Is Luxon growing a spine over China + why has Government dropped the ball on the Pacific Media Centre?

Luxon the Pooh

This is an enormous u-turn from National to criticise the Chinese Government for crimes against humanity…

Xinjiang: National steps up comments over United Nations report, calls for Government to ‘stand up for values’

National has stepped up its response to the United Nations report on Xinjiang, with leader Christopher Luxon calling findings of potential crimes against humanity in the Chinese region “gravely concerning”.

…this is extraordinary following Gerry Brownlee’s and John Key’s jaw dropping acquiescence to China recently and against the fact that the Blue Dragons (NZ-Chinese National supporters) are one of then most powerful factions inside National now and of course Luxon’s comments come against a wider backdrop of National being little more than a front for Chinese Business interests.

Jenny Shipley, Don Brash, Ruth Richardson and Chris Tremain are Director’s of the China Construction Bank, Judith Collins interaction with Chinese Officials to help her husbands Chinese Company, Oravida, to gain more Chinese money  and Maurice Williamson’s love affair with  Donghua Liu saw him become Liu’s personal handyman when doing up Liu’s batch and heavying the Police to drop domestic violence charges.

There was also the wee issue of a Chinese Spy inside the National Party as an MP.

So for Luxon to come out and criticise China despite Chinese interests riven throughout the National Party is such an incredibly brave thing for Luxon to do.

Which is why it’s so deeply suspicious.

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Since when did Luxon grow a spine?

I hope that this is Christopher Luxon showing real leadership, my guess however is that this was just another moment of Chris saying stuff in the heat of the moment and then having to back track it 3 days later.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some grovelling press release put out over the weekend where he walks his criticism back.

While we are talking about China, how the hell did the NZ Government manage to fuck up the Pacific Media Center at AUT?

I have argued that if we want to truly challenge China in the Pacific while fortifying our own interests we need to lift basic material well being aid alongside Rugby Diplomacy AND support for Journalism!

We have an obligation to Whanau to help our Pacific Brothers and Sisters, Auckland is the largest Pacific Island City in the world and most domestic populations in NZ dwarf the actual populations in the Islands.

We also have an obligation to help them adapt to a climate crisis they had little hand in creating.

But we can’t out compete China’s chequebook, which is why I think we should play to our strengths.

Beyond direct aid for material well being, Rugby as a culture binds us with the Pacific Islands.

Imagine if we had a touring All Blacks campaign constantly through the Pacific. China might build the stadiums, but it is NZ the people are coming to see.

Likewise, journalism! By promoting the very best journalism at the Pacific Media Center, you could train Pacific Island Journalists to critique and have published their critical journalism on the political issues in their respective countries.

Watching the way AUT have plundered and destroyed what should have been a National Interest is stupid and soul destroying!

We are no longer in a benign environment, the State has to creatively think how we promote our interests regionally rather than selling our soul globally.

Free Market Globalisation is dead, hyper regionalism is here, but no one has told MFAT.

Someone needs to sort this book burning of the Pacific Media Center.


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    • You answered “Mark”, but you have been looking at your CCP shill?

      Very Winnie the Pooh…
      21. “When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is to not let the bees know you’re coming.”
      —Winnie the Pooh

  1. No genocide in Xinjiang the 2nd report by the UN stipulated no genocide. The Uyghurs terrorized their own population in Xinjiang which lead to the crack down. They’ve also in Syria and are supported by NATO given training by Turkey then unleashed into Syria to terrorize their civilians. They’re buddies with Al Qaeda and ISIS grow a spine Martyn fuck the MIC they’re part of why our planet is falling to bits.

  2. Good to see my namesake Chris is dealing to the Chinese, sort of? But, this is never going to reach the 180 comments required to win you an Emmy Martyn Bradbury.

    The highest ever comments I have seen on one of your posts is 178 comments.

    By the way Martyn Bradbury, whatever happened to Sam-Banjee Uffindell?

    Is he staying in the National shire, or being thrown into the leftist-wilderness fires of Mordor, or taking another tall-hobbit road to nowhere ?

    You know there’s nothing less divisive, than a Sharma Drama, or An Uffindell-Unf*ck, leaving the Urban Dell, to get the Blog comments to reach the 180’s

    How does Sharma Drama compare with Uffiindell U-turns

  3. What about Yemen, Syria, Iraq ct … and the last 70+ years of US interventionism that creates slavery, traficking, child abuse all on their own turf too!
    It’s getting booooooring the piousness from tdb.

  4. 1. Chinese *ygh*rs;
    2. Sam *ffindell’s b*llying??
    3. Cameron Slater’s c*nts comment;

    Could/will Chris L*xon rank these cl*sterf*cks in order of what is the most egregio*s, to the least egregio* in terms of what will affect the National Party most/least at the 2023 election??

    Which q*alifies as least detrimental National Party L*xon cl*sterf*ck 2023 election?

    Good to see Chris L*xon is ‘dealing to’ the Chinese, sort of? But, this is never going to reach the 180 comments requ*red to win TDB an equivalent of a Blog “Emmy” Martyn Bradbury?

    The highest ever comments I have seen on one of your posts, is 178 comments.

    Martyn Bradbury, whatever happened to Sam-Banjee Uffindell? A s*re-fire 180 in Tauranga?

    Is he staying in the National shire?; or being eaten by the *nkindness trolls and thrown into the leftist-pit- fires of Mordor, or taking another tall-hobbit road to Shamwhere ?

    You know there’s nothing less divisive, than a Sharma Drama, or An *ffindell-cl*ster*nf*ck, leaving the *rban Dell, to get the Blog comments to reach the 180’s

    How does Sharma Drama compare with *ffiindell *-turns?

    How do the optics of the Dirty(filthy, misogynist, politics of this exchange between National Party Policy Advisor Cameron Slater and Jordan Williams (Taxpayers *nion), reconcile with what *ffindell did to his yo*nger ho*semates, or what the Chinese are “allegedly” doing to the *ygh*rs?

    “January 10, 2013
    Jordan Williams, 1/10, 10:11am
    women; if they didn’t have a fanny between their legs they’d have a bo*nty on their heads…..
    Cameron Slater, 1/10, 10:13am
    if they didn;t have c*nts we’d ch*ck rocks at them>

    And here’s the HYPERLINK for the likes of Im right; So*r Kra*t; and Knob the F*rst

    Has the National Party changed that much since 2013 to now? Probably not? Unless L*xon can throw a ch*rch, Air New Zealand lens over it all?

    If they have, then Chris L*xon, needs to front up to media, or even blog here, because I know he reads this blog, and call out Cam Slater and Jordan Williams as misogynists of the highest order and deno*nce the National Party’s past symbiotic associations with Dirty Politics and the current ACT Party.

    Martyn Bradbury (or Martyn Bradb*ry)? How would you rank:
    Uyghurs; *ffindell; c*nts?

    More (sic.) for National, important Chris L*xon.

    Also Martyn, I have read heaps of right-wing posters hear calling for Labour to introduce a CGT?

    What does Chris L*xon (or Chris Luxon) think of a CGT?

    Will Chris Luxon promise to introduce a CGT?
    In the first 100 days, regardless of objections from ACT or the Umbrellas? Will he definitely have a CGT tax, to differentiate them from Labour and the Greens, who will not?

    So many questions Martyn and Chris before the 2023 election. ‘

    We voters need to know where you all stand (or where yo* all stand?)?

  5. 20. “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.” —Winnie the Pooh

    …the new National, ACT and 5 Umbrellas’ slogan for the 2023 election


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