Government misleads on Pike River mine sealing – Stand With Pike



The government’s ‘temporary’ seal on the Pike River Mine, stopped by an occupation by family members last week, will be a twenty metre thick solid concrete wall.

Sonya Rockhouse, whose son Ben died in the mine, says the details, leaked to family members, show once again they have been lied to. “I said to the Minister last night, ‘you and me both know once that seal is in that’s it.’ This new leak proves I was right.

“We’ve been told a stainless steel wall was built 50m into the drift and then sprayed with concrete last Thursday.

“The next stage is to fill the mine-shaft completely from floor to ceiling with concrete, to a depth of at least 20 metres, then another wall over a metre thick to hold it. This is more than 100 concrete trucks’ worth of concrete. It will be permanent.

“Rather than send Ministers to threaten us with arrest, John Key should be calling a halt to the sealing process and talking to us about reentry.

“Both international experts and a local mines rescue expert have told us it’s possible to get in there and secure remains and evidence.

“Promises were made by the Prime Minister and they haven’t been kept. Anyone who loses family like this deserves justice and closure.”

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  1. “Promises were made by the Prime Minister and they haven’t been
    kept. Anyone who loses family like this deserves justice and closure.”
    No surprises here as this man has lied all his career before the election and now since on a registered list of over 360 times conservatively and over 500 times o another register.

    Simply his Government has mislead and deceived all of us as they plan every act they plot behind closed doors and want this to be kept secret so to enable them to carry out their inhuman acts against us all.

    Government work in slow motion firstly to get to their goal.

    This is carried out firstly by a slight “temporary” manner such as being seen here by saying “a temporary wall is being used” which now is found to be a lie, and will force reality later and this is their mode of operation with everything they do now, so we must never believe anything they say or do in our future’s as they cannot be trusted.

    Just look at the way they introduced the “heavier longer wider trucks into their truck fleet by introducing a small increase and now have increased the size, weight and width, six times over the last 8yrs to various fleet models of trucks, bases and other heavy vehicles.

    This was all to make Road freight more efficient and cost cheaper none which has eventuated and now those bigger heavier trucks are wrecking our roads and has forced on us increased cost of road repairs and more deaths from truck crashes, and next now they want to make trucks speed increases to 100kms so see the pattern???

  2. Yes poor buggars they were promised by John key he would do everything he could to get them out and once again he hasn’t delivered on his promise. He has given these people false hope, shame on him.
    We should have one last look before we seal that mine permanently. The government and the power company don’t want anyone to go in that mine, why is that, they say it is too dangerous how do they know this they are not mine experts. Also I don’t believe the Pike river mine will be sealed permanently it will be sold later and mined with our men lying in there. Our government thinks people are stupid they think the interest or the people will wavier and they will forget over time. But they wont and neither would I if one of my loved ones was lying in that mine. No one has been held responsible this is not good enough 28 of our men lying in the mine they worked in and who got of killing these men.

  3. I’m a big picture male human. I don’t have the concentration span for studying minute` .

    Therefore, I see a picture of a rat. I’d smell the rat but it’s a picture. And unless the picture is painted with a ground rat guts paste, how am I to smell it? You can see my problem.

    I see someone hiding something.
    This has nothing to do with safety. The Gubbimint could care less about us, contrary to why we pay them to. Be caring and apportion monies to keep us safe and in good fettle. Otherwise? 300k kids on, or below poverty. Otherwise 1700 suicides. Otherwise sending troops to Hell. Otherwise die on hospital waiting lists. When I pay taxes, I want to know my tax money pays for a fag, a beer and a lotto ticket. What ever it takes to buy a small amount of pleasure and relief for those less fortunate than myself. I know, I been there. I do not pay tax to know yankee doodle psycho jonky-stien enjoys $495,000.00 FUCKING DOLLARS ! OF MY FUCKING MONEY ! WHILE THAT LITTLE CUNT LEAVES DEAD KIWIS IN A FUCKING HOLE IN THE FUCKING GROUND !
    Yeah, ok Scarlett Mod. Do your thing.

  4. Shocking. My guess is that they don’t want anyone to know what happened in there and if the miners were still alive and able to be rescued and for how long.

    It’s disgusting. The families deserve to know.

    It’s a cover up.

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