Political Caption Competition




  1. Get some of that surplus concrete “sold energy” were to be used to seal the mine cancelled now by reason so families cant enter the mine to recover their family members killed four years ago.
    The concrete company is refusing to supply the concrete until the issue is resolved.

    It will be fitting to use it to cover Ms Collins with concrete now as she is evil.

  2. “Fuck John! This is a good reminder, why it soooo good to be a Minister in your Cabinet. I’m not made for doing the heavy lifting aye John!” PinoKeyo replies, “Yeah, Lou. You’re pretty shit with that spade gurl! Should’ve brought the Maaori sheila Hekia along. Surely she wouldn’t of been able to fuck this up?”

  3. Not so easily disposed of unfortunately.

    Judith Collins is one of a breed – there are others eager to step into her shoes.

    Yes, power is the greatest aphrodisiac.

  4. Couldn’t they have got the Greens to turn this over first? This is like developing original policy, I don’t know if I can be arsed.

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