The terrible misreading of political populism as white supremacy in the Trump & Brexit results & why Bishop Brian Tamaki will fail to make it happen in NZ


Interesting opinion piece on the rise of alt-right rhetoric in the NZ political spectrum…

Populist and far-right rhetoric gains currency in New Zealand’s political fringe

Freedom of speech, firearms and Sharia law conspiracy are being peddled for political gain, three months after the Christchurch terror attack. It appears the language of populism and the far right has gained currency among the political fringe. THOMAS MANCH reports.

It was the battle songs, the talk of conquering and war that struck some in the audience. 

Self-appointed bishop Brian Tamaki stood before his Destiny Church congregation and apologised to the Rainbow community for years of hurtful comments.

Sat among the crowd at the church’s annual conference in June was frequent watcher, retired religious history professor Peter Lineham​, who says the apology was accompanied by a “militant” performance. 

Tamaki had turned the target of his fire and brimstone rhetoric from one minority onto another: Muslims.

The fundamentalist church leader is not the only one assuming the role of “defender of Kiwi values” in the face of claimed threats such as increased migration, Sharia law and curtailing of freedom of speech. The language is also used by parties nearer the mainstream, by political aspirants featuring on breakfast television.

It’s the language of populist politics that’s thought to be a factor in the election of President Donald Trump, for Brexit and for the rise of far-right politics in Europe, where cries for minorities to “remigrate” are heard.

…I think the attempt to paint Trump’s win and the Brexit result as a populist movement based on white supremacy and fear of Muslims is problematic.

Problematic because while there were certainly racists, white supremacists and Islamaphobics who flocked to Trump and the Brexit referendum, writing those wins off as dominated by damaged and hateful influences allows us to see that populism as misplaced and without legitimate grievance which means the Left and progressives are likely to make the exact same mistakes.

We can scream racist and sexist as much as we like at Trump voters, but when Trump wooed Union families, women and the working poor in such huge numbers, something else needs to be examined as the reason this malignant tumour of a human being won.

The free market globalisation that the Democrats embraced robbed the domestic American working classes of their dignity and economic ability to survive in the exact same way that it robbed the working classes in the UK that saw the insanity of Brexit win.

Those left behind by free market globalisation, the domestic working classes, were suddenly flooded with the working classes of the rest of the developing world and they lost out in America and the UK and by playing to that economic insecurity, Trump and the Brexiters were able to exploit the resentment of those who felt left behind.

That’s a different political situation in NZ. While Tamaki adopts the anti-Muslim rhetoric of this populism, the Bishop’s moralistic Church message doesn’t resonate with those who have been left behind by free market globalisation. Brian is attempting to sound like the cure without correctly diagnosing the disease.

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Yes the Coalition Party will sound like alt-right populism, but it won’t embody the economic security those working classes who have been damaged by neoliberalism are seeking. Trump attacked the TPPA and Brexit focused on economic sovereignty, the Bishop is just promising more divisiveness.

I’m not saying there won’t be a market for hating Muslims, but it’s not a roadmap to 5%.

Until there is a movement in NZ that can embody the resentment to free market capitalism with inflammatory language that unlocks that fury, Labour, the Greens, National, ACT and NZ First can all continue to peddle the same basic financial hegemonic neoliberal structure.




  1. This is pure evil. I read and read and am still reading about Islam – the word probably describes as many strains of ‘religion’ as does Christianity, and within Islam there are variations concerning the importance and recognition of Sharia law, and I struggle to believe that this Tamaki person doesn’t know this, and if he does, and he continues to use Sharia to fear-monger, then he is the slimy ratbag which he appears to be – both inside and out.

    Further, he does a disservice to genuine Christian people by misrepresenting them in the eyes of our NZ Muslim community. Just another opportunistic thug – with a big shiny bike.

    “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” – and that is most certainly not Tamaki. What’s he want ?

    Allahu Akbar.

  2. The key question to ask any Parliamentary party is whether they will get rid off the Reserve Bank Act, free in and outflow of capital etc.-the structural underpinnings of neo liberalism.

    The politics “that dare not speak it’s name”-socialism is what is needed!

  3. Did ya think draining the swamp was gonna be easy? Did ya think that them and there publicity machine would take it lying down?
    Its a brave new world with no room for bullshit.

    • No I think hyper sonic missile technology, that’s missiles that can travel well over 5000kph has completely changed the game. Missiles that can be launched from Russia, skim across the surface and reach the States in 5 minutes. And America can not compete with unless they make there own. The traditional U.S foreign policy tool, the aircraft carrier has been placed next to the battleship. Y’know so it’s back to deplomatic channels.

    • That “swamp” has been infested with new species of vermin, mainly of the rattus obnxious trumpus and oterr closet neocons , white supremacists, and misfits

      You obviously haven’t really read Martyns blogpost have you

      In so many ways we’re seeing history repeat from the early 20th century. People sufferec from the Great Depression , the weakthy kept their wealth, and the poor suffered humiliating long lines at soup kitches

      Communism didnt offer much as a solutiin. Scandinavian socialism was pribably unheard off, but the rise of populist fascists in Grrmany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal were things ordinary lumpen proletariat coukd understand and flock to

      Parliamentary democracy couldnt stop free trade agreements and the export of jobs/industry to low wage countries, but viters could flock to a populist cause that could give a poke in the eye if neo liberalism. Which theyve done in bulk

      Same shit different century

      It remains to be seen if the Democrats in the US learn from the 2016 experience. The Russians mayve stirred the pot a bit with organized trolling and fake news manipulation but they needed fertile soil for their cunning plans to take root

      As youve said Martyn, if the Russians could disrupt a US election with $250,000, then the Yanks have got more problems to deal with than anything a bunch of hackrrs and trolls in St Petersburg could come up with

      Trump can only win a second term if the Democrats repeat theur crazy behavious and expect a different result

  4. He might have got 5% with a zero immigration policy; No Zealand is on a path to civil war with migration levels double and triple those of the Disunited States and the Disunited Kingdom.

    There are no left-wing parties in No Zealand… they are all parties of the propertied class, for the propertied class.

    The Transnational Capital Party just needs to sit back and watch the Wage Slave Labour Party continue to import hordes of (foreign) transnational Capital Party voters.

    Monotheism is right-wing fascism.

    Fear for the futures of your children and grandchildren… it ain’t gonna be pretty 🙂

  5. Secular govts are a part of our constitution in spite of that being ignored by many parties.

    Dangerous clown like tamati would change that if given a chance.

    Religion has no place in politics. Nor does the feeble minds of those use it as a crutch to support their world view.

    Governance can be guided by the UN Chart which gives definition.

    “observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.”

    Tamati and religious right can do their canvassing for followers and their cash elsewhere but not in our parliamentary forum.

  6. I see the tar- mikis have released their first policy ‘we should give the death penalty to pedophile’ this is a sick policy. I don’t think much of their adviser he is talking nasty and nonsense and in my view he needs to grow up. Yes they will get votes from their church members and maybe a few mugs who are stupid enough to fall for their bullshit. They are not politicians and it is becoming obvious they are dreamers if they think they can make it into parliament. They will learn there lesson soon.

  7. I see the tar- mikis have released their first policy ‘we should give the death penalty to pedophile’ this is a sick policy. I don’t think much of their adviser he is talking nasty and nonsense and in my view he needs to grow up. Yes they will get votes from their church members and maybe a few mugs who are stupid enough to fall for their bullshit. They are not politicians and it is becoming obvious they are dreamers if they think they can make it into parliament. They will learn there lesson soon.

    • He has never had enough no matter what the size of bank deposits he and his family hold: all robbed from poor gullible frightened families.
      A dangerous megalomaniac with a gang of henchmen.

  8. Bishop Nick J, yes that’s right, you heard it first. Gotta go get wrap around mirror glasses and a leather mitre. What do you mean you cannot take me seriously?????? Now who’s this God person?

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