TDB Top 5 International Stories: Saturday 11th March 2017


5: Radioactive Boars Roam Fukushima as Residents Forced Home

Fukushima residents face toxic boars and radiation after being forced to return home

Six years after Japan’s worst nuclear disaster, former residents of Fukushima are being forced to return home despite radiation significantly higher than recommended safe levels and herds of radioactive wild boar that have taken up residence and no longer fear humans.

Vice News


FOR THE PAST several weeks I’ve been asking the Trump White House (and nudging other reporters to ask) a simple question:

Since presidents have the power to declassify anything, will President Trump use this power to make public any evidence that exists of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, including whether former President Obama ordered a wiretap on Trump Tower?

So far the White House press office has not responded to my repeated inquiries. However, during the untelevised “press gaggle” this past Monday, NPR’s Mara Liasson engaged in this exchange with White House press secretary Sean Spicer:

The Intercept

3: South Korea: The day Park Geun-hye was ousted

As we walked the last couple of kilometres to the Constitutional Court, the extraordinary nature of this day was clear from the start.

The streets around it were cordoned off with more police buses I can remember seeing in a concentrated area in Seoul – and that’s saying something for a police force that knows how to precision park buses by the score.

We were stopped for ID checks half a dozen times.


2: EFF Director: WikiLeaks Move to Share CIA Hacking Tools with Tech Giants Could “Make Us All Safer”

We speak with Electronic Frontier Foundation Executive Director Cindy Cohn about thousands of documents WikiLeaks published this week, dubbed “Vault 7,” that describe CIA programs to hack into both Apple and Android cellphones, smart TVs and even cars. Some of the released documents describe tools to take over entire phones, allowing the CIA to then bypass encrypted messenger programs such as Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp. Other documents outline a CIA and British intelligence program called “Weeping Angel,” through which the spy agency can hack into a Samsung smart television and turn it into a surveillance device that records audio conversations, even when it appears to be off. Other documents outline how the CIA has used the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, as a covert base to spy on Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “It’s extremely troubling that the CIA was keeping all of this information rather than giving it to the tech companies so that they could fix these problems and make us all safer,” Cohn notes.

Democracy Now

1: ‘Trump lies all the time’: Bernie Sanders indicts president’s assault on democracy

Bernie Sanders has launched a withering attack on Donald Trump, accusing him of being a pathological liar who is driving America towards authoritarianism.

In an interview with the Guardian, the independent senator from Vermont, who waged a spirited campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, gave a bleak appraisal of the new White House and its intentions.

He warned that Trump’s most contentious outbursts against the media, judiciary and other pillars of American public life amounted to a conscious assault on democracy.

“Trump lies all of the time and I think that is not an accident, there is a reason for that. He lies in order to undermine the foundations of American democracy.”

The Guardian