Political Caption Competition


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  1. Maggie getting all hot and bothered here with her grandchildren in their new paintball outfits, recently purchased in Saudi Arabia by their father Mark ‘The 2nd Baronet’ Thatcher.
    Mmmm…I wonder if I can convince Denis to get into some of this gear?

  2. Bullshit.

    I prefer this :


    And this ,…about Chief Gall,…


    These are the real hero’s and visionaries who had to deal with the massive issues of transitional periods in not only their lives but their whole peoples culture and future generations , and did the best they could in that emerging brave new world….

    Unsung forgotten people of stature from a century ago from a marginalized culture that can still teach us a lesson about conduct with integrity in the face of oppressive political pressure…

    We in New Zealand are not alone…

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