We need a Housewives of Real Auckland


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What’s uglier? The Spinoff fawning over their exclusive relationship with the Real Housewives of Auckland or the NZ Herald’s?

With The Spinoff being a cash for copy site, you have no real idea if the client is calling the shots or the editorial team. I’m assuming there is a commercial relationship purely based on the timid and fawning manner in which Grieves goes about ‘reviewing’ the episode. At least the NZ Herald has the grace to pretend to be shocked by the latest ravings of rich spoiled privilege.

Last week I believe they were reviewing a rich woman’s dildo collection. Important stuff folks.

What The Real Housewives of Auckland represents is American neoliberal colonialism that promotes a mono-culture of narcissism and hyper individualism from inside a wealth bubble 99% can’t attain.

Why celebrate what is effectively cancer? This isn’t some fly on the wall sociological experiment – it’s privileged ignorance at its most tedious.

We need a Housewives of Real Auckland where Housewives weep over the ability to get a deposit in a property bubble; scream knowing their kids education is being underfunded; get angry over the limited maternity leave and child care options; and smash holes in their poorly insulated walls over their pay gap.

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Instead we get this ugly wealth trash culture with a mainstream media who are there in a commercial sense to generate amplification for media ratings, not criticise the entire horror of the premise.

The Spinoff has been touted as the new  future of Journalism, Christ let’s hope that’s not the case. All Andrew Tidball and Richie Hardcore had to do was appear in a TV show The Spinoff were sponsoring.

1 rich woman racially abusing another rich woman is headline news – the fact the actual justice system IS racist isn’t news – welcome to NZ.


    • I like Jaffa Slappa ! Thats funny.

      Any Housewives shows and there seems to be a lot :

      Aka — N M B B – New moneyed bimbo bitches
      Aka — N M B E – Not much between the ears.

      • And here we go – the inability to critique the show without hurling misogynistic comments at the women.

        Well, at least we can take comfort that these happy, powerful women dgaf about this sort of drama.

        • ” we get this ugly wealth trash culture with a mainstream media who are there in a commercial sense to generate amplification for media ratings,”

          TV equivalent of the Daily Mail……pap for the punters…keep them bemused with pretentious trivia. Who needs this crap!

  1. Not a bad idea!! The ‘real’ reality version of housewives.

    And also Housewives of Christchurch post earthquake. I’m being serious here, really think that have a “real” version of housewives might be a blockbuster.

    “We need a Housewives of Real Auckland where Housewives weep over the ability to get a deposit in a property bubble; scream knowing their kids education is being underfunded; get angry over the limited maternity leave and child care options; and smash holes in their poorly insulated walls over their pay gap.”

  2. What the promoters of this idiotic, narcissistic, corporate-American mono-culture fail to recognize is that ‘The Machine’ is in the process of grinding to a halt. (Maybe they do know that and are just making a fast buck before it does grind to a halt, but I doubt it. Such knowledge would require intelligence the promoters of this trash apparently lack completely.)

    E.M. Forster worked out over century ago what the idiots and TVNZ and the Herald can’t (or rather don’t want to) work out: ‘The Machine Stops’.

    The moment ‘The Machine Stops’ is getting mighty close, since present living arrangements cannot be maintained without increasing inputs of fossil fuel energy, and the news on that front is all bad. For instance this recent item:



    What is obvious to those who do research will probably obvious to most other by 2020. Not long to go.

    Needless to say, TVNZ, The Herald and the NZ government will manage to do quite a lot more damage to society and the environment before the system collapses.

    • Could a potential reason for the reduced output of the Bakken Field be simply a lack of demand for oil and/or the relatively low prices which it fetches nowadays (which might not be competitive with Middle Eastern oil), resulting in the producers deliberately closing the taps, as opposed to physically not being able to keep up 2015’s all-time high production levels?

      • The average life of a fracked well is about 4 years, with the peak of extraction occurring in the first few months. So continuous drilling and fracking are required to maintain overall extraction levels.

        Nevertheless, depletion takes over everywhere, and extraction rates trend to zero for entire fields, however many holes are drilled.

        The cost of drilling exceeds the return from oil extracted when prices are low -which is what we are currently witnessing. international oil prices cannot rise significantly without causing the global economic system to collapse.

        And there is the matter of EROEI, which is extremely low for fracked wells.

        In the end it does not matter whether there is still recoverable oil in the Bakken formation or not because the global economic system is collapsing as a consequence of declining global EROEI.

        The flip side of the fossil fuel coin is that the longer oil and coal are extracted and burned, the shorter the lifespan of civilization will be, due to acidification of the oceans and rapid overheating.

        There is no way out of the progress trap (which was clearly identified 40 years ago, by the way), other than by abandoning fossil fuels. And almost nobody is prepared to do that. So we continue to march towards the cliff.

    • The machine is grinding to a halt in TV as well. I hardly ever watch it now because I can pick and choose from the net. The “news” is crap. Reality TV leaves me cold. Psycho killer drama with explicit blood and sex is both too distressing and serially boring. Then the adverts endlessly property up this awful programming. Surely a tipping point must happen….too few viewers collapsing advertising revenue. Here’s hoping.

    • “1 rich woman racially abusing another rich woman is headline news – the fact the actual justice system IS racist isn’t news – welcome to NZ.”

      Good call Martyn.

      To right I say.

      Me at 72 I remember when we men used to open the door of the car for ladies and Mum called women “the fairer sex’ or “better half” but women today are becoming so aggressive and hard so as an older man are very sad at what I see Government engendering a climate of rough hard women that some may have 50 years ago though “unfit to be a mother”

      as mothering was an art passed onto men in those days to engender softness and loving men but if Government continue to perpetuate this masculinity of women we shall reap what this evil Government sows.

  3. “With The Spinoff being a cash for copy site, you have no real idea if the client is calling the shots or the editorial team. I’m assuming there is a commercial relationship purely based on the timid and fawning manner in which Grieves goes about ‘reviewing’ the episode. At least the NZ Herald has the grace to pretend to be shocked by the latest ravings of rich spoiled privilege.”

    Gosh that Spinoff article sounds almost like a kind of “promotion” or “teaser” for the show, does it not?

    It shows us how commercial advertising simply sooner or later compromises media contents and editorial “independence”. Do not bit the hand that feeds you is the motto, it seems, and it is so true.

    For the same reasons most in the MSM are so “tame” when interviewing John Key or government Ministers.

    Where the hell have we ended?

    For me the Spinoff is not worth much, as there is very little of worthy stuff to read, apart from the occasional article or opinion piece. It is more “appearance” (somewhat good website appearance) than substance.

    But we all can and must do better, and I encourage more value comments than just slinging off at the opponents we have, we must beat them with arguments and hard data and facts and so.

    Any person watching “The Real Housewives of Auckland” must have either too much time to waste, have a shallow mindset, be stupid or simply is so brainwashed, or they simply cannot see what “real” means and should mean.

  4. ‘The process of awakening has many paths. For some, the path starts with the incoherence of official explanations and narratives. For others, it’s the inner search for truth via psychotherapy or spiritual practice.
    For some, it’s an investigation into the way our economic and political hierarchy function. For others, art is the starting point: a film, a novel, a comic, a song.

    For many of us, it begins with this simple but devastating realization: I don’t fit in. I don’t fit in, have never fit in and never will fit in. I play along because it’s easier on me and everyone I interact with to do so, and I value my independence which means I have to find a way to support myself. That is difficult, as what I like to do has little to no value in our economy.

    What interests me is how the epidemic of pain and alienation that characterizes our society is the direct result of how our economy and social order is structured. Incoherence, self-destruction, pain and alienation are the only possible outputs of the system we inhabit.’


    • And this was all planned long ago beginning at the — Tavistock Institute.
      MK Ultra mind control and brainwashing was birthed at this horrific institute that most folks are unaware of. It will shock most to know of the very famous people who were part of this controlling Tavistock Inst.

      Those who do not fit in are blessed and likely more aware than the masses.
      I feel it an honor to be a black sheep who also does not fit in. Being labeled normal is an insult. Artists and musicians and creative people know this and they are usually the leaders in any movement to help better this greed based unhealthy hierarchy and insane present paradigm.

      I appreciated your writing and agree.

  5. “The editorial team”?
    They have as much in common with editorial as pro-wrestlers have with sport.
    A more accurate description would be fiction writers.

  6. but but but
    [turning to camera]
    “and I’m Louise Wallace” !
    [pucker collagen lips, etc.’

    ……. 60 Minutes – incisive in-depth journlist ….etc., etc.

    Legends in their own minds

  7. ‘Does’ is spelled D.O.E.S.

    As for cup cake crapping Unicorns? I don’t think they exist in Adult Land.

    As for the rest of your statement.

    ” Peak oil, climate change, overpopulation, sea level change, and total global economic collapse, oh and human extinction.”

    John Minto has a reputation for humanitarianism and empathy stretching back decades. Do you not read? Perhaps not, since your spelling is as above.

    Lianne Dalziel has a reputation stretching back to roger douglas and the mid 1980’s.

    And John Minto is running for Mayor of Christchurch. Not God. John Minto will have enough on his plate trying to fend off money fetishists and narcissistsFriesians from feasting on what’s left of the crippled carcass of a once pretty little town. I doubt he’ll have time to also fix the global issues you raise here. But one never knows. The Revolution must start somewhere aye?

    And why would you write the above? To cast doubt? To drip poisonous logical fallacies into the eyes of the swinging voter?
    ” Cup cake crapping Unicorns ” ? I mean, really. Grass shitting Friesians would at least be local and topical. And logical.

    Careful @ Mike East. You’re reaching out past your IQ. You’re heading into dangerous territory which you’ll probably be familiar with.

    What would you call selling off Christchurch’s hard earned assets to the already rich if nothing less than ‘wacky’. Have you ever come home without the cow but with a handful of beans?

    Here’s a word of caution to all those Trolls out there watching, your black, beady, greedy little eyes glittering.
    You must try harder.
    The Trolls will be watching the coming weeks with increasing alarm as John Minto gains support.
    And remember? Those Trolls have been around since roger douglas, and in some cases, even earlier.
    The old Trolls will be bringing out the heavy artillery so nothing should surprise us Humans in the run up to the mayoral election.

  8. The only problem with reading the NZ Herald on-line as opposed to print form is you can’t wipe your backside with the rag after being left agog at the brainless, banality of it.

    The truly scary thing is that it does seem to enjoy some popularity amongst that type who lurk, cheek by jowl, with us within our society. Now, that’s fucking scary.

    Oops. Bugger. Might have doubled up here somehow. My apologies.

    I’ve gone into a cut/paste frenzy.

  9. There has always been a fascination by the have nots to watch the exploits of their richer brethren , even more so in these days of mindless information and reality shows, its easy watch tv for the switched off in our society and some of the switched on who are shocked and repulsed by the ugly behaviour of the privileged that now dominate our reality of New Zealand.
    The americans of course started this years ago with their version of comedy sitcoms where with a couple of exceptions the setting was always one of wealth and anything was possible because the family had money and when exposed to the alternative cruel world of poverty they could always run screaming back to their life of privilege and security.
    The poor and hard up aren”t that entertaining and who wants to be depressed watching that.
    For the Herald this sort of mindless crap serves them well as a diversion to the ugly , unpleasant and real deprivation that exists not that far away in the real reality world, and tells the unfortunate reader that everything is great and a breeze in John Keys New Zeelund, after all Key is their poster boy how can he not care !
    I hope that funding with NZ on air comes through Martyn and quick.

  10. Forget about it.
    Bravo calls viewer numbers ‘solid’…that means basically ‘Not a disaster but pretty meh’.
    Maybe the hostage’s of Consumerism and neoLiberal policy are starting to get a bit tired of the whole gig.
    I’m sure we have all indulged in a bit of cynical low brow entertainment now and then, but you can’t survive on a diet of nothing for forever.

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