The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 13th December 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.




  1. RT is what Hillary and the Democrats would like to have banned as Russian propaganda….but is ‘thought policing’ really fascism?! we want protection by crooks?

    By scapegoating and smearing the Russians is Clinton and the Democrats and Obama and their corporate backers really trying to cover their corrupt tracks before Trump gets to be President?

    RT was one of the few media outlets that took WikiLeaks seriously and published in summary the truth about the inner goings on of Clinton and the Democrats…and they had a lot to hide !!!!!

    ( unfortunately the PC righteous bunnies who supported Hillary and who have bought into the Russian boogeyman are too ignorant and stupid to have read WikiLeaks)

    Here is an example of the terrible RT that Hillary and others would like to protect us from and have censored:

    ‘Bullhorns: Coup attempt?’

    “It is hard to believe, but the American election isn’t over yet – and it’s apparently Russia’s fault. Also, is the new meme “Assad will stay?” And, Trump’s world view.

    CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Alex Christoforou, and Martin Jay.”

    • Yes Hillary is similar to the war mongering folks down at CNN always inciting war for their Armaments buddies top make more money from war.
      CIA have been meddling with other countries political systems for countless years.

  2. Guess what is triggering off the recent earthquakes here in NZ?????

    it’s called “seismic blasting” another way of searching for oil under the sea.

    Right now in NZ waters, the world’s largest seismic oil ship, the Amazon Warrior, which we’re calling The Beast, is blasting for oil in the deep sea off our East Coast – and we caught them in the act!

    We flew a 120 nautical mile reconnaissance mission to find them – here’s what we found – it’s pretty shocking…

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