TDB Summer Election Special: United Future – a revulsion of one and will MoU survive Ohariu?


I allowed Helen Kelly to die as a criminal, but my bow tie looks good

I think that it was despicable that Peter Dunne made Helen Kelly a criminal by denying her medicinal cannabis. That is a disgrace he should never be allowed to live down, alongside his vote to allow mass surveillance (after being a victim of it himself) and stopping the feeding the kids Bill.

This bow-tied arsehole is in desperate need of wiping.

His electorate has more civil servants than any other electorate, let’s hope they do the right thing by Helen Kelly and vote this miserable old goat out of Office. I want people in his electorate to walk around with signs reading ‘Remember Helen Kelly when you vote’. She deserved better than he gave her and he deserves the political consequences of such petty spite.

He could have been empathetic to Helen’s condition, and he wasn’t.

Screw him.

Luckily for Peter Dunne however, this is what passes for political journalism in NZ, a pathetic piece on how he ties his bow-ties.

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I’m not joking, it really is about how he ties bow-ties.

Well done Fairfax, critical and insightful political commentary there. His bow-tie tying skills deserve a full page front cover in the Dominion Post.

The issue for Ohariu this election will test the parameters of the Memorandum of Understanding that the Greens and Labour signed in a hurry last year because the Green-Blue faction wanted to remain neutral at the 2017 election. Labour intend to push former Police cheerleader Greg O’Connor into the Ohariu electorate as their candidate.

Asking the Greens to stand their candidate aside and vote for a Labour candidate who is a former law and order hardarse like Greg O’Connor seems about as reasonable as appointing Cameron Slater to the Broadcasting Standards Association.

O’Connor has had a road to Damascus over cannabis legalisation and  if that Greg O’Connor turns up for the election then Labour selecting his as a candidate could be inspired.

That hope rests on Labour being clever so fingers crossed.





    • @ COUNTRYBOY … Enough to make one feel quite bilious!

      Seems all the freebies at Bellamys is starting to show on Key’s less than healthy looking bod. Perhaps he’s wants to compete with his mate Gerry!

  1. Dunnes 710 majority in 2014 could be “Dun-away” with if the Nat’s put up an candidate?
    Can someone just nominate somebody? Anybody!

  2. +100…”I think that it was despicable that Peter Dunne made Helen Kelly a criminal by denying her medicinal cannabis.”

    …not to mention his willful inflicting of pain on all the other living New Zealanders, including fragile elderly, who live with terrible unbearable pain

    …and who by all accounts would benefit from medicinal cannabis, or at least the legalised option

    ( the only ones who oppose medicinal cannabis are a few ( authoritarian ‘bought’ ?)doctors and Peter Dunne who support BIG Pharma painkillers, of which there is an epidemic of addictions and deaths in the USA of these opiate prescribed painkillers )

    …I do so hope Peter Dunne gets his karma

  3. Most of the cops I’ve had ‘ dealings ‘ with, and I feel reluctant saying this oddly, were, in fact, quite enlightened overall.
    I developed a close working relationship with one or two of Christchurch’s New Brighton precinct street cops and I discovered that they knew of the concept of neoliberalism manufacturing dysfunctional criminals out of what were working class people who only aspired to being happy and of the lunacy of the War On Drugs. They knew, that when poverty entered an innocent home, horrors then spilled out onto the streets.
    I find it extremely interesting that O’Conner’s fluttering around Labour and not National. He will know the realism of street life in post neo liberal NZ. He would have seen horrible things happen to otherwise good human beings to turn them into monsters. Perhaps this is his attempt at trying to be a curative influence on not only society in general, but in himself.
    Personally, I think he may carry more street cred’ than our ex ‘Leader’ and fat, pink investment B-wanker now flouncing his Nikie’s in Hawaii.

    Or…? Or he could just be another arsehole looking for a new career path.
    We’ll see I guess.

  4. > His electorate has more civil servants than any other electorate

    You said that last election Martyn, and the one before. It sounds compelling, but it didn’t result in a change of elected candidate.

    Beware the average angry animal who voted Drumpf, or rather the left commentators that failed to detect the seismic shift. It was the Bernie message that inspired voters, play the issue not the man.

    So the issue for those publiic servants are perhaps ministerial bullying, ninth floor arrogance, OIA smoke & mirrors, idealogical policy on the hoof, ignoring carefully considered & well written reports to ministers, big fees to consultants doing the same work, and the perennial cut backs in staff or allocated hours for projects.

  5. The trouble with cannabis for our abusers and our authoritarian bullies is that it’s known to cause bouts of lateral thinking. They’d find that deeply concerning when, it might be revealed during a pot infused thinky-thinky session, that the featured pompous, be-wigged old fairy’s spending our $-six figures PLUS entitlements so as to be in a position to cause harm, distress and anxiety to the people we love, to our neighbours, friends and whanau. Such sessions, usually accompanied by foods, drinks, tea, biscuits and much laughing might just beg the question; do we need fuckers like dunne fiddling with his little bow tie at all? He’s costing us a fortune so how about we just get rid of him?
    Us“ Knock knock ! “
    Dunne. “ Who’s there ? “
    Us “ It is us. “
    Dunne. “ Us who? “
    Us . “ We, the public. We pay you for representing us by way of reason, balance, empathy, intelligence and kindness. “
    Dunne. “ Ok, So what. What do you want?”
    Us “ We’ll give you a head start. Five minutes to pop into some running shorts, sneakers and clear your throat. You may want to engage in some therapeutic screaming as you run for your life? “
    Dunne. Wh’ ? Wait? My bow ties ? I need to box them up for traveling … “
    Us . “ Crash-bang-tinkle ! “
    Dunne “ Yeeeeeearrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhgle Shriek, wail, moan, plead, beg, cry…
    Us. “ Chill out mate. We’re not really gonna hurt ya. Here, have a toke on this, and a cup of tea. Now, how’s that feel? “
    Dunne “ ( sobbing, sniffling. ) Oh my God ! I see clearly now ! What have I become?? A monster, my only friends are bow ties ?? Dear Jesus ! Please forgive me. “
    Us. “ Right. Job dunne. Who’s next? “

    Seriously, it’d be that easy.

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