Let’s be honest, John Key doesn’t give a toss about poor children and neither do National voters



Oh it’s too hard to find out how many poor children live in NZ is it?

Government won’t commit to a poverty target because it’s too ‘difficult’ – John Key

Key told media on Monday that having “one single measure of poverty” wasn’t a very good way to look at the issue.

“The advice I get is that there are a number of different measures, they don’t always cross over perfectly. So rather than spending time worrying about that, the Government’s focusing attention on the kids themselves, rather than a particular measure.”

…before he was elected, John Key couldn’t stop talking about the growing underclass in NZ and how he was going to fix it. 8 years later and homelessness is worse, inequality is worse and child poverty is worse.


The fact that Key would compare counting rodents with poor children is in itself grossly offensive…

Easier to count rodents than kids in poverty, suggests Key

Prime Minister John Key has suggested it’s easier to count the number of stoats and possums than measure the number of children in poverty.

…so let’s be honest.

John Key doesn’t give 2 shits about children in poverty and neither do National voters. As long as their capital gains property bubble keeps growing, National voters don’t care if John Key starts shooting them in the streets (as long as someone cleans up the blood afterwards). Most National voters believe its the parents fault for having the kids in the first place so why the hell should they have to care?

That is the bitter tiny nation we have become, where wilful ignorance trumps compassion.

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Instead of using Genetic Engineering to eliminate pests by 2050, how about we use basic health, education & housing to eliminate child poverty by 2020?

Under National Aotearoa has become the land of the wrong white crowd.



  1. ‘8 years later and homelessness is worse, inequality is worse and child poverty is worse.’

    Air quality is worse.
    Water quality is worse.
    Soil quality is worse.
    Broadcasting is worse.
    Debt levels are worse.
    Sustainability is worse.
    Democratic representation is worse.
    Accountability is worse.
    Corruption is worse.

    Actually, it’s hard to think of ANYTHING that is better than 8 years ago. (I can’t.)

    So just what is it that National voters keep voting for?

    • Why??
      More rental properties.
      Transferal of wealth to their own deserving selves.
      Anyway..if you need Health Care then just get Health Insurance.

      And just because the other parties are full of people who are probably Socialists and are a bit smelly.
      Of course there are enough centrist neo-libs in Labour for them to maybe think about voting that way, but still, it’s a bit dicey, especially when you look at all the trouble that Jeremy Corbyn and his Trotskyites are causing in the UK.
      That sort of carry on has a habit of spreading.
      Hence Andrew Little’s terribly ungrateful snub of Johns friend Helens advice on ‘The Middle/Centre’ last week.

    • 100% another three years on planet Key (who is perhaps a alien himself) and we earthlings are all toast, as he may have been beamed down to make way for his Martian Klingons to take over when this world is more like a dry and lifeless place for them to habit as we wont survive in that dry dessert.

    • “Bank of America’s fraud resulted in “one of the biggest reverse transfers of wealth in history – from pensioners to financiers.”

      I’m very surpised that John Keys amazing Merrill investment story with its high drama, forced bailouts and resulting lawsuits has never been made public before ….

      “The Wall Street Journal reported later that day that Merrill Lynch was sold to Bank of America for 0.8595 shares of Bank of America common stock for each Merrill Lynch common share,” ….

      The facts regarding Merrill being a toxic mess and at the center of the GFC is established fact ….The Bank of America was forced to buy it …..to prevent its bankruptcy and a feared chain reaction of financial collapse


      Paul I have done much searching and read many many articles to see if I can find mention of keys windfall charity anywhere on the internet……… His continual investment in Merrill untill its implosion into bankruptcy is ignored along with his bailout looting where he got rewarded for working and then staying invested in a dishonest ponzi scheme …..

      “The amount of devastation to the financial system if Merrill blew up would have been unfathomable,” Wilson told me in May.”

      “On December 14, Price called Lewis and told him that Merrill’s losses were now $12 billion. (By the end of December, they reached $15.3 billion.) Lewis later said that what he mainly remembered from the conversation with Price was just the “staggering amount of deterioration” in Merrill’s financial performance.”

      “Some observers say Lewis’s failure to disclose to his shareholders the extent of the problems at Merrill before the shareholder vote may have constituted securities fraud: a violation of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rule 10b-5, which prohibits any act or omission resulting in fraud or deceit in connection with the purchase or sale of any security. “He committed classic securities fraud,” the senior Wall Street mergers banker says flatly.”

      “No information about Merrill’s growing losses was provided to Bank of America’s shareholders before the vote, as several members of Congress noted at a June hearing to investigate the merger.
      Three months later—even before the deal closed—the engagement was on the rocks, the mood soured by staggering losses at Merrill, and Bank of America’s executives were looking for a way to break it off.”

      “Bank of America’s generosity allowed Merrill to dodge a bullet, as it was just days away from following Lehman into bankruptcy court…. ”

      Our medias ‘official’ john key story is that he is a very cleaver money trader who got rich by skill and brains ……….

      nothing is mention about u.s.a citizens, who were the victims of merrills and john keys greedy stupidity ….they payed for his Bank of america shares …

      If the new zealands media portrayal of key were like a company prospectus ……. they would be up for fraud.

      “”Bank of America’s fraud resulted in “one of the biggest reverse transfers of wealth in history – from pensioners to financiers.”

      JK got his large cut of this wealth transfer …… As he took the charity with both hands from pension funds and others poor citizens who lost jobs and wealth …………..

  2. Yes, I can remember the little prick parading round a low-income street in Auckland making all sorts of empty promises during the 2008 election campaign.
    Removing GST from fresh fruit and vegetables was also described as “too difficult” by this mob.

  3. Is anyone surprised? The only thing that surprises me is, that he is so blunt and open about his views. But he knows, when thousands stand outside a new trademark clothing store at Sylvia Park in Auckland from the early night hours on a weekend, so they can get in and buy their first new cheap brand clothes, rather than dare stand up for any ethics or principles, there is NOTHING he and National have to worry about.

    The conscience of too many has gone down the toilet, more and more brainwashed and greedy minded no longer really care, they are only focused on getting THEIR needs and desires met, who cares about poor kids in the neighbourhood or even further afield?

    People are too busy to gaze at their mobile and smart phone screens and look-out for the next bargain at the nearest shop, than to think about “social” and other important issues.

    But they still would give a “toss”, Key and his Nats, that is when poor, begging kids and their parents may “block” the entrances to the posh shops in High Street, Queen Street and so forth, as then they will call for the police to remove the riff raff.

    Then they may count them, so they know how many need to be charged with “trespass” at the nearest court house.

    “Greed is Good” is what is the new normal now, that is what I see around me in Auckland every day now.

  4. I was shocked when I saw that headline. Perhaps ANYTHING that is for the good of the country as a whole, is too difficult.

  5. Wouldn’t be surprising if this government’s plan is using genetic engineering to eliminate child poverty by 2050.

    • @ Andy K … and wasn’t the issue of sterilization raised not so long ago? You know for those who don’t fit the Key mob’s idea of social conformity.

  6. If we want to eliminate pests then I can suggest starting with a few who presently sit on the treasury benches of parliament.

  7. Whenever a National Opposition leader is aiming to be PM they always claim to care about the underclass and “how something must be done” about poverty but it is never really tackled because to eliminate it would mean a direct challenge to the status quo that votes for the National party and expects it to govern in their interest and certainly not the destitute or working poor.

    Just because Key was sold to the public as a child raised in a state house by a single parent does not mean that somehow that qualifies him to have a sympathy or understanding about the harsh realities of real poverty in todays New Zealand and that he has devoted his life to work to alleviate the causes he says he is so concerned about or joined a party committed to eliminating poverty and its effects.
    His focus has been making and creating wealth that does not address the underclass and improving their lives but enriching bankers and corporates and kiwi special interests that has been his lifes work and still is as PM.
    It is despicable that he uses the poor for his own political benefit and the public cant or wont see through him or his colleagues.

    But we are as others have pointed out we are a mean, selfish and cruel little country that is still overtly conservative , arrogant and indifferent to the growing economic refugees in our own country and dont ever concern ourselves about the damage inflicted on generations of our fellow citizens and that the government increased benefits $25 per week
    should fix the problem and shut up the “do gooders”.
    And tut tut tut on people forcing their family to live in a van and crying poor and its their own bloody fault.

    The regions are still as small minded as ever and old attitudes still stand in the way of recognising that people have to be paid a living wage and cant survive on being paid by them the bare minimum wage and contribute to the economy.
    The mentality is always the same “i have always voted for National i really could not vote for the others”.
    Because no one else looks after my interests and they do such a great job with the economy and i have no complaints.

    Mike from Auckland hit the nail on the head “greed is good” is the new normal and i am alright jack to hell with the rest and who is in the starting line up for the All Blacks…

    Key and his administration represents everything bad about the character of kiwis , they are a reflection of ourselves as a nation.
    We have got the government we deserve and the next election is already a forgone conclusion.

  8. “Most National voters believe its the parents fault for having the kids in the first place so why the hell should they have to care?”

    The hypocrisy of this, is that Keys mother had him. She should never have had him if she needed the state to support him, if National voters are anything to go by and don’t start me on Bennett , a solo mum at 17, now in charge of telling people how best to run their lives. National party voters hang your head in shame.

  9. To be fair, if there was an easy fix that matched National’s ideology, I’m sure they actually would suddenly find they cared about child poverty. The issue is that they simply don’t want to do the things that would help fix the problem, so they try and talk their way around setting even a miserably low 10% target, so they can’t be attacked for failing to meet it.

  10. So how did Bennet turn from Solo parent, broke and on the DPB, and studying at where ever on the taxpayers buck.

    To the Universally hated in NZ, Pullya Benefit, and now chief housing seller for the frigging Nats.

    • Looking at Paula Bennet’s story from the time she became a single parent, right through to the present day, it seems she’s been a state dependent (that’s one relying on the state to supply an income) ever since!

      I guess she realized after she had completed her tertiary education (courtesy of the taxpayer), she will have to look for work to provide for herself and her child. Then she must have had the bright idea about where she can continue to receive a state income! And there it was … become an MP and being the dirtbag she is, in the process betray and destroy everything that helped her get ahead!

  11. “John Key doesn’t give a toss about poor children and neither do National voters”

    Not a truer word spoken.

  12. But the sleepy sheeples still back this serial lying PM just as the uneducated and naive in the states still support Obama. Asleep voters backing the wrong leaders thinking they are doing the right thing.

    If the masses really knew the truths, they would rise up and bury those in charge of taking the world into chaos and perpetual wars.

    John Key and his ” out of touch” Natzi govt. are full of hypocrisy and double standards. They claim to care about starving homeless children but where is the proper help – oops they spent it on the military and UN fees ! ! and US war ship visits and then likely pocketed the rest.

  13. TDB – I am getting a little tired of you taking away my option, most of the time, to edit my comments for no good reason. I am wondering what you are so afraid of to make the decision to not only delete many of my comments but not give your reasoning for it.
    Does this not show fear and cowardice and disrespect for freedom of speech ?

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