Life After a DUI: 2 Steps to Move On


If you’ve been charged and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), it’s important that you don’t wallow in the pain and confusion. Eventually, you have to pick yourself up and move in a new, more positive, direction. The question is, how?


Long-Term Consequences of a DUI

Everyone knows about the short-term consequences of a DUI. There’s a temporary suspension of your driver’s license, high fees and fines, increased insurance premiums, community service, driver’s education programs, and possibly even jail time. But these consequences pass after several months. What anyone with a DUI conviction on their record should be most worried about are the long-term consequences.

For example, did you know that in some states your driver’s license could be revoked for up to two years on your first conviction and even longer on subsequent DUIs? Or what about background checks? Every time you apply for a job, scholarship, or volunteering opportunity, your DUI conviction will show up. 

Even simple things like trying to find an apartment or house to rent can be made more complicated by your record. 


How to Move Past a DUI and Live Your Life

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While the long-term consequences of a DUI are real, you don’t have to let them hold you back from living your life. Your life is bigger than one mistake and you deserve a chance to move on.

Here are several things you can do to move in a more positive direction.

  • Live Your Life Above Reproach

This is a good principle for anyone, regardless of whether you have a DUI conviction on your record or not. However, if you do have a record, it’s even more critical.

You can think about life as a system of strikes. When you have no strikes on your record, people often give you the benefit of the doubt. And even if you have one “strike” – like a DUI – there are still plenty of people who will give you chances (professionally, relationally, etc.). But as the strikes add up, so does the hesitance of other people to extend things to you.

By living your life above reproach and staying out of unnecessary situations, you can re-architect your personal image and establish trust. This will, therefore, help you in every area of your life.

  • Try to Get Your Conviction Reversed

From a very practical perspective, there might be ways to get your conviction reversed.

“Believe it or not, a DUI conviction isn’t definitive or permanent,” DUI attorney Rowdy G. Williams explains. “There are several ways to get a DUI conviction overturned or expunged. But in order to do so, you’ll have to go through all of the right steps.”

Depending on the circumstances of your case, there are several different directions you can go. The two most common approaches are:

  • Overturning the conviction. If you and your attorney determine that there were certain errors made in your DUI charge and conviction, you may be able to get the conviction overturned or dropped. Common errors include: the court applied the wrong law within its jurisdiction; the sentence was too harsh for the crime; evidence that may have proved your innocence was not turned over to you; new evidence has come to light; or your trial attorney didn’t provide adequate representation. 
  • Expungement. Getting a DUI expunged means the court actually removes your DUI from the public records and it no longer appears on your background check. In order to get a DUI conviction expunged, you must meet several requirements. These requirements vary by state, so you’ll want to consult an attorney.

You’ll need to meet with your attorney to figure out the best possible approach. In some cases, getting a conviction overturned is the most logical option. Other times, it’s not a possibility. Expungement, on the other hand, is a great choice if it’s been a while since your conviction and you’ve done a good job of following tip number one in this article.


Adding it All Up

Anytime you find yourself in legal trouble, there are consequences. But everyone makes mistakes, and you have a right to continue living your life without fear of constantly looking over your shoulder and wondering when the other shoe is going to drop. 

Use the tips in this article to begin getting your life back on track!


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