While Greens virtue signal over chocolate wrappers, the Planet nears climate crisis tipping points


I appreciate middle class virtue signals are terribly important these days because identity is all about feeling and feelings rule!

However, Planet is melting eh…

World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds

Giant ice sheets, ocean currents and permafrost regions may already have passed point of irreversible change


…those tipping points once breached mean the end of complex civilisation in certain parts of the world.

So far Marama as Minister of Homelessness is missing in action over the horror of the Rotorua Golden Mile social housing cancer and James has just been re-elected co-leader after a bullshit phantom coup attempted by activists who got tricked by Matthew Hooton into self mutilating themselves.

The Greens have utterly failed to be transformative re climate change,  their decision – which TDB advised against in 2020, to join this Government has left them with nothing to show other than their vacant Ministerial baubles.

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But Marama got 500 retweets and likes for her chocolate wrapper activism, so yay?

Meanwhile the planet burns.

If you think being carbon neutral in 28 years is a ‘solution’, you are part of the fucking problem!

We need less middle class virtue signalling on Twitter and more actual change.

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  1. Buy an E-vehicle and feel good about it. There fixed all your problems and the government is paying a good part of it. Rejoice. Never mind the lack the insects, crawlers, bees, and the likes. Just drive that E vehicle and feel real deep Green.

  2. The problem is that the current people high in the Green Party, are not greenies. They have their own self interested version of what green is.

    From creating record homelessness by cancelling older rentals based on some personal beef, driving up the price of houses for new home buyers (apparently some first home buyers are sitting on 1 million dollars of mortgage after buying in the woke planning version in West Auckland, full of large, new, infill housing, outside of the city centre, which used to be half the price, (old houses cancelled!)). https://www.oneroof.co.nz/news/42201

    So busy cancelling, the government and woke forgot to stipulate that new builds have to be at 5x the average income. We have the new builds but at 1 million plus, and they need more migrants with outside money to be able to afford them and pay them off. This drives more braying for more immigration, more services needed and the Ponzi continues.

    Apparently financial advisors are advising first home buyers to rent as it’s cheaper than buying now or buy a rental because their wages can’t cover cost of home ownership with rising interest rates, high costs of living and low salaries here. More migrants come, at lower wages, driving more experienced people out of NZ. https://www.indianweekender.co.nz/Pages/ArticleDetails/7/20431/new-zealand/government-backs-move-to-lower-pay-for-migrants-this-is-actually-a-positive-pol

    During Covid 120,000+ people came back to NZ. NZ has had around 1 million+ migrants into NZ since Rogernomics, giving many foreign NZ Permanent residency and citizenship quickly. Due to our low wages and poor employment conditions, many of those people choose to work outside NZ, then decide to come back when it suits them (Covid) or are deported back here (while Labeen virtue signal how great that is, desperate to get the 501’s, ISIS bride family, here!). NZ has a big problem with more and more people from around the world assessing our generous welfare systems (in particular pensions and housing) while not having to contribute to it. Then there is the crime waves.

    In spite of NZ having one of the highest mass migration rates in the world, our media keeps braying how they are switching migration off, damaging the country. This is also fuelled by economic kindergarten accounting of migration where one person leaving NZ is counted with one person coming in cancels out the true figures – or any accounting of skills levels coming and going. (brain drain was cancelled years ago). Thus we have experienced nurses leaving while a support worker coming into NZ, is counted as neutral.

    Meanwhile 200,000 migrants have applied for NZ residence, this year, (half of them dependants) the government is seemingly oblivious to NZ not having enough housing, schooling or health care for the existing residents! https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/immigration/300600384/one-country-lags-in-new-residence-decisions-as-numbers-soar

    Greens voted that foreign pensioners should be allowed to keep generous NZ pensions which clearly NZ can’t afford, thus burdening non younger people with this problem. Youth have self expression and individuality forced down their throats (gender, identity, race) with Rogernomics, rather than having any responsibility to society or the planet, outside of woke identity that has taken over.

    This is wonderful for consumerism! From Marama virtue signalling Whittakers chocolate bars with Te reo to Watties advertising to new migrants that putting tomato sauce on their corn cobs as well as everything else at NZ BBQ’s is the way to go. Yipee, new consumers to be indoctrinated into their product lines, daily!

    To have a society function, most people of working age have to work, but in NZ our employers seemingly sack the better workers already working for decades, while crying crocodile tears for more newbie migrant workers (cheaper/more compliant?) to replace them. https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/129793175/rest-home-worker-dismissed-for-helping-man-off-toilet-the-wrong-way

    Labeen seem to lap this, bake and switch, up, making NZ wokeforce even more dysfunctional and seemingly not having any clue, what is going on. Where did all these migrants they were keen to get into NZ go, why do big business love it so much and what wokeforce is expected to look after the migrants with all the promotion of takeouts and consumption, how do we pay for significant people on low wages at record levels (200,000 per year) who need everyone else to support them?

    What do we do when woke tribunals refuse to deport criminals, terrorists and grant the dysfunctional more and more leaves to stay in NZ to victimise others or require huge amounts of care that existing citizens increasingly are sidelined on?

      • Compare pensions and free health care in countries like India and China to NZ.

        In China you have to CONTRIBUTE minimum 15 years to get a pension and only get 1% of the indexed wage in China for your public pension.


        In India it sounds like no free public pension and minimum 10 Years of CONTRIBUTIONS of 12% and only 12% of the work force seemed covered for pensions anyway.

        In NZ you don’t have to contribute at all to a pension as a foreign national or be working, just be resident here for 10 years (used to be 5 years) to get 43 per cent of the NZ average wage and it is not means tested for overseas pensioners either.

        For health care,

        Public Health care in India is poor quality and most people don’t use it…

        “The Indian public health sector encompasses 18% of total outpatient care and 44% of total inpatient care.[10] Middle and upper class individuals living in India tend to use public healthcare less than those with a lower standard of living.[11] Additionally, women and the elderly are more likely to use public services.[11] The public health care system was originally developed in order to provide a means to healthcare access regardless of socioeconomic status or caste.[12] However, reliance on public and private healthcare sectors varies significantly between states. Several reasons are cited for relying on the private rather than public sector; the main reason at the national level is poor quality of care in the public sector, with more than 57% of households pointing to this as the reason for a preference for private health care.”


        Public Health care in China is not free for urban nationals…

        “Residents of urban areas are not provided with free healthcare, and must either pay for treatment or purchase health insurance. The quality of hospitals varies. ”

        “Despite this, public health insurance generally only covers about half of medical costs, with the proportion lower for serious or chronic illnesses. Under the “Healthy China 2020″ initiative, China is currently undertaking an effort to cut healthcare costs, and the government requires that insurance will cover 70% of costs by the end of 2018”.


        • Work it out people, the Rogernoms can’t wait to overload quality free health and pensions systems with more and more people using them for nothing and overload them with demand, so that they can say it doesn’t work and privatise it!

          Greens leading the way by trying to get as many new people using NZ welfare services from overseas as of right! With that approach most people can work out that it is not sustainable and will be means tested very soon, (the free loaders will get a free pension but not for the people who live in NZ and work as they ‘earn too much’!). This has been the woke dream for a while now.

          • Freebies as of right seems to be the NZ policy, not so generous to it’s own citizens which might be why they struggle to keep skilled Kiwis in NZ while bending over backwards for foreign nationals getting NZ welfare.

            Foreign property investors got first cost of living payment

            “But the bill as it is currently drafted would see an overnight increase in the number of years a migrant would have to wait for NZ Super, from 10 to 20 years. That meant a migrant aged 64 who had been in New Zealand for nine years would suddenly find themselves 11 years from qualifying for NZ Super.

            That brought a storm of protest from migrant groups, including Chinese resident associations, which told MPs such an overnight move was unfair, unreasonable, and inhumane.”

            (Note government is not expecting migrants to actually work in NZ for significant periods to qualify for NZ pensions and health care and aged care – the fight for free money is about how long migrants have to wait for the free taxpayers money, not about earning the right through working and paying tax for significant periods, to qualify for a NZ pension).

            Those we have poor working Kiwis who have to pay significant sums for Kiwisaver and all their other taxes, while cheerleading rich elderly migrants who don’t have to work or pay anything to qualify for so many expensive benefits for them from other NZ taxpayers that their own, much richer countries, don’t provide for them. And that’s fair?????

        • sorry snz comparing apples and oranges is never effective

          under NZ conditions, parameters and economic metrics our state pension is far from generous…and you know it.

          what an indian gets in india or a chinese gets in china isn’t the issue…the issue is what a kiwi gets HERE.

  3. “More actual change.”
    Is anything less than the complete destruction of our economic system and a rapid reduction in the number of homo sapiens roaming around going to save the other species we currently share this planet with and save the current ecosystems which we all inhabit.
    So far that is not on any political party agenda.

  4. Yes. I read that the so called ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is about to snap off, float away and melt.
    In my humble opinion The Green Party is a similar beast to NZ First in that they’re there to take a hiding for a higher cause and that higher cause is the wealth capture and retention by the hyper riche. After all, our entire economy is one of who can most successfully rip off who. Once farmers grow/harvest our primary industry goods and are then forced to sell it for what ever the hyper riche deign to give them that harvest then becomes a bauble that’s swatted about the kitchen floor like a cat does with a mouse and as that poor wee mouse gets swatted about money flies out its little arsehole. That money built Auckland for example, and Auckland is doomed to despair.
    If you really want to understand our politics you must rise above the clamour of the political rabble and show some confidence in your common sense. What does your common sense demand of you?
    But be warned. The currency of that is sleepless nights.
    The Green Party should be flat out canvassing our farmers. And their money. The Green Party are in effect our most vitally important political identity and yet this is what we get. The cunt word dipped in chocolate and an HSBC bank employee and co-leader kicked out, then kicked back in again.
    You’ve got to watch this.
    ‘Inside Job’

  5. they just swapped a fashionable environmental t-shirt for a fashionable social justice one…middle class dilettantes

    but hey people sleeping in gutters is fine as long as you respect their pronouns….what do you think is the bigger concern for actual homeless LGBT folk…a roof or pronouns

    • @Gagarin Can confirm most LGBT folk are far more interested in the cost of living and getting on with their lives whilst not being cast as political leverage.

  6. It’s all very well blaming the Greens for not being transformative re climate change, but I think we are at the point where that is a cop out. What about the other parties? Is it the politicians to blame or do they reflect how stupid large parts the population are? Stupid comments like, there is no point in trying, or it’s all a myth, or what about milk powder etc., etc.

    I have heard those that have a faith discredit evolution due to humans being ‘superior’ and how could we possibly have evolved from primates etc. I think we prove every f*cking day how infinitely stupid we are as a species.

  7. I am a boomer so perhaps my opinion is not relevant as I will be shuffled off this plant before the shit really hits the fan.However for what it is worth history shows that while humans can be very stupid and selfish they can be adaptable to change and inovatIve and caring.
    One point to ponder is if someone is worried about if they have shelter and food for themselves and their families they do not have the time to worry about the climate or care if the food they eat is organic . That is not to say they do not care .
    As a country we must get people educated and in high paying work either using their brains or their brawn then more will worry about the climate and we do not have long before they need to


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