The Sharma drama goes Bananarama

Where two old souls go slowly mad, National Mum and Labour Dad.

MP Gaurav Sharma continues campaign against Labour, Parliamentary Service

Newly independent MP Gaurav Sharma has shown Labour he will not be going quietly into the night.

The independent MP for Hamilton West has posted a 4700-word tome on social media, claiming to detail how useless some of his staff were and how he says Parliamentary Service, Labour, the whips and the Prime Minister’s office, all ignored his complaints about them and accused him of bullying instead.

Sharma, who was expelled from the Labour Party caucus last Tuesday, has so far been relatively quiet since his expulsion, attempting to speak once in Parliament.

His latest array of claims, which give his version of events in relation to his management of staff, was posted to social media on Monday evening. Written in narrative form, it tries to explain why Sharma felt hard done by, ignored and bullied.

4700 words?

Jesus wept!

Sharma is just surfing the millennial victimhood culture wave now where snowflake trigger thresholds rule and subjective outrage defines all.

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Reason, logic and objectivity are now eclipsed by feelings, beliefs and self victimisation fuelled by social media self pity algorithms.

Sharma can keep making allegations and have them utterly accepted because you must B-E-L-I-E-V-E all victims.

The woke activists who were screaming about Uffindell are very quiet over Sharma.

The Right will continue to hail him as a hero while the Left will utterly ignore him.

The danger is that his narrative of bullying and victimisation that sounds so self interested to our ears will find deep resonance amongst a migrant community who in Hamilton West feel his narrative as racism everyday.

The Right will hand Sharma questions during election year and he will lob grenades under the protection of Parliamentary privilege, I also think he will find a local electorate drawn from both sides of the idealogical divide that could win him an Independent seat in 2023.

Many are writing him off, but I think he’s more popular in his electorate than most suspect.

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  1. He is the ambassador/pin up boy for woke snowflakes isn’t he? He’s hopelessly lost.

    But I’m so also beginning to think he has screw loose.

  2. Well, the bourgeois Parliament certainly does attract some odd types…John Kirk, Graham Capill, Ross Meurant, Mark Blumsky, Pansy Wong–the list is endless really–feel free to add some of your own faves TDB readers!

    To an outside observer, Mr Sharma could well have a serious personality disorder, but hey that will hardly be a barrier to his re-election. Just look at Baldrick, the natzo leader, he of 7 properties that likes to lecture the poor and disabled!

      • Mr Gilmore’s publicised incident was a classic–“don’t you know who I am!” and it was in no way a question.

        Aaron expressed the entitlement a lot of Torys genuinely hold. But as I said, put up your own examples, there are so many.

  3. Reading through the detail the good Doctor is justified in his views. If someone was getting pissed, not turning up and then doing house chores for another MP he has legitimate gripes. His allegations are detailed and otherwise appear legitimate whereas the workers either didn’t want to do the job or couldn’t do the job.

    Tommy Coughlan (Labour fan girl) within a couple of hours ran protection claiming the staffer is being triggered. FMD.

    This is New Zimbabwe. No personal responsibility AT ALL.

    P.S. The good Doctor will lose in a landslide to the national candidate.

    • I shall wait to hear the staff members take on things before passing judgement Frankie, due diligence before jumping to a one sided conclusion.

        • As the Jacinda anti christ President coward Kraut, I wouldn’t expect anything different from you.
          Feral like.

      • It’s Tommie Coughlan Bertie. Even his penis hangs left. Remember he was the chief instigator of the Big Sam drama and was salty that his revelations about Sammie’s contiki trip couldn’t be thrown out there.

        And if there are counter allegations – let’s have an independent enquiry just like the good doctor has asked for.

        • Okay, yes let’s have an enquiry Frankie. Now whose paying for it, you or him?
          Then let’s have an.enquiry into his behaviour in regards his staff. You know the confidential arrangement he has openly posted on social media and written media. Seems he’s open to slander, so would be great to know the other side of the story Frankie.

          • Sounding like a member of the tax payers union Bertie. If we can fund mongrel mob drug rehabilitation we can fund an independent enquiry on this issue.

            • I don’t like wasteful spending for the sake of it Frankie, that’s a right wing thing. Rehabilitation is better than Sharmadramabananarama faux tears.

            • Sounding very much like the judge, jury and executioner Frankie, much like Tamakis mock Judge at parliament.
              Did you read through the detail of the staff that Sharma bullied out of a job? No because he shut the conversation down with an out of court disclaimer. Bully people to keep their mouths shut.

    • I believe the Doctor because I believe the Labour Government is full of bullies.
      Labour Government that bullies their own supporters by not delivering on their election promises which we are now told were aspirations only.
      Why won’t they hold an independent enquiry?

      • Gosh dumb leave the critical thinking to us dumb Bob. You believe the lying doctor because you are a feral right wing nut job. Fun.though.

      • Oh Bob the First another Natzo sycophant shill, on blogging?
        And wasn’t Maureen Pugh told what to think and what to delete off her Facebook Posts? by Chris Luxon? Did Maureen Pugh whinge and moan in a 4700 word rant against the National Party on Facebook or Twitter? No she put her hand up and “mea culpa” and deleted it.

        “National MP Maureen Pugh has deleted a Facebook post where she thanked the Convoy protest movement currently camping outside Parliament.” and just for you Bob – the reference – link:

        Maureen Pugh also said that ” members of the [National ]party were talking with protesters on an almost daily basis.”

        Luxon instructed her what to think?

        Did Maureen Pugh whinge and moan in a 4700 word rant against the National Party on Facebook or Twitter? No. she deleted her Doublethink and replaced her thinking with the correct version of the truth:

        The past was erased, the erasure forgotten,
        The lie became truth (Orwell’s 1984 – online version Page 95) – and here’s a link if you are going to whinge, piss yourself and moan Bob the First, or go online and have a 4700 page rant on how I didn’t give a link:

        Simon Bridges called Maureen Pugh “f*cking useless”
        “I reckon there’s three of our MPs – not bringing up obvious ones like [Chris] Finlayson or [David] Carter – but actually we just want them to go.
        “Like, Maureen Pugh is f**king useless.”


        You just don’t get it Bob the First, as educated as you are with your BA from McDonalds. It’s a Westminister system.

        You toe the party line, you don’t whinge, write your grievances in piss on the pavement, take a photo of it and whinge (with photo) on Facebook. Just fuck off and leave and you certainly don’t go and live in Gloriavale, when you’ve left Parliament.

        But, after the GV court case, I hear they are looking for a few extra contractors at Gloriavale Dr Sharma

        • The silence of no crickets’s mating call Bob the First?
          No smart arse comeback?
          No right-wing evidence again to disprove?
          Bit busy at McDonalds?

  4. To the homesick staffer in Rav’s office -I totally understand your lived experience because as soon as I get to work I get homesick too. Hang in there.

  5. You should be standing up for workers’ rights. 66 complaints about one worker is ridiculous and would be called harassment in any other context. And as for this comment (above) “the workers either didn’t want to do the job or couldn’t do the job” How many times have I heard that in my time as a unionist. Meanwhile, there are locked out workers in Kawerau employed by Essity with their boss now suing them individually. You can contribute and you should.

    • Darien – seriously.

      If the allegations are true do you believe it is professional to turn up to work drunk or indeed not at all? What about domestic chores for an MP – is this effective use of our taxpayers money?

      This could all be alleviated by an independent enquiry/investigation – why is your mob so hell bent on not having one?

      • Oh Frankie, you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole, or were you already there?
        Shall we have an enquiry to wasteful spending of taxpayer money on a Black Mercedes, or selling state owned power companies when not mandated to do so. How about Oravida, or Maggie Barry bullying staff? Oh wait Maggie was cleared after an ” internal” investigation. Of course she was, no independent enquiry.

  6. I’m expecting the Sharma saga to continue with the now common message along the bottom of newspaper articles:

    Where to get help:

    • Lifeline: 0800
    543 354 (available 24/7)
    • target=’_blank’>Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
    (available 24/7)
    • Youthline:
    0800 376 633 or text 234 (available 24/7)
    • target=’_blank’>Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7)
    • Whatsup: 0800 942
    8787 (12pm to 11pm)
    • Depression
    helpline: 0800 111 757 or text 4202 (available 24/7)
    • Anxiety
    helpline: 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY) (available 24/7)
    • Rainbow Youth: (09)
    376 4155
    If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111.

  7. To all the defenders of Labour. Two questions:
    1. Why not set up an independent enquiry, and allow an impediment judge prove Jacinda right and Doc wrong?
    2. If Doc was a woman working for Chapman Tripp, Bell Gully or Russell McVeagh calling sexual harassment against a male partner, why would you be arguing for instant crucifixion?
    Ok 3 questions.
    Why the double standard?

    • Simple because all this hurts Jacinda, and although every agrees that she’s pretty much useless those on the left can’t bare to criticise her too much because they know she’s all they have.

    • Why spend your/my money on an independent enquiry?
      If the Doc believes he’s right and Jacindas wrong, he should fund his own legal enquiry, user pays and all that.
      He won’t because he will be held accountable for his own actions, bullying his staff which will have relitergated.

  8. At the next election Dr Sharma will have his own party and WIN his own electoral seat. He’ll bring in several MP’s from his list and hold the balance of power, which will allow National / ACT and his party to govern.

  9. Why didn’t Labour have an independent investigation into these allegations? Dr Sharma is open to an investigation, why don’t Labour want one?

    We all know why, don’t we. Innocent people are not afraid to be investigated.

    • Seems the so called” good” doctor paid off his bullied staff with a.confidential agreement. An agreement he has broken by putting out that information in the media. Can we have an enquiry into why that was a confidential agreement?

      Of course not, what is Sharma hiding?
      Innocent people don’t hide behind confidential agreements.

      I smell a Sharma rat here, a financial incentive by the ” good” doctor.

  10. I B.E.L.I.E.V.E. every word he says. Why?

    Because it a muddle class karen labour caretaker government who are useless!

    Remember all those Crises still in play!!

  11. Oh I have been ‘vocal’ on social media but he is a coward and has banned myself and others, who dare to expose him for what he is, from Twitter and FB pages. I do hope those he bullied speak out. He is #DramaDiva and the more his narcissism is fed, the worse it will get. This does beg the question – is he being ‘paid’ by #Natagists ?

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