Why Paula Bennett is running for Deputy



Now the factions within National are all breaking ranks with the leaving of Key, we see the naked ambition and power of different National Party MPs.

What most readers need to understand is that many within National loath and fear Judith Collins to the extent that there is a ‘Anybody But Crusher’ faction of senior National MPs who believe Collins would get drunk on power and is capable of doing anything with it.

Paula Bennett has been groomed as the replacement PM because she is easy to control by the senior Ministers and can block Collins.

Her decision to put herself up as Deputy is a clear signal that she wants to sit under Bill English’s wing for another 12months and if he wins 2017, he’ll step down and allow her to move into the role.

What English didn’t reckon on was Key just walking off and what he isn’t prepared for is a civil war with Judith Collins who may not be able to swing the numbers in this current leadership challenge, but she will run a guerrilla campaign to destabilise him via whaleoil for the next year.

Bill English is stuck between a Crusher and a whale.


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  1. It should be made clear and restated at every opportunity that anyone standing for deputy is betting on National losing the election.

    The idea is that after the loss, the leader gets rolled and the shiny new deputy steps up.

    No one would imagine that Bill English or anyone else would win an election then walk away. But the Nats will be just as ruthless after a loss as Labour.

    (Way back when, by the way, with hindsight wouldn’t it have been so much better if Goff had been asked to hang around to assist with the succession process. The way things worked out, it would have been so much better for the debate to have happened and the selection made by an essential consensus. If it took a while,but there was time. That’s all there was.)

  2. But what about poor little ‘ Sweetiekins’ ? , Martyn?

    All that bullying and handing out $5000 to leave Auckland then another $2000 to come back and do it all again will be for nothing? Nought ? Zip? Zero?

    Oh well, long term its going to be either Sweetie or Mussolini’s daughter…

    Either way the National party is out the back door in the next year or so…

  3. “will run a guerrilla campaign to destabilise him via whaleoil for the next year”

    Is that ALL?!

    What is the size of whaleoil’s readership?

    How influential is it? Are there really nuggets of competitive intelligence in the sludge, for people in decision-making niches? Or is it simply hard tack for the outraged diehard plebs?

    ‘Guerrilla’ looks like Winston Peters stomping the country for three wilderness years to show people his bonhomie and stoke up trust. I cannot imagine that woman making such a degrading effort. She’s more donner und blitzen than subtle and persistent, based on her past exploits. No good follows her.

  4. Paula Dear has spent years to grease up to Bill English, her tutor, kind of, in the humble affairs she may ever be able to manage. Crusher Collins has no time for her, and any other candidate, such as Jonathan the Arrogant Coleman, he would likely pick another greaser as Deputy.

    So of course, this is her last chance to get into a higher office, with a higher salary also, becoming Deputy PM, greasing up to Blinglish something BIG.

    Once he goes, she will also have to go, as only Key and Blinglish gave her much credit, for being the figurehead of the most nasty and damning welfare reforms this country has ever seen in generations.

  5. I hope the whale will one day wash up on Muriwai beach and decompose before any rescue effort by desperate Young Nats may set in.

  6. I love the photo, it tells me this, she says:

    “Hey, I love you dark and little piece of shit, I can really deal to you if I wanted to, but hey, I will not do so today, maybe another day. Good look, I wish you well, get a job and shut up about sick and disabled.”

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