Friends don’t let friends vote for tax cuts



Let’s be clear.

There is no budget surplus for tax cuts!

There are beneficiaries on the breadline, public services terribly underfunded, 800 000 in poverty, 41 000 homeless,  hundreds of thousands locked out of home ownership, hundreds of thousands in debt for their education, tens of thousands of children who need extra educational help,  560 suicides per year and another natural disaster.

That’s not a tax cut, that’s a political decision to leave the most people behind.

Tax cut = Communities cut.


  1. “There are beneficiaries on the breadline …” Martyn states.

    True. And to join them, let’s not forget the number of working families also on the breadline as well! Those working every hour given them, but still struggle to make ends meet!

    Not a pretty country is it?

    But hey, let’s give tax cuts to satisfy the greedies and self absorbed, so Key & Co can have another term in office, to continue with the wrecking ball of a National government!

    Get them out! Now!

  2. Not according to Bryce Wilkinson of the NZ Initiative. A slithery little fellow with vowels so round I’ve not heard such roundness since the days of jim bolger.
    It’s interesting, that people like wilkinson don’t seem to allow humanism to get in the way of his counting our money.
    Fundamentally, the moron can’t quite grasp the idea that there are some elements of society that can never be expected to return a hallowed profit.
    Welfare is one aspect of that simple equation. Must of us know, that if you squeeze society tightly enough out pops costly dysfunction. Unless, of course, you can figure out a way to turn a dollar out of that dysfunction and it’s about now that SERCO springs to my mind.
    Electricity, water, communications, health, dentistry, rail, postal services can never return a growth based profit. Never. Those systems must be there for all and be free ( i.e. Tax payed for ) Otherwise, chaos soon follows and you have a vast fiscal gap between people who live under bridges and people who live in gated ‘ communities’. It’s my view, that those who would try to argue otherwise are frankly not that intelligent. They may be cunning, well educated and can, when the need arises fake a level of intelligence as wilkinson did this morning while talking to fabulous Kim Hill but underlying all that snake oils sales and the wobble bobble of the vowels I hear a pithy little man applying cheap makeup to a cluster fuck economy in a steep dive. He’s already trying to blame the victims while sexing up the myth that our economy is firing on all cylinders.
    People like wilkinson need to learn to multi-task. Like running while screaming.

  3. The only thing that should be cut is this schyster and his utterly appalling colleagues.

    If they are going to cut tax and make a real significant impact then cut GST.

    The middle class and the poor and destitute will be forever grateful.

    • It’s a start; cutting GST – and back to 10%. We can only hope that if Labour ever gets in again it won’t have another go at bumping up the percentage. (10% went to 12.5%).

      Neither side has shown itself able in using other People’s Money to support the many of this country in living better without destroying the environment.

      All negative tax schemes need to be placed before the voters well before election day. No ‘mandate’ to hike or add new taxes should ever be assumed, regardless of the size of majority.

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