MEDIAWATCH: Why David Parker had every right to attack Nicola Willis on AM Show


David Parker had every right to attack Nicola Willis on AM Show…

Ryan Bridge steps in when National, Labour panel takes ‘nasty’ turn on live TV

National’s Nicola Willis and Labour’s David Parker have clashed on AM after questions on crime and the falling prison population.

Willis, the National deputy leader, said people “aren’t feeling safe in their communities” and questioned when the Government would “establish a gang task force” and “introduce warrantless search powers” among other things.

But Parker hit back, saying the National member was making “misrepresentations” and was being “superficial”.

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AM host Ryan Bridge had to step in, saying the political panel was becoming a “little tense, a little nasty”.

…Willis is the biggest National Party MP muppet in the game, and that’s saying something, because Simeon Brown is in that pool!

Willis is in her position, not because she has any talent, but because Luxon is such a Handmaid’s Tale level anti-abortionist he has to be seen paired to a woman in permanent Suit Pants to make him look less cross burny.

Her bad faith interview was such a river of shit masquerading as a debate, Ryan should have had her sent out of the studio to be hosed off before she was allowed to speak.

David had every right to get angry at her cheap shot performance.

The debate was over crime and Willis was playing her usual ZB talking points.

Ryan started by asking if those who have left Prison were ‘rehabilitated’.

The reason why the prison muster has fallen since Labour took over is purely administrative.

Back in the good old days, a prisoner could get out of prison if they served a third of their sentence in prison without causing trouble, there were two main ideas behind this. The first was a means of forcing prisoners to self moderate their own behaviour for direct reward and the second reason for this was because EVERYONE understood that NZs prison system is a deeply corrupt and violent place and the longer a human being stays inside prison, the more damaged they come out.

We wanted a system that forced prisoner self moderation because we know the prison environment damages more than it reforms.

This system was felt to be too lenient by the tough on crime crew and the parole conditions were irreparably damaged and effectively sees everyone in there until 2/3 of their sentence now with all the damage keeping damaged men in a more damaged environment causes.

There was a small loophole left in the parole changes where prisoners could apply to serve their term on home detention with an ankle bracelet. National never bothered to use this when they were in power and the prison muster exploded.

The moment Labour got in, the first thing Kelvin did was force Corrections to help the mostly illiterate prison population fill in the home detention application forms and THAT and THAT ALONE has seen the prison muster drop 20%, while the percentage of gang prisoners has gone up.

So, less low level criminals in prison because they are on home detention (which is where we want them because prison is so damaging) while the percentage of violent 501 and gang members has gone up. David was right to point out ‘the rules haven’t changed’ because Kelvin used the existing legislation to lower the prison muster by allowing prisoners to apply for home detention, a rule National had in place but because Corrections Staff hadn’t previously helped prisoners fill in the paper work, wasn’t happening.

Willis knows this, but instead of acknowledging the prison industrial complex she and her right wing Trolls have built, played the ‘soft on crime’ crap. She kept peppering David’s answer with tough on crime rhetoric.

“Labour is too soft on crime”, “Why didn’t you establish a gang task force”, “Why didn’t you support warrantless searches”, “Why are you dropping the 3 strikes law”.

In response:

Labour are not ‘soft’ on crime, the driver for this gang war has been the imported 501s, not Labour policy.

A Gang Task Force is pointless if the Police Intelligence Unit is hopeless, this is an internal Policing management issue, the Police Minister can’t tell Police how to react operationally!

Willis accuses Parker of not supporting warrantless searches! The Police to date have carried out 750 warrantless searches against these warring gang members, she doesn’t seem to know the existing laws allow for warrantless searches!

As for 3 strikes, it’s a joke legislation that makes the angry feel like something is being done when it doesn’t do anything.

Willis was making total lies and falsifications up to throw shit at Parker and outrageously Ryan helped her do that.

It’s a reminder that the Left don’t just have the Right to fight, but Right wing media as well.


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  1. TV 3 is like Fox news Ryan Bridge is New Zealand own Tucker Carlson and Melissa Chan Green is NZ Laura Ingram. I remember Melissa Chan Green say the Government should get out of our life with COVID Restrictions but It has been proven that there are new COVID Viarants. Proves how dum they are I feel better not watching them now don’t watch either Breakfast show’s.

    • Tucker Carlson calls out the dimwits of any political shade.
      I like that, and there is a never ending supply!

      • “Tucker Carlson calls out the dimwits of any political shade”, oh yeah, but strangely enough, they tend to be overwhelmingly on the “left”, as fox pretends to know what that actually means… To them, and a lot of their followers, NZ’s National/act cabal is “socialist”. So where does that leave Tucker? Wallowing in populism, and shallow reactionary sloganeering.. Just like the utterly vacuous leadership that seems to be the best the tory rabble can scrape up from the bottom of their barrel. Even in his own country, and station, Tucker is regarded as a hard right shill with no real redeeming attributes, as most of what he says is either blatant misrepresentation, or out right lies.. And you think he’s balanced, and neutral? I got a genuine Rolex watch you can have for only $200, but only because I can see you are smart enough to spot a genuine bargain…

  2. Yes… very accurate summation there. Willis is as shallow as a puddle …not a lot of cultural capital going on there.
    The ..’people of New Zealand out there are frightened’ line is such a weak scare mongering line …. in Auckland , a city of over a million people, and N.Z , a country of over 5 million, we get 1 or 2 gang related shootings a week and… oh my god…. it’s a crisis. I don’t know of anyone who is shaking in their boots on a daily basis.
    Get real …have these people never travelled…never lived in other countries. This is tame!!
    Willis and Hosking are frightened little rabbits and need to calm the fuck down ..
    As new situations arise the police will work it out…devise their systems and put them in place to deal with it Are the protestors still outside Parliament buildings.? ..answer …no ….the police worked out a strategy and executed it .. job done.
    Life goes on..
    Ryan Bridge is an embarrassment … too immature and childish to carry out interviews of any depth.. hasn’t lived a varied enough life to have developed any depth of knowledge or cultural capital.

    Whoever is producing and directing that show is probably of the same ilk … close to unwatchable … vacuous and superficial and boring and biased…Mellissa and Bernadine are wasted …
    It won’t last with that format for long.

    • I have lived and visited many countries in the world and never on a relative scale experienced the drive by shootings and other criminal activities like we have here.

        • Had a processing factory in Compton an office in New York.
          An office in London plus agents in most every region of the world.
          Why is that nonsense?

          • so you rather conveniently had a ‘facility’ (meth lab?) in compton and never heard of a drive-by….I call bullshit on your bullshit bob.

            • You may gagarin but I’m sorry to say it’s true.
              Compton as you may know is historically important in terms of uprisings and protests but it was not a gang related issue.
              Drive by shootings during my time there were not an issue they maybe now and I’m happy to stand corrected on that

          • Oh so it’s big Bob now, why did you run from those countries, get kicked out, bankrupt, your comments on drive by shootings are ridiculous as others here have pointed out but as you have said previously it’s just your opinion ( thankfully).

              • But why here Bob why did you have to bring your disastrous and destructive right wing politics with you.

                • Simply because I’m a New Zealand citizen born here.
                  Am not aware of any destructive politics.

                • Your approach and tactics are deplorable Bert. Why would you attack Bob personally for offering relevant and insightful experience about what life is like in other countries. Bob’s insights are equally if not more valid than any opinion you have offered. I do not understand why people with beliefs and values similar to those you have expressed are so concerned with what others have and how to best to take it from them.

      • So Bob you have personally been shot at in NZ. If you have i am sorry, however please don’t compare NZ to the USA, thats a ridiculous comparison with the gun lobby ruling the roost. I just watched Mark Mitchell with Jack Tame, don’t ever again say the Labour government evades questions because Mitchell ( you know the ex burly cop ). didn’t answer one question he only pushed his parties attempt at new gang laws, he contradicted himself so many times. The western Australian model has pushed gangs into other states, we are not big enough for that so they will go underground, the gangs are probably laughing as i write all the way to the bank. At the end of the day whether we like it or not the gangs are much cleverer at crime and they are not going to give up without a fight .

  3. Of course nine years of neglect was a complete distortion of the truth too. But the media let that line be continually parroted

  4. Yep, I actually cheered when he took down the sanctimonious bullshitter.
    The look on the National cheerleader sports reporters face –.
    The 3 AM show hosts seemed genuinely surprised at the overwhelming level of support Parker received .

  5. Yep , I actually cheered out loud when David Parker called out the sanctimonious bullshitter .
    The look on the National party cheerleader sports reporters face !
    The 3 AM show hosts all seemed confused at the overwhelming support for David Parker they received.

  6. Yep , I actually cheered out loud when David Parker called out the sanctimonious bullshitter .
    The look on the National party cheerleader sports reporters face !
    The 3 AM show hosts all seemed confused at the overwhelming support for David Parker they received.

  7. Willis scored the point and Parker having to go on a rant merely underscored the point: it’s defensive behaviour that made him look angry and weak.

    • The right wing mind will always interpret a situation to suit their own delusions, no matter the lunacy that is on display and no matter how obvious it is to the rest of us. Thus we can explain the frequent letters to the Herald complaining of the pro-left bias of that particular newspaper, seemingly blind to the fact that the majority of their commentary is from right leaning commentators (Trevett, Young, Prebble, Hosking, Duplicity-Allan et al.)

        • No, you clearly haven’t been in NZ long enough, do you not know anything about our right wing media, it’s connection with the NZ Herald and it’s authors. If not, you need to do some study, however your dismissal of left wing politics has been noticed in earlier politics, so I doubt you do judging by your blinded comments.

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