

          I am cynical about his future prospects, but the only thing I know is that prison will likely make him much worse than he already is, and that he is a complete idiot if he doesn’t realise that he’s reached make or break time. I could grab a 4×2 and wallop a rapist of one of my daughters; he mightn’t be feeling that safe, and that’s fine by me too.

          • Good for you n yours Gentle Annie, n I appreciate you sharing. I’m not one for retribution or an eye for an eye either. Rapists faark me off no end. It’s a given. Sort your shit out men! Some are born to be predators and that’s what many are. Lock them the fuck up! This one is a serial predator. Lock him the fuck up. That’s as “good” as he gets. He’s had his run and failed. Zero sympathy for pain givers. Not with that fucken smirk, he’ll no

            • Sinic. After reading Mark’s comment about deterrence, I’m inclined to agree with you here. Whatever the legal technicalities of this case, it’s a huge moral failure, and it sends out a wrong signal to other scum. The gloat on hisface shows this, and that may be enough for somebody to take the law into their own hands, and if so I hope that they get away with it, because that is not how things should be. Violated girls are also less likely to come forward and endure a court process if it looks as if the perpetrator gets off lightly while they carry the scars possibly for the rest of their lives. Chances are he’s an evil brutal little psycho and always will be.

    • Ada. Accountability and rehabilitation are by no means mutually exclusive. I’d be surprised if any officer of the court thinks this way.

  2. It’s not justice for the victims, but because he was 16 at the time, I agree with home detention.

    Due to the amount of victims I would hope he is on the sexual offenders list.

    In addition hopefully the sentence says that if he offends over the next 5 years he then faces larger penalties.

    The fact he is smiling is pretty concerning.

    When the first girl came forward, the police should have rushed over to his house and maybe some sort of sexual consent education needed ASAP before the other victims were assaulted?

  3. If he was to serve time in an adult prison he could change roles for non-consexual sex and find out why people object to it.

  4. All true. What will we say though if he rapes anther while he would have been in jail? That time period is longer than his detention.
    We get the society we deserve. I believe there is much porn readily available to young ones. If they watch it and have had no values instilled into them they are going to try it.
    So if you want to keep your daughters safe, give them some advice because there are so many men like Jayden out there they will cross paths.
    The other aspect to this is the judge did not explain why the unexpectedly lenient sentence was imposed…any background information? Something we don’t know about? See, transparency would stop the speculation.

    • Ada. It’d be a hell of a lot worse if “ accountability is nothing “ was a government motto, or government policy, or if this was an economic decision because the prisons are over-flowing, but who knows ?

  5. A couple of years ago I was seriously assaulted by a couple of middle class white guys at the behest of an entitled middle class white woman. As neither of them had any previous convictions they went down the diversion route. Some people claim that I didn’t get justice, however I had the opportunity to tell my story to them and their parents. Both the guys mothers left the restorative justice meeting very distressed and the guys having been through the justice system certainly knew what they had to lose.

    My justice is walking away with my dignity and the knowledge that I was putting this behind me.

    Through my journey through this I’ve met people who don’t understand my perspective, it’s as though I’m expected to want vengeance. But believe me that is a one way ticket to being a “victim” for the rest of my life.

  6. You make good sense, Martyn. Would that the home detention could be longer and that he loses many of the privileges of a free life for a long while – but still doesn’t need to go to prison. My first thought is to jail him forever, but I am convinced by your rationale.

  7. Oh fuck off!

    Tell me. If he was maori or PI, not white and privileged. He would have been locked up!

    Home D is pretty piss poor!

    At the minimum he should be supervised in a day prison where he is to report into physically and do some work on himself and become a eunuch!!

    • Yep. With a bunch of nasty crims doing to him what he did to those poor girls – and I’d be just fine with that actually.

    • Everyone knows that. If he was the same age, the details of his crime were similar, but he was a brown skinned rugby league player from Porirua or Manurewa the response from old and middle aged white folk would have been crazed.
      Would the response from National and Act spokespeople have been any different if that were the case?

  8. the worst thing is even if it’s not judicial corruption it looks and smells like judicial corruption….there has been no real details on his family…who are they and more importantly who do they know.

  9. I tend to agree with you Martyn but Home D must go hand and hand with rehab and or community service.

    Interestingly Crown Law told the judge they recommended Home D and then hypocritically when there was a backlash, put through an appeal which was out of time and could only ever be thrown out. Talk about political. i doubt it has anything to do with who his family is and all about woke values..

    Your comment,
    “Look at how the Left gerrymandered the sexual assault laws to ensure more guilt. Look at how the Left made Gay Conversion Therapy a 5 year jail sentence! When it’s an issue the identity politics mob want, there is no end of draconian measures that feel enough”.

    Also sent me off on various musings about how destructive these virtuous social arbiters are and how they are negatively affecting social behaviour in NZ.

    Watching “No Maori allowed” yesterday and whilst it can be argued it’s a story which should be told and a good documentary. I was struck by the virtuous campaigner trying to build a better world for her kids (really, are you sure its not, virtuosity, hubris and career goals?).

    The poor elderly lady who was retraumatised (I was traumatised just watching her) and who as victims often do, probably felt shame even recounting the circumstances and probably feared her mana would be reduced. In one sense, it was like car crash TV all bundled up in a virtuous bow.

    Then there is the green student manifesto and all in all, you wonder if the NZ of the future will be filled with the 21st’s century’s version of the 1950’s. It’s not a culture of permissiveness, it’s one of judgement and prohibition. There is nothing progressive about it

    • Fantail
      Kapai with a tick. Potent idea and words. …you wonder if the NZ of the future will be filled with the 21st’s century’s version of the 1950’s. It’s not a culture of permissiveness, it’s one of judgement and prohibition. There is nothing progressive about it

    • Tabatha. “ Looks like he is auditioning for FBoy Island.” Precisely. And that puerile sleaze is produced under the auspices of Pony Tail puller boy Key’s boy Simon Power, dragging this country down to their own grubby small town pervert level, in the name of entertainment, funded by the very community they soil. Time for them to go, they’re no good for our kids.

  10. And by the way, when did 16 become “incredibly young?” I went to high school, worked a part time job and took night classes at a community college at 16. I am aware young people do not have the same opportunity today but to excuse a multiple sex offender who is old enough to know better? No, just no. Home detention? What a joke – he should be forced to put on a high vis and pick up trash on the highway. He should be marched down the street every weekend with a sign admitting he is a pervert, that is the only rehabilitation for this sexual deviant not to sit home with popcorn and porn. What about being ordered to fill pot holes without pay while the rest of the crew mocks him for being such an idiot perv……

    • Popcorn and porn – what a great motto. Sexuality needs more respect than being a sport for participants and/or spectators.

      If it is to be mainly a sport, it could be offered by gyms as an exercise; it is very good at toning up certain muscles. Seeing anything that can be imagined and can make money and draw many people in, this is not an impossible thought.

      We really need to think about how we want to mould our society – our aims, our desires, that enable us to live, respect and love ourselves, and do the same for others, and shape our own behaviour generally and in sexual matters seriously . We are at a crux of our civilisation, we’d better get things sorted in our minds soon about how to be human and loving and friendly soon.

    • Tabatha Yep. At that age I lied about my age to work school holidays as a silver service waitress, and was providing and making my own clothes before then, and they were never designer- looking duds like this kid’s. And there are opportunities. My son was cleaning out council flats and doing other such jobs as a young student that I’d sooner he hadn’t; daughter’s boyfriend was running his own gardening service, and look at the heroic kids working the supermarkets right throughout the pandemic. I salute them all. Kia kaha.

  11. We could have a sex court to look at the whole matter. Or introduce a parallel to the old insurance approach called knock-for-knock where allowance was made for each person’s actions in the claim to be set off against each other, and basic claims paid out without lengthy argument or something. I probably haven’t described it correctly.

    But our sexuality and what we do with it, needs to be dealt with better in our society. The present moral outrage is a factor in this. And it is not so different from a wave of behaviour that swept through western society in the 1960s.

    We in NZ do not ’embrace’ our sexuality, have had trouble with sex education and discussion about it amongst young people. As adults we still couldn’t talk about it except in light-hearted, jeering or sanctimonious ways. Yet we were second in the western world for children born outside marriage, I believe, with the USA coming first besides their campaigns of getting girls to make vows to have no sex until a certain age or marriage.

    When I was in a jury for a youthful rape case decades ago, I considered that the young fellow was at fault. But I think there might have been a 2 year sentence for the charge of rape. I didn’t agree with this, thinking a little like the knock-for-knock insurance case I referred to above. I don’t think it was an flagrant rape case; it was the result of acting out an exciting and charged emotional ‘canoodle’. They had ducked away during a school visit for a clandestine embrace which ended up a coupling which I doubt had been pre-planned. All the same the male must employ some force and ambivalence can rule over girls in the physical matters, but the nature of the act is hard to stop halfway through. So I put the onus on him as the decision-maker. But felt that this court procedure was incorrect. They both needed to learn not to exploit their emotions and bodies in a casual way.

    Teenage sexuality – Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand › teenagers-and-youth › page-3
    5/05/2011 — In 2012, 8% of 13-year-olds reported that they had had sex. The likelihood of sexual experiences rose with age, and just under half of those … › … › Issue 17 December 2001
    Teenage Pregnancy: Barriers to an Integrated Model for Policy …
    New Zealand has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the OECD. In 1997 the age-specific pregnancy rate for women 15-19 years of age was 33/1,000 for ..

  12. I don’t agree that he should have escaped so lightly. The lesson is that it was no big deal.
    However , from what i remember from a discussion /report on RNZ the girls where all drunk to the point of incompetence. This is no excuse for him in fact it makes his actions worse, but if 15 yr old girls get themselves into that condition in a social environment with no supervision there will always be plenty of such people around to take this advantage. Especially when the consequences of the unlikely complaints are so mild.
    This dude will probably offend again before his sentence is served.
    D J S

  13. Yep agree.
    Lets save our prisons for rich prick corporate offenders who must fund their own lengthy carceration.
    Also serious middle age gang members and sex offenders .
    They can all fuck each other up like they have seriously fucked up innocents on the outside.
    Keep youth out of our prisons.

  14. We live in a garden but this rapist makes NZ a jungle. Guest blogger Dyhrberg should collate the similar case stats on rapes commited by young deviants, so we can see for ourselves if justice has been done here. Or is this the precedent now, a few months playing Xbox at home is all you will receive for raping someone?

  15. You have forgotten one thing. Deterrence of other would be offenders.

    How many young punks our there will now feel emboldened to commit similar crimes with the knowledge that they could be let off like this Mr Meyer.

    Even if prison utterly fails to rehabilitate Mr Meyer, he is just one person. Perhaps putting him away for a very long time may deter 2, 5, or 10 others from committing similar crimes.

    Look at Singapore – very harsh penalties – very little crime. Over there at least they have a government who looks out for the interests of the law abiding, productive citzenry.

    • Mark. Good point about other potential deviants thinking that they “ could be let off “, like this Jayden person. Home detention mightn’t be much fun though; don’t know the length of his sentence.

  16. When I was 16 I KNEW RAPE WAS WRONG. Its still wrong and people like this smile because they know the law is weak and they can get away with it.

    How many times have we seen this kind of spectacle and winced at our outrage and embarrassment particularly those of us with innocent children.

    If we aren’t going to punish for these sorts of crimes then why is a punishable crime ?

    Like manslaughter particularly when it comes to road fatalities and other misdemeanours which is LOSS OF LIFE there is no penalty for your own serious actions.

    We don’t do personal responsibility and being held accountable right across the board !

    In fact we are a laughing stock internationally and actually encourage anyone coming here that we aren’t serious about the law or obeying it.

    In most countries consequences are the result of committing a crime and every 16 year knows that forced sex is rape pure and simple and is serious enough to be imprisoned.

    The respect for the law has been eroding since the 1980’s so why wouldn’t you smile for getting H.D for doing exactly what you think is your right to do.

    Fuck the law.

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