The intellectual bankruptcy of the NZ Left’s Hate Speech legislation 


3 years in prison for thought crimes…

‘the incitement of disharmony, based on an intent to stir up, maintain or normalise hatred, through threatening, abusive or insulting communications’.

…bewilderingly the NZ Left see no danger with this, but what happens when the Right are back in power and they decide the definition should include climate change activists?

This looming hate speech debate is supposedly a response to the white supremacist terror attack in Christchurch, but the solutions of criminalising hate speech are all identity politic based intersectionist roulette virtue signals that will obscenely use the terror attack to justify gagging speech that the woke can’t tolerate while not protecting us from another white supremacist terror attack!

I read the terrorist’s manifesto and I don’t recall him referring to Trans Allies or gender identity, so why criminalising the misuse of pronouns is being mooted as a response to white supremacy terrorism is utterly beyond me!

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It’s particularly galling because the problem wasn’t hate speech laws, the problem was that the entire Intelligence apparatus of NZ didn’t bother doing their job, which is to protect us from the next possible terror threat!

This is the list of the NZ security apparatus, many acronyms you’ve never heard of, who are supposed to keep us safe with mass surveillance powers from this very type of terrorism, and I WILL CONTINUE PRINTING THIS LIST until you start appreciating how enormous a failure this was…

  • The SIS (Secret Intelligence Services)
  • The GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau)
  • The NSG (National Security Group)
  • The Police Intelligence Unit
  • The CNSN (Cabinet National Security Committee)
  • The ODESC (Officials’ Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination)
  • The SIB (Security and Intelligence Board)
  • The CTCC (Counter-Terrorism Coordinating Committee)
  • The NICC ( National Intelligence Coordination Committee)
  • The IAD (Intelligence and Assessments Directorate)
  • The NRU (National Risk Unit)
  • The NSPD (National Security Policy Directorate)

…the failure was with that list, that list who cost us over $200million each year to ensure this type of atrocity fuelled by extremism doesn’t rupture and cause mass loss of life!

To fucking pretend that Gender Identity Hate Speech is a response to this abomination of an intelligence failure is fucking infantile!

There has to be a way to protect minorities so that they have the same agency as everyone else that doesn’t buy the Left into a destructive free speech war we will lose.

Everyone in a liberal progressive democracy deserves the same agency. Muslims, Queer or Trans people shouldn’t feel abused and threatened or frightened of simply being in public.  Graeme Edgler has written extensively upon this and makes excellent points on how we could balance freedom of speech with the right to not feel threatened.

The debate must be focused on anti-harassment, not free speech!

It must also be focused on better public broadcasting and more regulations on social media (including taxes to fund that journalism) to stop the algorithms from weaponising debate.

Watching the Woke allow the entire NZ Intelligence apparatus off the hook for their total failure with the Christchurch terror attacks by demanding hate speech laws is one of the great intellectual failures of 2020 and 2021.

Mark my words you woke clowns, the only winner here will be ACT.

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  1. THIS NEWS JUST IN! Nicky Hager on Radio New Zealand
    ‘A former long-term Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) officer is running private intelligence operations for the controversial private investigation company Thompson and Clark. This includes the tracking and monitoring of ex-members of the Exclusive Brethren as reported by Radio New Zealand yesterday.’
    Once a sneaky bastard always a sneaky bastard.
    Actually Nicky Hager reveals that he could uncover this because Gerry and his mates are also careless bastards and therefore shit intelligence gatherers ( forgot to use codewords for names).

    • Stevie: “‘A former long-term Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) officer is running private intelligence operations for the controversial private investigation company Thompson and Clark. This includes the tracking and monitoring of ex-members of the Exclusive Brethren…”

      For the life of me, I can’t see what this has to do with anything. Both are private organisations: what business is it of anyone else what they do?

  2. “I read the terrorist’s manifesto….”

    As did I, thanks to you, Martyn, for having posted the link. For a person of limited education, he was surprisingly articulate and well-informed.

    “…I don’t recall him referring to Trans Allies or gender identity, so why criminalising the misuse of pronouns is being mooted as a response to white supremacy terrorism is utterly beyond me!”

    I remember his manifesto as being an anti-Muslim rant about the great replacement. It had remarkable similarities to jihadist stuff I’ve read, except that they fear Christians. I don’t recall anything about white supremacy: indeed, it’d be odd, given that he attacked Muslims, who are members of a religion, not of an ethnicity, and who are as likely as not to be white.

    “….identity politic based intersectionist roulette virtue signals….”

    I agree with you: I don’t understand how this stuff has anything to do with the hate speech issue. It doesn’t crop up in Tarrant’s manifesto.

    “…the entire Intelligence apparatus of NZ didn’t bother doing their job…”

    I read the Royal Commission report. It states that Tarrant couldn’t have been caught, except by chance, because he was a loner who flew under the radar. Beyond a few individuals, NZ doesn’t have a white supremacist sector; Tarrant apparently didn’t contact even those few individuals.

    On the other hand, we must give due recognition to the police who caught him: a couple of country cops in the city for some training, or some such, I believe. And they nabbed him before he could kill any more people. Which he almost certainly would have done. Many of us saw that arrest, captured by a passerby on a mobile phone.

    The report noted that intelligence services were focused almost exclusively on jihadism and Islamism. Given that there have been no instances of white supremacist mass shootings in my considerable lifetime, I expect no less. On the other hand, Islamist violence is an ever-present threat, and it would be optimistic to claim that we in NZ are immune to it. Attacks in Europe are frequent: just the 2019-20 Christmas season, there was one in Vienna, where we have extended family. It was a very worrying time, to be sure.

    I expect our security still to be paying attention to this sort of ideology, because it’s clearly a bigger threat here than white supremacy.

    • No, I disagree with your conclusion.

      The intelligence apparatus is paid $200m each year to predict the next danger.

      They failed to spot Tarrent because they were too focused on Maori, Muslims, Greenpeace, MANA and Hagar.

      The SIS admitted they picked up Tarrant downloading Anders Breiviks manifesto IF they had cross referenced that with local intel – like the fact there were 3 complaints from his gun club – he would have been caught before he committed his atrocity.

      You are as bad as the woke in letting the intelligence apparatus off the hook.

  3. M. They’re not the ‘Left’.

    They’re the Wokester Identarians homogenised and confused middle-class with physiological problems known as the Toxic Positivity dysfunctional disease.

    The renta mob for ‘change’ that stays the same! The enablers to maintain the status quo under another name.

    Again, under labour, no real change, just a load of hype and window dressing with a lot of cos-play.

  4. 3 years in prison for thought crimes…

    ‘the incitement of disharmony, based on an intent to stir up, maintain or normalise hatred, through threatening, abusive or insulting communications’.

    …bewilderingly the NZ Left see no danger with this…….

    what’s bewildering is how the author can defend “free speech” so passionately here yet during the election mounted a sustained smear campaign against Billy TK jnr. & the tens of thousands of NZ citizens who supported his right to question, shrieking for them to be silenced amongst a number of other punitive measures ….

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