RED PEAK BOOM: Q+A Review destroys Stuff’s Professional Managerial Class Poll



Q+As Poll destroys the Professional Managerial Class Stuff Poll and makes Tory Whanua the Red Peak candidate!

Tory Whanau clear leader in straw poll for Wellington Mayoralty

A straw poll of Wellington mayoral candidates has first-time runner Tory Whanau with a huge majority over her two main rivals, Paul Eagle and Andy Foster.

The Stuff poll, which has been open since Thursday, had 5251 votes cast by Sunday morning. It is intended to give an indication of which candidates are viable shortly before voting documents get sent out.

Who woulda thunk it?

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Well. TDB did

Tory Whanau is part of the woke identity politics Professional Managerial class so her candidacy for the Wellington Mayoralty Race is being closely watched by political commentators and pundits to see if this new political movement has real power or is just a Paper Tiger with a Twitter account.

Stuff’s bewilderingly false ‘straw poll’ showing her dominating is probably the most stupid thing Stuff have ever published in their history.

It’s reminiscent of when Woke Twitter demanded Red Peak as our flag and it was included because they made such a fuss.

What happened to Red Peak? It was so unpoioplsr it got voted out in the first round.

Red Peak is a reminder that if Twitter loves it, the rest of the population won’t.

Stuff is the official newspaper for the woke identity politics Professional Managerial class, so a transitioning cucumber could win a straw poll on Stuff. That Tory is winning by such huge margin should surprise no one, but it’s an open Poll that isn’t restricted to Wellington and doesn’t even pretend to take into account Wellington’s stupid voting system.

The tragedy would be if Tory and her team believe the hype and are lulled into a false sense of superiority by this stupid poll, which is ironic because reading middle class virtue signals masquerading as journalism in Stuff tends to lull their woke readers into a false sense of superiority as well.

…Shouldn’t the Stuff Editor who agreed to that Poll stand down and resign?

Q+A showing Stuff how you public broadcasting do it.

Stuff just got didded.

The inability for the Professional Managerial Class to gain a woke Identitarian Mayor like Tory in Wellington should have the Left Wing Political Generals very nervous.

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  1. Thank God, then, that over-all wee Wellington doesn’t matter. The best thing about wellington is the dump shop. Is really good. Check it out.

  2. Instead of this constant bitching, why don’t you run some features on the candidates to help people make up their minds? Or do you really have nothing to offer but sour grapes and AK-centric whinge?

  3. I don’t think today’s Q+A would have been good for Paul Eagle, but Andy Foster performed well. Tory Whanau was OK, but mainly with ‘green’ issues.

    • They are all shudder inducing candidates. Andy Foster appeared good on Q&A because his intellect and experience showed in comparison to the other candidates (Read between the lines, I am not saying they are both dumb and inexperienced).

      However Foster has shot his load. And although he said the right things on Q&A there was a lot there that wasnt quantified and amounted to double speak especially around responsibility for water infrastructure and his views on 3 Waters which seem to be at odds with what has been reported in the media.

      Many Wellington voters dont rate him as dont most others in the region who come into Wellington to work or run a business. Wgtn currently has the highest commercial rates in the country and healthily above average homeowner rates. Foster will only get back in if mainstream voters are frightened of the other candidates. Which is a possibility as as Jack Tame said, many people dont have a clue who they are going to vote for with this unfortunate line up.

  4. How to rig-gerrymander a vote.
    It seems to be happening in NZ’s ‘Democracy’ a lot.

    Thats why we need to go to a Referendum based governance system. We just dont and can longer trust politicians and bureaucrats!

    • If we could figure out a way to do it accurately, quickly and cheaply it could work alongside a range of governance boards eg: For Health, Welfare ec roughly aligned with current ministries. They would develop policy options and education so that Ners could decide on both direction and priority.


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