The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday 21st November 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. Oh dear! Nobody’s keeping an eye on the Trump effect. He’s added $10b to NZ’s international nett debt.
    NZD tanked 7 cents (was 77 last week) and it looks like its new home is between 69 cents to 70cents.
    The squeeze is on?!
    The housing market trade will take a hit, construction and trading as capital dries up.
    Hows that $1.8b (paper) surplus looking?

    • Planet Key is like living in a bubble with a bunch of kids running around with a bunch of pins.

      he said at the APEC Economic Summit today that he still believes there is a tax cut possibility next year or if we don’t have a blowout by 2020!!!!!

      Key reckons by 2021 we will have a possible near 10B surplus????

      Smoke & mirrors just like the world of “short sell”,-despite-quake-bill-key

      Mr Key – who is at the Apec summit in Lima – said that needed to be weighed up against forecasts of rising surpluses of up to $8 or $9 billion by 2021.

  2. I’m going to make a prediction here. The left is domed until John Key destroys the National party and destroy Kiwi values in the process of taking his 4th term, what ever is left of the left will have to have the answers.

    • Kind of hard not to notice. That’s not the disturbing thing. The disturbing thing is the reaction or lack of.

      I firmly believe that because John Key has exposed the dirty politics machine to the public that in 10 years sexual gratification and domination of woman will be acceptable.

      Tina Ngata in another article released today described good old wholesome kiwi values that the police were willing to smash female skulls in, over.

      I firmly believe that in the process of destroying the National party and kiwi values, John Key will assure in total fascists.

      My only objective out of all this is to become a winner, not a loser

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