GUEST BLOG: David Tank – Bill’s Super bluff a con for coalition with Winston


So Prime Minister the retirement age is going to rise to 67 in 2040AD.

You reckon?

But I suppose you would know …after all, I hear you have been there…

You “Man of the Future” you.

Let’s see then…23 years from now …2040AD… 8 General Elections gone, boomers but a memory and all the whiles amidst an endless series of social, political and environmental disasters… a terrible tidal wave… a flood…wars… plagues… famines… hell…even cats and dogs living together in peace and harmony!

God forbid.

Yup I reckon you’ve nailed it old son the kids of 2040 are going to love you.

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I can hear them now… “But hey it’s only two more years to a pension…if you were born in 1972.”

Good work Bill!

Yeah right.

So…yeah no, I’m too wary of your farmer cunning to join your flock.

I like to choose my own hair stylist thank you Prime Minister.

I’m not buying this look and nor should anyone.

Our Bill is not a Statesman wrestling with the issues of our age; he is only doing what every politician does in an election year when you need a coalition to govern… grab a “third rail” and set up an easy trade.

So how about having something cheap to give Winston in September, when you need him to keep you in your job?

As Farmer Bill knows you feed your chooks.

“Righto…we will give the old boy an easy win, let’s all pretend that stopping us from saying the pension age will rise by two years in 23 years is a real win.”

“His Granny’s will love that.”

And endless column inches ensue… all while the world continues to burn.

I bet Winston is feeling just peachy right about now.

He does love it when they feed his chooks.


David Tank was born in Timaru and raised in Tauranga; he came home 18 months ago. He has been a journalist, a salesman, a public servant, a singing dancing waiter and many other things, too many to mention. His political heroes are Jack Lee and Mustafa Ataturk. He wants his country back.


  1. Yup, dead right there.

    I have frequently pointed out that the biggest threat to a change of government is not the National Party but NZ First.

    Winston’s record shows him to be a National Party enabler. He is no friend of the left.

  2. Yeah, I thought exactly the same when I heard the details.

    From a purely logical perspective I can see four possibilities:

    1. It was an unfortunate ‘brain fart’ that he let slip in front of a microphone so he had to come up with this BS policy to cover up. This is a possibility because it came out of nowhere – there appears to be have been no preliminary work done to support the move.

    2. He’s an idiot. Unlikely in my opinion but you never know…

    3. It’s a political gambit to just tick the box on the retirement issue so nobody can accuse him of not having a policy. Got it over with early so it’s put to bed before the electioneering really gets under way. It also puts Labour under pressure to develop policy in this regard.

    4. It gives Winston the oxygen he needs to get ~ ten seats.

    Choose your poison!

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