It’s Our Children’s Future Hikoi, Day 3



After months of organising, the Its Our Children’s Future Hikoi happily got underway on Saturday October 15th.

“Our enthusiasm and spirits are very high,” says organiser Gen de Spa. “The support we’re getting is amazing. There’s obviously a very wide and very deep concern for the future of our children because of current economic policies.”

The buoyant mood of the send-off created by the musicians of the Natural Magic Pirates carried through the whole morning. After a safety briefing, hikoi leader Rachel Thomas and her daughter Peta talked about the challenges of preparing for the hikoi, the wonderful support from whanua and friends and the vital necessity of taking direct actions like the hikoi.

“The international movement for change is challenging corporate greed and the ‘Profit First’ mindset because we need to look after our land and waters and our communities and families,” says Rachel.

Approximately 40 people walked from Cathedral Square, Christchurch at 10 am. 30 arrived in Kaiapoi for a BBQ at 4 pm.

The hikoi started Day 2 at 7 am in Kaiapoi and walked to Leithfield. “Drivers have been very cooperative and many have honked and waved in support,” say de Spa. “Five radio stations are broadcasting the location of the hikoi each day so motorists have advance warning.”

[See 15 sec video of the children crossing the Ashley River bridge in Dropbox Hikoi Day 2 folder. Video credit Brodie Williams-Anderson.]

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Day 3, October 17th, the hikoi progressed up State Highway 1 from Leithfield to Waipara. Next stops Greta Valley, Tormore and Cheviot.

The Its Our Children’s Future Hikoi will arrive at Parliament at 12 noon on Thursday November 3rd. It is expected that more than a hundred people will have joined the hikoi by then.

There will be a reception for the valiant walkers at Parliament. It will be interesting to see which political parties will take a strong stand in favour of effective action on climate change and against trade treaties like the TPPA which cause inequality. Which MPs will join the last leg of the hikoi from the ferry to Parliament?