The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 6th October 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. This is interesting : Keiser interviews David Stockman, author of ‘Trumped: A Nation on the Brink of Ruin’ in the second half of the Keiser Report .

    Stockman’s opinion is that while Trump is an “unknown” he is outside the establishment and has a more pragmatic deal making approach to foreign relations and peace in the Middle East and with Russia. Hillary Clinton is part of the oligarchy of the last 30 years. She a “known known evil”.

    …”In regards to defense spending, Stockman says “The one thing that I learned during my time on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue is that the defense budget, and the military-industrial complex that perpetuates it, is the mother’s milk of fiscal irresponsibility.”…

  2. RNZ is trying to give an alternative non establishment , non mainstream media view ! …at least it was last night… with this entertaining interview by the stand in for Bryan Crump ( yesterday evening on ‘Nights’) on the USA Election

    LOTUS (Lionel of the United States)

    Emmy Award Winning Renaissance Lawyer and News Decoder Michael William Lebron AKA Lionel on the state of political play in the U.S.

  3. Dear rail Stakeholders,

    Finally the good news has arrived to re-open part of the rail service to Gisborne, but at this time only to Wairoa for log shuttle services.

    “Napier-Wairoa rail line to re-open as log harvest volumes soar”

    “The Napier-Wairoa rail line is set to reopen, with an agreement between KiwiRail and Napier Port being signed today. Napier Port is offering a freight service to log exporters starting in the final quarter of 2017”

    But what about the increasing other road based freight????

    So now our main task is still ahead to re-open the service all the way to Gisborne – as the most isolated region in NZ now without any rail services to reduce the heavy truck road pollution to all communities.

    Bloody brilliant so does government want to kill us all!!!!

    The hidden dangers of using road freight only that comes from a formerly not considered truck air pollutant, being in the form of tyre dust emitted from 34 tyres on each truck now, that represents as a large component of tyre dust pollution that is entering all our bodies and water systems as we speak to you now as road runoff from air and rain deposits into our nearby drains and rivers into our aquifers.

    Tyre particulates are entering our water systems from road runoff and the NIOSH date base evidence that is now saying clearly that continued exposures to tyre dust will kill us all.

    Kiwirail apparently have no policy on preventing this public threat by using rail, nor does Government care of tyre particulates (1,3, butadiene) that NIOSH state here that at the lowest levels of exposure 0.19 ppm (LOQ) to tyre particles (1,3, Butadiene) in our water it will kill us, – with hematopoietic cancer, tetratogenic & reproductive effects, – so who will care for public health?

    Look up 1,3, butadiene folks.

    It is a shocking toxic chemical in tyres now along with styrene as both are cancer causing but 1,3, butadiene destroys the immune system, productive system and nervous system also!!!!!!!
    tyre dust travels 35 kms from any road so we are all exposed now but rail doesn’t use tyres so use rail the bloody fools GGGGGRRRRRR@*()_

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