The biggest question I get asked privately when I’m out and about socialising is ‘why is Jacinda not (insert a myriad of questions here)”.
I think that most voters don’t understand how NZ politics work and they don’t understand how Jacinda is failing when Labour have an MMP majority.
They are legitimate questions and are valid ones, how can a Party with an unprecedented MMP majority still seem to do sweet fuck all on the big issues confronting us as a society, economy and culture.
It starts at the 2017 election.
In an act of desperation and true leadership, Andrew Little handed Jacinda the leadership months out from the 2017 election which was strategically designed to eliminate the Māori Party and United Future and on election night the specials and overseas vote weren’t counted leaving a deflated Jacinda to tell the country we hand’t won when in fact the specials and overseas vote were always going to go our way and I believed Winston was going to go with us.
The strategy of knocking out National support parties won us the 2017 election but because no one in the Labour leadership expected to win, there was no 100 day legislative agenda to ram through the moment you get into Parliament and if you don’t do that, the Wellington Bureaucracy will kill off any of your reform agenda for their own interests.
This is what most NZers don’t understand about NZ politics, winning power is VERY different from managing power. If you don’t arrive on day one with with a clear legislative agenda and enough mana to intimidate the Wellington Bureaucracy, you get nothing done.
Representative Democracy in NZ is a masquerade so that you will participate and give it legitimacy, the truth is that the Wellington Bureaucracy runs the country and their middle class neoliberal pandering decides policy implementation, not the feckless and easily manipulated Ministers.
Labour didn’t expect to win 2017 and they didn’t expect to win an MMP majority in 2020, so they’ve had no real 100 day legislative agenda to ram through and as such have been stymied ever step by the Wellington Bureaucracy.
Jacinda may be kind and she may really want transformative change, but if you don’t come to Wellington with a clear plan as to how to force the Bureaucracy to implement your manifesto, then transformative change becomes a virtue signal of aspiration rather than actual policy.
The Greens must avoid this by clearly telling voters now what they will force Labour to pass in the first 100 days of a Labour/Green Government so that the Wellington Bureaucracy can be thwarted. Unfortunately the Greens are socially connected at the hip to the Wellington Bureaucracy and are highly unlikely to bite the hand they feed with.
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If the Greens made public “what they will force Labour to pass in the first 100 days of a Labour/Green Government” it will guarantee a National ACT government.
So please, carry on!
Ha ha. Point taken Andrew, such a move by the so-called Greens would certainly scare off some people. But not necessarily enough to ensure a Nats-ACT government. Let’s not forget how woke millenials and Gen Z are – thanks to the “good work” of the Department of Indoctrination, a lot of them support the current government’s agenda of giving more power to corporate iwi, pretending that matauranga belongs in a 21st-century science curriculum, banning so-called conversion practices, normalizing the medicalization of gender dysphoria, getting more men convicted of rape etc. And the more time they’ve spent in the education system, the more likely they are to believe in said absurdities.
Pope Punctilious 11. Yes, but there is also a war on women by (some) transgender people in much the same way that feminists used to be anti- men. Querying gender id issues now triggers generalised emotional accusations not necessarily related to the actual issue itself. Australian politicians are too scared to say what a woman is, but Boris Johnson just has.
The Greens were warned time and again about jumping on the identity politics bandwagon. Unfortunately, it looks as if they were not merely being opportunistic, but that they are an intrinsic part of this socially destructive simplistic WASP ( for want of a better word) dynamic; climate and caring don’t really have any place in the agendas of the mad – or the bad – which most extremists are. They’re not green politicians.
Sadly quite true.
It would be great to have a party that gave a damn about the environment rather than one that insists men can be pregnant.
I don’t think so called trans people should be persecuted but we should recognize it as the mental illness it is rather than humouring them and even allowing them to get into a boxing ring to beat the hell out of actual women.
It would be lovely if the Greens could disappear and an actual green party could form.
One that has the intelligence to understand that so called renewables and EVs will do little if anything to save the environment.
In fact China’s upcoming demographic explosion will be the most environmentally friendly thing human kind will ever do.
Maybe you should go up to K Rd and tell those “so called trans”, who work up there, that they have a mental illness. I give it 3 minutes before you get your jaw broke.
You haven’t exactly made a compelling argument as to why I am wrong.
Want to give it a second go or have you hit your intellectual ceiling?
It wasn’t really an argument , but more of a suggestion, I kind of wanted to give back to the gay community by having the spectacle of a religious fundie like yourself getting the shit kicked out of them by a six foot tall drag queen, but hey, with your superior intellect you obviously saw right through my ruse.
Quick question, what page in the DSM does it say that trans anything is a mental illness?
Oh fuck off andy. You fucking witheringly wheedling pro natzo fuck. I think I can speak for many by writing that you and the fucking natzos are the problem and light years and multiple universes away from even the most basic worth and value.
Why are you still making excuses for Jacinda and LINO Martyn? I agree that they didn’t expect to win in 2017, but you’re saying that’s why they’re still not acting like a Labour government most of the time?
The problem isn’t what happened in 2017, or the Wgtn bureaucracy. As Bryce Edwards pointed out in his recent article on this site, the political left in NZ gave up on economics a long time ago, and went crazy for woke identity politics. The legislation that we’re seeing from LINO and the so-called Greens reflects their political priorities – and the priorities of the prog middle class voters who support them. That’s an oversimplification on my part, but the best I can manage on a Sunday morning before I’ve had my coffee.
Labour and Jacinda had reason to think they had lost in 2017. Numerically they had. It was Winston that chose who would be the government and to go with the smaller block surprised many and offended some.
But Jacinda had a lot more than 100 days to get it sorted and the first term earned her all the support she could have hoped for. The case you make for the unpreparedness of the first term in no way applies to the second.
And the second tern got well under way only consolidating her position as we utilised out natural isolation to live in freedom from a virus that was destroying the lives of most of the world , ( or rather the methods employed to control it were destroying them).
It all turned to shit when the vaccines became available, the isolation was compromised because the vaccine was supposed to replace the need for isolation and it did not.
So we have had the pandemic, the lockdowns and the side effects of the vaccine all rolled into one year.
But it has been the misinformation and outright lies about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine that has ruined Jacinda’s standing; and the refusal to discuss any of it with people who know the science and have serious concerns, and the victims of the experimental injections not being listened to.
All the people I know are vaccinated in fact I would not want an unvaxed friend. I have yet to see them attract any magnets grow two heads or ahave any other problem. I do see unvaccinated people in hospital taking up beds that could have gone to people with other medical problems..
I hope Jacinda’s weak Labour Party loses but it would be because of the way they are operating not because of their vaccine campaign which is the one and only highlight
Hear hear. Glad you’re not stopped from expressing such views like a few of us are
Don’t feel you’re being singled out Kevin. Most of mine on this topic are blocked too.
“……………..the vaccine was supposed to replace the need for isolation………….”
I must have missed something. Was it? Is that what the expert researcher and Influencer-in-Chief Sue Grey told us?
There are historical factors to consider with NZ Labour too.
–Always a cross class party, class collaborationist in classic terms. Sometimes partnership with capital suited working class needs as per original state housing and “old age” pensions, but mostly it is a one way transfer of wealth to the employing class, as COVID subsidies illustrated.
–The “Parliamentary Wing” lords it over ordinary members, and the rules enforce this, such as the time period (proximity to a General Election) Jacinda skilfully used to avoid another leadership contest in 2017.
–Mass membership of the NZ Labour Party (and other Parliamentary parties) and LECs has declined during the period since Rogernomics began and what left forces there were in the party were routed or left to form New Labour and The Alliance.
–The Labour Caucus is overwhelmingly right wing also as the Cannabis Referendum, the heel dragging on Fair Pay Agreements and implementing the WEAG report showed.
NZ Labour did not have a 100 day plan because they are essentially a neo Blairist electoral machine. I will never forget their behaviour in allocating extra resources to the West Auckland end of Te Tai Tokerau to keep Hone out and scuttle Internet Mana’s chances.
But they are still by far the lesser evil when the dirty, filthy Natzos are considered! Lets build the Green and Māori vote in 2023 and 2026 to keep the tory sheep shaggers out and finally retire Roger’n’Ruth’s toxic legacy with the new gen becoming politically active.
Okay TM you usually make sense and I think I will swallow my bile – ewhh – and vote the way you suggest. Sometimes you just have to suck it up while you work towards better times and ways but that should include everyone who wants to vote having to do a couple of workshops (not wokeshops) at least so they have a grasp of what can be achieved under our present system.
I think that people should elect some of the alumni from the workshops who can tick all the boxes required, as well as having some specialty – not from generic mass production – and they will make the decisions and the politicians see they are carried out or else they are out. Expensive travelling shows for votes will be over, instead there will be countrywide workshops over afternoon tea and biscuits and exciting political discussion and learnng. No magic tricks but the hard grind shouldn’t be too hard, there would be some fun afterwards. Those who don’t vote can put in queries as you do to Councils when you have a question or see something that needs fixing.
And lastly there needs to be a declaration of what NZ is about and how it is broadly going to follow those ideas through. What do we believe in, what is good and should be aimed for, and seen to be achieved and reported to the people. No emotional statements, no chest thumping, just a guarantee of meeting requirements and quality from representatives, or else move on after a proper hearing finds fact in the complaint. That would be more like the business that the Douglasites apparently want us to be,. St Augustine had some relevant thing to say.. Basically it can mean that if you want something to be good, and make a proper plan and work to make it come true and watch you are doing it right, then you will be rewarded with the good outcome you envisaged. I think the point is though that you need to work for it.
“Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe.” -Saint Augustine of Hippo.
50+ St Augustine Quotes From The Philosopher And Theologian Of Hippo › quotes › st-augustine-quotes-from-the..
Fair points warbler. My philosophy is classic marxist materialism, but my aged mother gives me grief because I will not adopt Stoicism, you could be a good stoic!
I don’t think these weak excuses wash with voter’s.
Labour was Her Majesty’s Opposition. They’ve been around parliament a long time, you know? For 9 years they ran policy workshops, got a very good lay of the land as far as bureaucracy went and money to research it and had more than enough experience to know exactly how things work down there.
Yes they were polling abysmally under Andrew Little but they sold a vision to voter’s to choose from leading up to that election that was clearly bullshit. Light rail to Mt Roskill by 2021? A complete lie, they had no idea whatsover how that was going to be achieved! They had no idea what any of their policies could deliver. They got found out as did us sucker’s who voted for them.
In 2020 they had no such excuse.
By 2022 they still have no idea, nearly 5 years in. It seems to me taking a whim to a ministry, as they have been doing, masquerading as policy and getting Wellington bureaucrats to work out the practical details is an idiotic way of running a government but God forbid Jacinda et al don’t seem to learn.
Reality was their policy was nothing more than ill thought out empty words from a bunch of talentless politicians who were more happy lounging around in opposition!
indeed xray the very fact they didn’t hit the ground running on day one, with policies fully realised and ready to go, is one of the biggest condemnations of the LINOs…what exactly were they doing in opposition, years of seat warming seems the only answer.
Yes XRAY agree particularly your last paragraph.
Yes, a sad waste of people’s hopes, of social opportunity, and of the working person’s tax contribution.
The problem that Labour has is very simple. Most Kiwis live in the real work for the most part, we are not virtual workers and citizens that do the ‘stay at home work from home for full pay’. We leave our houses everyday to do our essential and non essential jobs, that the virtual crowd so depends on. In essence what works and makes sense for ‘work from home’ crowd does not work for us. And us here in the real world, the physical world of getting shit done, food grown, and roads build we are so over this Person, their government and their followers.
Homeless people, theft, violent crime, hunger, and despair is everywhere but fear not the Greens and their They/Them-be are going to force Labor to do something that Labour could not be bothered doing with a full unobstructed majority. The They / Them -be Greens are going to do no such thing. They are happy to hold on to their virtual jobs and their very real 6 figure pay packet. And that is all they gonna do.
Labour – we had a full majority for 4 years and we did fuck all with it! Fuck Yeah, vote for us in 2023!
Greens – we reclaimed the word Cunt and one of our females is now a They / Them be, Fuck yeah, vote for us too! 2023
How can a Party with an unprecedented MMP majority still seem to do sweet fuck all on the big issues?
Because they were afraid of civil war. Because they know that the powerful with their access to media would control a narrative which would see the vast number of ignorant people harnessed into a metaphorical army.
In some places the mere mention of He Puapua sees paroxysms. Not knowing what it is, (the report itself) actually is, doesn’t come into it. He Puapua simply is that Maori are taking over New Zealand, the Government is giving it to them and it’s being done secretly.
Three Waters the same. It is simply our wonderful local water infrastructure that we paid for with our hard earned rates being given away.
And of course the handling of Covid. It may have meant votes in 2020 but now that’s just history. A history easily forgotten, made meaningless by time.
Freedom is a big issue. The lunatic fringe has pushed that message so much that many in the Joe and Joanne Bloggs camp believe we are more trammelled than most others in the world, we are living lives restricted. That is the way of leftist, communist dictators. Like Ardern.
A party with an unprecedented MMP majority can’t sort housing, poverty and gangs? Why? If it’s because they are incapable of making discernible steps I guess it’s time to leave it to someone else. Under National/Act there’ll be a dramatic improvements? Only in cloud cuckoo land.
Then again look at some of the attitudes that have been exposed through the covid thing. See the backgrounder about Sue Grey today and say we aren’t in
if a party can’t do anything for any of the reasons stated…what is the point of them, what purpose do they serve and why do we pay them?? sounds like a stupid or simplistic question but there is a point to it…if they have no actual function what are they for?
the point is, they there for the pretence of maintaining democracy – which for various reasons they’re undermining.
One day, they’ll wake up and wonder why the natives have become very angry and why a very small minority continue to worship the webbed feet and the ground they stand on. That one day isn’t that far off either.
Ah well. cudda shudda wudda.
How can a Party with an unprecedented MMP majority still seem to do sweet fuck all on the big issues?
Because they were afraid of civil war. Because they know that the powerful with their access to media would control a narrative which would see the vast number of ignorant people harnessed into a metaphorical army.
In some places the mere mention of He Puapua sees paroxysms. Not knowing what it is, (the report itself) actually is, doesn’t come into it. He Puapua simply is that Maori are taking over New Zealand, the Government is giving it to them and it’s being done secretly.
Three Waters the same. It is simply our wonderful local water infrastructure that we paid for with our hard earned rates being given away.
And of course the handling of Covid. It may have meant votes in 2020 but now that’s just history. A history easily forgotten, made meaningless by time.
Freedom is a big issue. The lunatic fringe has pushed that message so much that many in the Joe and Joanne Bloggs camp believe we are more trammelled than most others in the world, we are living lives restricted. That is the way of leftist, communist dictators. Like Ardern.
A party with an unprecedented MMP majority can’t sort housing, poverty and gangs? Why? If it’s because they are incapable of making discernible steps I guess it’s time to leave it to someone else. Under National/Act there’ll be a dramatic improvements? Only in cloud cuckoo land.
Then again look at some of the attitudes that have been exposed through the covid thing. See the backgrounder about Sue Grey today and say we aren’t in cloud cuckoo land.
Excellent Peter.
“Three Waters the same. It is simply our wonderful local water infrastructure that we paid for with our hard earned rates being given away.”
No one has made a case that that is not the case. Mostly kept secret. Local consultation cancelled. Local democracy cancelled in favour of 4 conglomerates and maori corporates so that water can be effectively privatised for foreign infrastructure companies by the next National government. The entities will be loaded up with debt and we will all have to pay the capital cost of our water infrastrucure again. The kiwi generations who preceded us and built it all will be rolling in their graves.
“Three Waters the same. It is simply our wonderful local water infrastructure that we paid for with our hard earned rates being given away.”
No one has made a case that that is not the case. Mostly kept secret. Local consultation cancelled. Local democracy cancelled in favour of four unelected conglomerates and maori corporates so that water can be effectively privatised for foreign infrastructure companies by the next National government. The entities will be loaded up with debt and we will all have to pay the capital cost of our water infrastructure again. The kiwi generations who preceded us and built it all will be rolling in their graves.
“Representative Democracy in NZ is a masquerade so that you will participate and give it legitimacy…”
And therein lies the problem of the last 30 years.
You may as well all give up now…
I’ve heard the W B alluded to quite a few times in the past, quite a mystery. Are they predominantly small oranges? Or a general mixture of different varieties of not very nice people who just want to plunder and pillage every day kiwis?
the greens are in effect a bourgeoise social club
I like Louisa Wall!
I like when Martyn drops f bombs. Msm don’t care enough to drop f bombs. Just want to write opinionated trash and drivel and go home and check their bank balances
Counter view – there’s no one in labour that has any real life experience of running large organisations or businesses.
There’s a lot of teachers, unionists and assorted oddballs but no one who knows how to get shit done. It’s that simple.
Of course the bureaucracy runs rings around these muppets. The labour ministers won’t be comfortable holding others to account and demanding action. Case in point, removal of just about all measurements in health – the left mindset is that these are punitive or upsetting to those getting measured. Over in the real world, what gets measured gets done.
It’s pathetic to excuse them for not having a plan, they should have had one regardless of whether they thought they’d win or not. What’s worse though is that they’re clearly recruiting people into the party on the basis of loyalty and adherence to their belief set rather than people who can actually deliver.
In other words, Jacinda and Co aren’t management material.
Except the way the neo-liberal public service is set up Labour can just end a a ministry CEOs contract pay them out a golden parachute and replace them with a hard arse manager that has committed to Labour’s program. The ministry minions will soon see which way the wind is blowing. The real problem is the program.
If that we’re true, they’d have done it. Sadly, it would appear that even this simple yet ruthless corporate approach is beyond the entirety of Labour.
they’re managerialist material – there’s a difference. In the short term, they should do well until they’re bitten in their collective bums when it all goes tits up.
Except the bureaucracy is enacting Labour’s Maori and co-governance agenda. What is that about?
Nothing much John. Ask Seymour. He seems to have read it.
If anyone had a brain in all of the 67 councils. They should up the bribe/bid to about $12b. The equivalent to all of their combined debt and insist on elected officials to be appointed.
It’s not rocket science.
So twice Labour could not come up with a 100 Day Plan!
The housing crisis of such a proportion that the MSM media while attacking Labour in their first term, actually convinced National voters the crisis is so great that even they would have welcomed big State intervention to solve it.
Ordinary working kiwis can see the poverty around them and when benefits get raised by only twenty bucks (3 loaves of bread) they know its not going to alleviate any child poverty. A $50 increase would have been meaningful and acceptable to the majority of kiwis.
Both of these could have easily been sold as a Labour Government actually doing stuff about real problems and would have been supported/accepted in an MMP majority environment. There are likely some other things Labour has actually done well (other than covid response) but hasn’t been sold to the public. Ideally, we would hear a drip drip drip of news of actual achievements each week. Meanwhile, they look they’re trying to organise something in a brewery but don’t know what. So disappointing.
Plus there are still 93,000 kiwi workers suffering the poverty, evil and indignity of not having a job.
Yes Joseph good points.
posts ???
Why is Jacinda failing? I once worked for a boss who said “always employ people who will end up being better than you”. Now that is the mark of a good manager or CEO. Jacinda on the other hand has surrounded with many turkeys like Potato Williams and Caramel Sepuloni and Megan Woods. And as for Louisa Wall – Jacinda clearly felt threatened by her so she worked her out. That’s a sign of weakness and insecurity. Figures.
Perhaps SourK Jacinda isn’t the boss. If that were so, who amongst the galaxy of Labour mostly men, who would be the individual boss, or if more than one, whom?
More of your misogynist crap again Sour Kraut – “Potato Williams and Caramel Sepuloni”?
Puerile name-calling! Are you a primary school teacher, who heard this sort of infantile humour in your school’s playground?
But, you and other needled!cks like yourself, are driving fantastic women out of politics and dragging New Zealand back into the dark ages – next you’ll be banning women from voting! From being the first country to give women the vote, you seem to want to ban women from politics and send them back into the kitchen.
“Misogyny is not just about hatred of women, it is about the control and punishment of women who are challenging male dominance, Hannah says. When you have a government, with highly visible, powerful women, those feeling challenged start to get upset. “There is a lot of stuff about objectifying and controlling and keeping women ‘in their place’,” she says.”
You bragged in a previous post you work with “gewat women”. Do you denigrate all these “great women” who you claimed worked under you?
Do these “gewat women” you work with, know you denigrate other women under your pseudonym?
Women must be such an anathema to you?
My wife has already told you she knows a few good counsellors who can get you over the hatred you have for women. Use you real name next time Sour Kraut, then we, and the “gewat women” you work with can give you the ‘accolades’ you deserve.
The true situation is that in general kiwis are greedy and untrustworthy, only interested in whats in it for them – its human nature of course. The NATZACT parties personify that behaviour and tax relief for the rich and inviting the property speculators buck in are examples that the right are salivating over now. NATZO also have no time for Maori, unemployed, homeless, low paid, pacifica, indians, and others described as “bottom feeders” by Luxon because there’s no votes in it. They’ll be playing the race card and Willis will be making up more crazy anti public service statistics.
Labour/Greens and maybe Maori Party/Mana (if they dont go with the Tories again) are the Coalition of the future. Its a long way till the election and time for more of the nasty NATZO’s dirty politics trash and dick texters to be exposed
” The true situation is that in general kiwis are greedy and untrustworthy, only interested in whats in it for them – its human nature of course. The NATZACT parties personify that behaviour and tax relief for the rich and inviting the property speculators buck in are examples that the right are salivating over now. NATZO also have no time for Maori, unemployed, homeless, low paid, pacifica, indians, and others described as “bottom feeders” by Luxon because there’s no votes in it ”
Couldn’t agree more !!!
An excellent explainer @ MB. I forget that the best intentions of Adern and her mates are stymied by the Neoliberal Natzo’s and their bureaucratic lapdog traitors in Wellington.
But can I ask? Why is yours, and presumably, Adern and her colleagues not using the MSM to explain to us poor normal, average, everyday mother fuckers the above daily? Hourly! I mean, people need to know what you’ve just written above. It’s fucking important stuff so why is it smothered in the pillows of polite parliamentary mumbo jumbo brain fartery? Labour urgently MUST come clean! Jesus! Adern? Speak to us? Please? Try and offend at least one Natzo and one Wellington bureaucrat. Just because you’re a good person doesn’t mean you can’t kick some arse.
By your account there seems to be only curtain twitchers and hand wringers left in Wellington’s bureaucracy and they’re too pasty, stale, deflated and deviant to broad cast the truth of the nitty gritties of our fucking government who clearly must act in NOT OUR BEST INTERESTS! I mean, asking “What the fuck!? ” hardly cuts the mustard.
What you’ve written above should be broadcast on every fucking media available including Runes, smoke signals, pigeons, parallel universes and old school telephones still using copper wires.
Seen a fabulous mini series titled ” Going Postal” ?
Labour? Do that! Go Postal! Send everyone a fucking postcard ! The Clacks ! Give then $20 and I’m sure they’ll oblige.
“But can I ask? Why is yours, and presumably, Adern and her colleagues not using the MSM to explain to us poor normal, average, everyday mother fuckers the above daily?”
Because there would be anarchy in the streets of middle class En Zed, when those who have paid into the ponzi scheme of NZ Inc, realise that our Government isn’t running things.
You do know that Wellington is a labour / green town don’t you? The vast majority of those hard working public servants are of the left – they are already predisposed towards enacting a left wing plan.
The problem is that there is no plan, not even a hint of one. There’s just a bunch of school teachers and student politicians hopelessly out of their depth and utterly incapable of doing anything other than throwing money around to placate the noisiest
yeti said – The vast majority of those hard working public servants are of the left
The most shocking revelation here is the fact you have a social life Martun 😀
Jokes ok 🙂
Our esteemed Editor would need an active social life to help him cope with the raving lunatics he tolerates at the Daily Blog!
Yes TM.
pass the anti-depressants.
Imagine for just 30 seconds what the Nasty Natz would do with a parliamentary majority.
Frightening isn’t it.
It would be to the advantage of the majority.
Jacinda promised medicinal cannabis within 100 days, two years later and they still needed reminding.
Reviews into poverty and welfare had 25 recommendations, still waiting on them to start on that…
Review into fuel costs petered out and never seem to result in anything at all.
Review into the electricity market ended up costing those who pay early the full price
Com Com limp wristed response to supermarket duopoly.
Rental market now more expensive, not less, housing market even more out of control.
Covid hits and Labour is throwing money at rich people and giving working class people a special unemployment benefit while still treating true beneficiaries poorly.
Working mans party? Not any more, they’re just like National now.
As someone always from the left and seeing this and knowing how little a minor party can contribute, I dont see a point in voting anymore, in the 30 years of voting have I ever seen any improvement in my life.
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