Did the NZ Government just have 2 Terabyte’s of information hacked?



An astounding claim late this week from Kim Dotcom that appeared on a  news blog that few will have heard of has been ignored by the mainstream corporate media in New Zealand. The claim is that 2 terabytes of information has been hacked or ‘leaked’ from the National Party and that it will appear in the 2017 election.

To date the mainstream media have done a terrible job of actually investigating why John Key suddenly resigned. Kim hints that this hack will shed light on that.

The SpinBin is an interesting place for Kim to make these claims as it has deep connections with the Anonymous and Occupy movements which gives it a huge credibility amongst the online activist community.

I think the hacking of the Panama Papers, Democratic Party and this possible hack of the National Party are far more likely to have come from the post Snowden online activist community sickened by 5 Eyes and corporate power than Russian attempts to influence the US elections.

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2017 could be as bumpy as 2014. Strap yourselves in folks.


  1. I thought John Key left because he “wanted to go out on a high”, “he was out of gas” and what ever other brain dead excuses were good enough for the Listener, NZME’s stable of crap and Stuff.co

    One can only hope if some damning information surfaces that New Zealanders don’t bury their heads in the sand and contrarily vote National anyway as seemed to happen with Dirty Politics.

    You know the “Its a left wing conspiracy” and the old “Well they do it too” and “all politicians are lying cheating scum” as National successfully managed to market last time.

  2. Hopefully this lot isn’t another damp squib like 2014. As much as I would like this to have substance, I will maintain a degree of skepticism until the evidence is revealed. And further, will the MSM ignore it as they did in 2014?

  3. …what a great picture of jonkey Nact!

    …I sure hope it was hacked…and i sure as hell hope Dotcom gets the last laugh on jonkey Nact being exposed for posterity ( not prosperity)

  4. Any revelations concerning Key wont be covered with any invesitgative digging or reporting ,thats old hat , we just don’t do it anymore and cant because as we have commented many times the media IS the National party in drag and i wil not be shocked or not surprised at anything that surfaces involving that shyster , quite frankly that’s why he resigned to limit any damage to brand Key.

    That’s the mistake Richard Nixon made , not getting out before Watergate blew sky high, thankfully though the Washington Post was interested in the truth and exposed Nixon and the “cancer in the whitehouse”.

    No such luck here….. unless a case can be bought against Key and the evidence is in disputable.

    Key guilty of a crime or crimes and sentenced , that outcome could not be ignored.

    Sorry back to reality.

    He is well protected and no longer in office.

  5. I wouldn’t place as much faith in Trump as KDC does. Undermines his argument a bit but there is no doubt he has every right to be angry. I also wouldn”t have as much faith in him that New Zealanders will have no choice but to reject National if more is revealed. When everyone claims to have the truth people revert to the safety of what they “know”. Better to provide a credible alternative for govt.

    • re “Undermines his argument a bit…” (no undermines your argument a bit !) Trump sure as hell beats the corrupt rankness of Hillary Clinton ( suggest you read WikiLeaks ,which she is laughably blaming on the Russians)

      re “When everyone claims to have the truth people revert to the safety of what they “know”. Better to provide a credible alternative for govt.”

      ( so “truth” is a moveable feast?…dont think so…people know how to sift ‘truth’ claims…they just need the evidence put before them, which the msm does not do)

      Your whole argument doesn’t make much sense imo…are you advocating for the Greens? If so they seem to be a wee bit confused lately…’Red Peak’ anyone?

    • re “Undermines his argument a bit…” (no undermines your argument a bit !) He didnt mention “faith in Trump”… anyway Trump sure as hell beats the corrupt rankness of Hillary Clinton ( suggest you read WikiLeaks ,which she is laughably blaming on the Russians)

      re “When everyone claims to have the truth people revert to the safety of what they “know”. Better to provide a credible alternative for govt.”

      ( so “truth” is a movable feast?…don’t think so!…people know how to sift ‘truth’ claims…they just need the evidence put starkly before them, which the msm does not do)

      Your whole argument doesn’t make much sense imo…are you advocating for the Greens? If so they seem to be a wee bit confused lately…’Red Peak’ anyone?…”political correctness” over foreigners buying up NZ houses?

  6. I am just waiting for the next book by Nicky Harger. On current form it should come out a few months before the election. Will be a great read…

  7. Kim Dotcom: Why do you think John Key resigned? This wasn’t about his family. It’s more likely about the next election and 2 terabytes of emails and attachments that were taken from New Zealand government servers. I heard from a reliable source that the Podesta emails seem like cotton candy compared to the amount of disgusting dishonesty the National government will see leaked at the next election. Key must know. He’s taken the parachute. He can’t stomach the kind of embarrassment that Clinton had to endure with daily releases of dirty emails. And this time even his media cronies couldn’t have saved him. The Internet and alternative media of reputable truth-telling websites are taking over. Leaks are the new political reality. Over time this will be the cure against dishonest politicians. They just can’t survive in this new environment of information.


  8. If it’s so sensational, why not make it public now? Or is this just another teaser from dotcom heading for damp squid.

  9. And doesn’t this government & Key just hate KDC for attempting to expose their deceit, lies and subterfuge against NZ? Hence the reason they are out to bring him down. Bunch of treasonous vermin!

    Well done KDC. An asset to NZ. More so than Key was at any stage of his political life.

    Key got out for a reason known only to himself and it wasn’t anything to do with family, being worn out, or whatever else he wants his adoring public to believe. Bet it was a case of self preservation, because he knew he was on the “brink of something special” …. being exposed for the corrupt, fraudulent, lying traitor he really is! He knows what’s coming and wants to be as far away from the proverbial hitting the fan as possible.

      • “To date the mainstream media have done a terrible job of actually investigating why John Key suddenly resigned. Kim hints that this hack will shed light on that.”


  10. It’s a tantalizing idea, and if there was even a shred of evidence of it in John Key’s mind (via say, confirmation by the parties affected) then bailing now would be the best option.

    But “The SpinBin” is not what you would call a “go-to” source for such releases. The very name of the site should give one pause. Dig deeper. Watch the recent crowd-funding video put out by the woman who wrote the article – it is patently one of the most paranoid rants you’re ever likely to see.

    Kim Dotcom often gets it right, but we should never forget that he is also a wily psychological warrior. He knows that just the *idea* of such a hack would be enough to disrupt the entire National Party apparatus.

    It’s entirely possible that there has been such a leak, but unless it is released by an organisation like Wikileaks, we may never know for sure. Until then, its all just speculation.

    The more likely scenario is that Key left because he knows that interest rates are going to go up soon, and fast, and that the entire house of cards he’s built in NZ will come down in a rush. Of all the OECD countries, nowhere was the housing bubble pumped harder or longer than in Australia and New Zealand.

    What goes up must come down. There will be years of pain in NZ, possibly even a Greek-style crisis, and a complete repudiation of Neo-Liberalism – we can deduce this from publicly available sources.

    About one thing at least, there is no speculation; John Key knows the party is over.

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