The Daily Blog Open Mic – Saturday 15th October 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. Hillary Clinton’s financial misdealings..and the Clinton Foundation in Haiti

    “Max and Stacy discuss the Wikileaks #PodestaEmails documents which shed some light on why a self-described not very charismatic speaker is paid so much for her speeches… to bankers and brokers.”

    and this also is interesting…financial freedom for Africa?

    “Max talks to entrepreneur Sinclair Skinner (@SkinnerLiber8ed) of BitMari about the startup and crypto landscape in Africa and about the Clinton Foundation’s role in Haiti.”

  2. ‘Voters feel Clinton fatigue after years of scandals – Former Clinton Secret Service Agent’

    “It’s less than a month to go till the American presidential vote and the Trump vs. Hillary race is heating up. The campaign seems to be focused more on dirty laundry than the issues that matter. With fresh scandals erupting every day, some Republicans are abandoning their nominee and joining Hillary’s camp – fearing that Trump is not fit for the presidency.

    But is the real Hillary Clinton radically different from the cool and composed persona she’s projecting in public? We ask a man who spent eight years guarding the Clinton family in the White House – former Secret Service agent, author of ‘Crisis of Character’ – Gary Byrne.”

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