How will the Middle Class Marxists win back all those Parliament Lawn Nazis?


The funniest thing about the Poll result is the shocked surprise from most of the Twitter Woke.

For 3 weeks the NZ Left screamed ‘NAZI’ at poor brown protestors on Parliament’s lawns and are now surprised that they won’t vote for us.

You can’t pretend that there wouldn’t be a political response to that hypocrisy

How did we think the poverty we have done nothing about wouldn’t bite us in the arse politically?

I’ve been arguing this for 4 years now!

All the activist Left have managed to do over the last 4 years is cancel everyone who might have voted for us.

Well, congrats, we’ve cancelled everyone.

So far the vibe from the NZ Woke Twitter to TVNZ Poll is ‘fuck those ungrateful smelly lumpenproletariat Nazis for not voting for us’

TDB Recommends

Hmmm – might need to brush up on the sales pitch.

We need less cancellations, more economic hegemonic restructure.

We need less pronouns, more do shit that matters.

We need less narcissism of tiny difference, more common ground.

We need less pure temple politics, more Broadchurch policy.

We need less woke dogma, more actual pragmatic solutions.

The Left’s social media cheerleaders aren’t seen as welcoming voters, they are seen as punishing them.

Woke cancel culture is killing us on the Left.

This level of reflection seems impossible for the Middle Class Marxists in Wellington so I’ll make it as simple as I can for Labour, Green and Maori MPs.

Likes. On. Twitter. Don’t. Mean. Shit.

If we don’t want the poor having their economic misery manipulated by the right, THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR FUCKING ECONOMIC MISERY THEN!

Got it yet?

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  1. How about just doing shit?

    Why is there not 40,000 houses built since they were elected?

    Why is light rail to Mt Roskill not running?

    What ever happened to Climate Change being this generations nuclear free moment?

    Why is mental health still below 3rd world standards? And no improvement forecast?

    Hence our PM is losing all her credibility and its only accelerating. You shouted a storm and delivered a barely perceptible whisper.

    • They demolished the houses and created a lot of housing consents to bump up statistics to pretend their policy works.

      Much of the new housing built in NZ is housing that native Kiwis can’t afford to buy on NZ wages.

      To create all the popular mega mansions doing a storm in NZ – it takes up huge amounts of qualified builders and materials, that effect other building projects over years. Then they bring more workers and their families into NZ for construction, leading to needing more housing at the opposite end of the scale… not to mention more hospitals, schools, waste water, transport options, carbon emissions etc to feed the Ponzi.

    • If you were seeing the number of logs leaving NZ would you realise why we have a shortage of materials and why they’re so expensive, add in the rampant house market means property is expensive even before you get to build on it.
      Allowing investing in houses has crippled us.

      • The number of logs leaving is no the issue , the numbe of logs we cam process here is , and the cost and time to set up more saw mills and treatment plants is too expensive and too hard

  2. The problem with wokeborg is they are one-track, one-speed. The damage is done and the veneer has rubbed off. No longer are people shrugging off the government’s incompetence because it is finally hitting them in the back pocket.

    Fester will be PM in 2023 and Labour is in a shite load of trouble post the Blairite hitting the ejector button. If you think post Key National was a rabble wait till poor man’s Gordon Brown and Angry have round 2. Wait till the Maori squad lob a few grenades into into the mix. Then there is incompetent messes such as Twyford and Clarke that desperately want some payback. St Ash and Cuddles see their next job evaporate in front of their eyes……

    The night of the long knives will be cleaner……

    • “Wait till the Maori squad lob a few grenades into into the mix”
      If your scenario were to occur Frank, then surely the Labour leadership would be there for Willie Jackson to take? Question is would he want it?
      Would have a satisfying warmth to it to see Mana Motuhake’s bright young thing move the final piece on the chess board.

  3. Too late, they’re gone, and they’re not coming back.

    Probably ever.

    Jacinda flicked the bird and shouted a big ‘fuck you’ to a lot more people than she thought over that protest.

    Now the favour is being returned.

    • Yes Ma, they Ain’t coming back:

      Now New Zealand’s whitewashed windows and vacant stores
      Seems like there ain’t nobody wants to come down here no more
      They’re closing down the textile mill across the railroad tracks
      Foreman says “These jobs are going, boys
      And they ain’t coming back
      To your homeland

      To your homeland
      To your homeland
      To your homeland

      Last night me and Kate, we laid in bed
      Talking about getting out
      Packing up our bags maybe heading west
      I’m thirty-five, we got a boy of our own now
      Last night I sat him up behind the wheel, and said
      “Son take a good look around
      This is your homeland.”

    • Ma. Agree. And to think that I blamed Trevor. Mind you, the Nats and the Greens both supported Labour in not engaging with the protestors because the protest “ wasn’t lawful”, high school level thinking from all of them.

      • I can only speak for myself but I’ll never vote gnational again either.

        Esp with Sir Chris-toffer (well he is most certainly a Sir in his own mind) front and centre and doing multiple U turns within the space of two weeks on the protest alone. Typical corporate snake oil peddler that one.

        As the billboard says – you’re stuffed either way.

        It’s slim pickings out there.

        For me I’ll go with TOP, be nice to somehow see them hit 5%.

    • Jacinda IS the Wellington woke Twitteratti. Listen to the Clints and Neale Jones of the world, they think exactly like her, and she thinks like them.

      She’s cocooned in the Wellington “we know best” feel factor, and she can’t understand why the rest of the country doesn’t see the world in her and her sycophants eyes.

      It used to be said that National had the ‘born to rule’ mentality. Are we not seeing that same mentality coming from the ninth floor now?

    • ma: “Too late, they’re gone, and they’re not coming back.”

      That’s certainly what the polls are suggesting. It’s clear that some Lefties believed the country would wheel in behind the government over its handling of the parliament protest. But it appears not.

  4. “For 3 weeks the NZ Left screamed ‘NAZI’ at poor brown protestors on Parliament’s lawns and are now surprised that they won’t vote for us.”
    Sorry Martyn, but the comfortable middle class ‘going shopping in their electric car with knitted hemp bags and rainbow badges’ and their self important Twitter rants definitely IS NOT “the NZ Left”. And neither are those two political imposters, Labour & the Greens.
    Not until the middle classes are feeling the pain of the poor will we ever see a hint of change.
    And by then, it will be too late…… for all of us.

  5. The woke don’t get it and won’t ever understand as they are all too far down the rabbit hole. As a collective they have not been equipped with critical thinking skills plus it’s effectively a religion so the suspension of reality is par for the course.

    Tragically, I think the world is sliding into a period of massive disruption, turmoil and war. Who knows what will follow but I’d hazard a guess that woke culture, pronouns and all the other clap trap being disseminated will be the first to get binned.

    If the war between Ukraine and Russia drags in different actors or if Xi does a Putin over Taiwan then the West will need to reevaluate what matters in our respective societies. Being kind and cuddles just won’t work. If we are to hold onto some of what’s good in the world, I think it might also be time to accept that for much of the last century Orwell’s words have been true, insofar as “people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf”.

    Whatever happens, I think the world is in for some hard times that will see hard men and women rise up to restore order. Soy boys and snowflakes along with their allies in academia don’t stand a chance.

    • Agree Yeti, since the political and academic elite do not have the courage reject wokeness (unlike France). Wokeness will only go away when it fades in the US and we follow their cultural lead. Not from a triumph of traditional liberalism but
      1: Financial losses for large corporations and investors
      2: Critical mass of lawsuits
      3: Existential threat

      I think you see all 3 starting to happen happening. At the corporate level Disney is an example where the new regime of Susan Arnold and Bob Chapek are clearing house, lawsuits are gathering around schools and mandatory DEI training. On the third item, as globalisation collapses and geopolitics becomes increasingly unstable, it will for example, be difficult to sustain a discourse on toxic masculinity if large numbers of young men are required to fight and risk their lives at home and overseas. It will also be hard to care about pronouns or a dozen other luxury concerns with the energy, fertiliser, food, commodity supply shocks coming down the pipeline (excuse the pun) and resulting consequences.

      The dreamland of woke is about to collide with the realpolitik of economics, trade and a great powers reshuffling the chess board. Unfortunately Labour has done little to create resilience in the good ship NZ or prepare for the coming storm except navigate around the worst of covid.

  6. What happened to “Let’s Do This”?
    There is something that would make a HUGE!!! difference to the thousands of people who struggle to get food for their families.

    And, unlike magically creating 100,000 houses, this one is entirely do-able.
    The missing ingredient is Political Will.
    And so, there is more stonewalling, more creation of fantastic difficulties out of thin air, more blah blah blah-de-blah.

    Again, whatever happened to “Let’s Do This!” ??

  7. The problem for Labour is a lot greater than the cumulative failures of the last two election cycles.

    If you go back to the handover from Angry Andy, to Jacinda, labour were an empty talentless box.
    Let’s be brutally honest. In the previous 8-9 years under the David’s they spent nearly the entire time infighting. It appears they didn’t develop people, political or social policy, or any sort of strategy for how to lift living standards for the downtrodden, and solve the inequality issues. Along came Jacinda and she sprinkled her fairy dust, cast a spell of over much of NZ with her lovely warm slogans, and we all thought finally….

    Unfortunately it turns out she’s more like a Kardashian looking for an Insta photo op, or sound bites.
    Thinks she can bullshit us with her smile and spin. Of course there are some who still buy it, but the numbers are dwindling.
    Without Winston First and the Greens to blame for a lack of progress, and time fast running out, the fairy dust has lost its magic, and a greater and greater proportion of society can see them for what they are.

    And back to the empty box, why doesn’t someone list the capable Labour MP’s, the hardworking innovators we need at the top who will lead. Who will motivate their public service teams to drive these goals home?
    Jacinda’s taking the public slaying for Labours box full of useless MP’s. No matter how good the captain is; unless they have a good team around them, they will fail.

    If they lose the next election, and Jacinda decides it’s time move on, perhaps dedicate a little time to her daughter (my guess) Labour will be in a very very grim place…

    • Yeah! What did Labour DO for 9 years in opposition. They were totally absolutely unprepared. Nothing in the folder, no folder even, not even did they have a draw to put the non existant folders in!
      Disgraceful and insulting that anyone would turn up to a job soo unprepared.
      They went to the job interview, and were chosen, and… Nothing! No prep,, no worked and game theories plans, so insulting to the people who voted for them.

      Di they just party on for 9 years?
      All they did was sit around brainstorming how to trash anything the government of the day did?

      Including things like changing the flag, which remember was labour’s stated policy…

      And they felt good about taking money out of the working person’s family purse to prepare nothing?

      Just brainfart some great sounding ideas like ‘let’s build 100,000 houses! Yay!
      Let’s ban oil and gas! It’s an emergency! Yay!


    • You have said it all in a nutshell about Labours problem but it is also a tale of this countries problem .
      Labour changed leaders but no real policies and go into power all be it with help from the kingmaker now National have changed leaders but little else and their fortunes turn dramatically . Do not get me wrong I think Luxon would be a great leader but it does show we are into personnal politics in a big way.

  8. You think things are bad now?

    People are suffering a cost of living crisis: everything is going up, food, electricity, gas, you name it. Anything that needs to be transported will rise in price.

    Multi nationals tell us they are sorry but they are just passing on their increased costs but just you watch: they will all be posting the usual billions of dollars profits regardless just like how the banks did last week.

    What do you think Joe and Jane Poor are going to think when those pricks keep posting record profits while Joe and Jane can’t even pay the weekly rent and feed their kids?

    we are heading somewhere bad but the suits don’t care they are all laughing to the bank. But for how long…

  9. The left is stuck in a feedback loop that will only end in its destruction. They have been worse than the previous government on every single issue. The majority of the ‘left’ on this site are also in support of segregation and human rights abuses. They’re happy to see the ‘unclean’ cast aside by corporates. ‘Well you had a choice’, they cry, as your choice is stripped away.

    • The majority on this site don’t promote this but the far right like yourself do…

      A witness to the incident said a Covid-19 denier who presented in the department subsequently tested positive for the disease and “absolutely lost the plot”.

      The witness said the man refused to wear a mask, abused the doctor treating him, coughed repeatedly and openly, and yelled out that it was all a hoax.

      “Then he got very aggressive and was threatening to kill and assault the doctors and staff there.”
      “I don’t care what we’re paying frontline staff, because it’s absolutely not enough to be dealing with this.”

      Thank’s for coming Off White.

      • Nice anecdote Bert. Now think about all those poor jabbed people who were told they won’t get and they won’t die. They were lied to.

  10. Why is everything about colour, there seemed to be plenty of white, middle class in the mix of protesters.

    Unfortunately the left commentators are obsessed with colour as some sort of indicator of voting.

    Doesn’t work out very well as there are brown people of every class living in NZ, migrants of every class living in NZ, and ‘white’ people of every class living in NZ.

    What everyone is looking for is good policy for all and society, not identity based policy.

    Better housing for all, better water for all, better jobs for all, better medical care for all, better society for all, better education for all, better quality of life for all including quality of streets, and neighbours, community amenity – nobody wants to be run off the road by gangs or be axed at petrol stations, have a monstrosity built beside them, or landfills and industry taking over communities and be powerless to stop anything as money talks in NZ for everything ….

    Increasingly the perception is that Labours policy seems to be around race as a reason to put more management structures that don’t work over everything and give a free ride to many anti social groups. Likewise freedom to industry polluters to keep going in NZ.

    Greens have disappeared into their own arses and helping the polluters and human rights abusers get more NZ assets quicker.

    Even Natz know to hide their race bias – only when voters realised that 2 Chinese are more valuable than 2 Indians and many pakeha MPs in Natz are fucking useless and need replacing, that they turned away.

    Labour lead with race, with Maori and more benefits to overseas people to exploit NZ more freely. But after decades of this type of policy, Maori voters seem to realise it doesn’t really translate to help most Maori, thus only around 2% of party votes go to the Maori Party, and have done so for decades.

    White middle class Jacinda, daughter of a police officer, had it all, but has increasingly replicated the Natz policies of having more valuable (sic) people (or organised groups) being prioritised , paid for with more taxes to Kiwis to pay for this.

    Middle class Mums and Dads are not very organised and don’t speak out, but still make up most voters in NZ.

  11. Since when have Labour been a party of the left? Wind the clock back before the mid 1980’s and you have your answer. Red and blue bunting globalist neo liberals, are well, globalist neo liberals.

    Want change, stop voting for more of the same. Whining and complaining, wont turn a vulture into a dove, or a fly into a butterfly.

  12. If the left loses 2023 it’ll mean it has allowed the right to successfully brainwash millennials and zoomers experiencing economic hardship and extreme inflation for the first time that min wage raises increase inflation , spending causes inflation, the left can’t be trusted and when you go outside neoliberal orthodoxy even just a smidgen all hell breaks lose

    We’ll have lost two more generations and the next center left govts in NZ will be far, far far far more timid than ever before and we’ll get another 40-50 odd year’s lost to neoliberalism.

    This is not about labour or the greens. It’s about allowing another generation to be sucked into neoliberal orthodoxy and a national/act government will be Ruth Richardson on steroids and it will get reelected. .

    My friends on the left, we all on the economic left need to stop fighting amongst each other and work together to stop the Tories whilst pushing labour and the greens to something vaguely social democratic and universalist.

    We are always our own worst enemy, time and time again hoping praying right into the rights hands while thinking what’s the difference or that if the parliamentary center and center left parties lose bad enough they’ll realize they need to move to the left when in actuality everytime they lose they drift further and further to the economic right.

    NZ is already the second most deregulated nation on earth behind only Singapore.

    Do we really want to lose another couple generations arguing amongst ourselves while the neoliberals brainwash future voters?

    It’s happening. Loads of my generation have now been convinced min wages increases caused global inflation.

    While the economic left, woke left , center left, libertarian left, environmental left, socially conservative left all fight amongst each other’s the Chicago School are brainwashing the next generation the entire left claimed would end neoliberalism and all we had to do was wait a few elections for them to outnumber boomers.

    Noone has all the answers, but the lot of us are more successful when we attack our true enemies not bicker amongst each other.

    The lot of us are a pack of arse holes and we know it. Let’s push the greens to push labour left on economics yes I know hold your nose and block your ears and ignore the id pol.

    We cannot lose the economic argument especially since labour has only put it’s toe outside of neoliberal orthodoxy.

    If this governments moderate mild af policies are too be labeled by a generation as extreme radical economic leftism when it’s not…. Then the next labour govt will literally just be the act party.

    Solidarity amongst all left groups is need together we can be great, sperated by factionalism and tribalism and bitterness and we always lose an entire generation.

    • This is not about labour or the greens. It’s about allowing another generation to be sucked into neoliberal orthodoxy and a national/act government will be Ruth Richardson on steroids and it will get reelected. .

      My friends on the left, we all on the economic left need to stop fighting amongst each other and work together to stop the Tories whilst pushing labour and the greens to something vaguely social democratic and universalist.

      I very strongly agree with Corey, regarding this – Some of the dangers that we face in the future.

  13. There’s a story in the NZ Herald today by Fran O’Sullivan.
    “Jacinda Ardern’s rote response to thorny issues wearing thin”

    Unfortunately it’s behind the paywall, so the comments section would hardly provide a representative snapshot of NZ or Auckland’s response.
    But one comment sums up the general view of readers

    “ Dear Jacinda
    244 comments on here – of those 240 are against you. Against Labour and against incompetence.

    Please pour a malt and try to read them

    Save a wee nip for Clarke as he’s doing the hard yards and deserves support …. I’d suggest you resign

    Cheers from NZ & cherio”

  14. The poll results have nothing to do with sympathy for the Wellington protest. The vast majority of Kiwis of ALL political stripes have utter contempt for the dumb lives matter mob.
    It is the economy stupid.
    Cost of living, housing, poverty as it has always been that have generated these polls.
    The Wellington protestors were not conerned with any of these things as evidence of no interview, placard or graffiti on display claiming anything other than parroted North American bullshit and selfish hysterical claptrap.
    They deserve zero credit for anything.

    • But that’s just not true though is it Jack?

      The VERY Poll you are holding up as evidence actually told us that 46% supported the Government’s actions against protestors yet 43% didn’t!

      It sounds more like you were a lefty who hated the nazi scum and now don’t want the realities of your hate to hurt your side.

      I’m afraid you can’t do that Jack.

      We all saw what you middle class marxists really think, we saw how frightened you got and how you all screamed for the military. Just like any fascist does.

      We won’t forget Jack.

  15. As a sporting analogy weve just watched the School for the Deaf score multiple own goals against the School for the Blind who haven’t even made it onto the pitch. The blind will somehow now find the way onto the winners podium.

  16. If we the woke professional managerial padded salaried email caste Zolm set don’t want the poor having their economic misery manipulated by the right, THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR FUCKING ECONOMIC MISERY THEN!

    Fat chance, got to buy a Tesla to virtue signal, got to cruise the Adriatic when it opens up. Got to pay my trauma therapist after the unfortunate incident when somebody on the other side of the street sneezed.

  17. Mike is not happy with you Bomber !

    Mike the Lefty4
    13 March 2022 at 9:20 am
    National has missed an opportunity here to reinvent itself as “the best economic manager”. It could have come up with some bold new ideas how to rejuvenate an economy struggling from the effects of COVID and the Ukranian-Russian war but instead it predictably reverted to its perennial default position that every economic problem can be solved with tax cuts.

    National must also have been disappointed with the general reaction. It must have thought that tax cuts would strike a chord within a society being hit by escalating petrol and food prices and angry with COVID restrictions but in fact there was only lukewarm support from business leaders and none from welfare organisations and advocates.

    It was all too nakedly transparent and opportunist – the rich getting most of the benefits, the poor getting a few left over crumbs. Bereft of any new ideas. Tax cuts will not do much to help one of the most needy sectors of the economy – hospitality and tourism.

    The only worthwhile part was to fix what used to be called “the fiscal drag” – the situation where as incomes rise and tax scales don’t simultaneously rise then more people move into a higher tax bracket.

    A bold alternative economic plan by National would have been welcomed by an electorate that is losing faith in the Labour government, but National blew it.

    This is my first post for The Standard. I used to be a regular contributor to the Daily Blog but I don’t waste my time there any more because of the editor’s increasing tendency to go like Cameron Slater and censor any opinions that differ from his own, whilst at the same time allowing trolls free reign to make their own inane comments.

    • Ahhhhh. Lux has been in power a few weeks and the election’s over a year away. Neither party is in what anyone would see as an electioneering phase.
      Maybe a little early for such bold claims do you think?
      How do you know they don’t plan to introduce some “alternative economic plans”?

      Plenty of time for all parties to sell their wares.
      The bigger issue is now around credibility. Will anyone believe the Jacinda and Grant show; when they start rolling out the next round of election promises/bribes?
      Scattering our billions to buy votes.

  18. If you live down the bottom of society, the poor and the middle class, this country isnt going to help you.
    Our politicians bend over backwards to help people already successful while just sticking their hands out wanting more tax from the rest of us for no help at all.
    Stop voting, none of that 120 odd politicians give a toss about you, they’re career politicians who only care about who is funding their political parties.
    When the next election papers arrive they’re going straight in the bin.

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