The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 23rd November 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. The Propaganda War… with the Mainstream media…the masses are revolting!

    “In this episode of the Keiser Report from the Chapel Hill area of North Carolina, Max and Stacy look at what the Democratic Party looks like on neoliberalism: collapsing. Is the TPP trade deal dead? And was Donald Trump’s ‘craziness’ overblown by the media?

    In the second half, Max interviews the former head of the Democratic Party in North Carolina to find out how and why Hillary Clinton lost.”

  2. …and RNZ fights back..a MUST LISTEN!:

    Kathryn Ryan and Russel Brown on “gullible people”, torrent of fake stories, fake news sites, false commentators, , “Russian disinformation campaign”, “post truth politics”….'we-really-have-lost-touch-with-empirical-fact

    …as well as the role of WikiLeaks

    KR: “What about the role of WikiLeaks?…putting out information that is unsubstantiated and out of context…was there anything in it? …bugger all came out of it”…

    ( listen and make up your own mind…I for one was not impressed and will keep using alternative media sources …as well as occasionally listening to RNZ , but with critical thinking intact )

    btw Russell Brown took issue with the alternative media claims that Hillary Clinton laughed about getting a child rapist off the hook…his assertion was based on court documents ( where of course it would not show her laughing)…however… perhaps if Russell Brown cared to search alternative media he would find video footage of a lengthy interview with a younger Clinton which substantiates the claim

    …alternative media is multi dimensional, eclectic and requires open investigative minds to sift fact from fiction…it is not establishment propaganda, precious, self important and egotistical defense of one’s patch…

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