For every westerner ISIS kill, we kill 15 000: How does this justify new spy powers?



How easy is it to manipulate NZers?

Appallingly easy.

Key is convincing the sleepy hobbits of muddle Nu Zilind that we need these vast new expansions of mass surveillance because of home grown ISIS terrorists, so how much of a threat are these ISIS lone wolves?

Well, not very according to new research that shows for every Westerner killed, the US Army kills 15 000 of them…

The US has killed 15,000 Isis fighters for every American soldier Isis has killed

Number of Isis militants killed in US strikes increased from 6,000 in January 2015 to 45,000 in July 2016

…so we are butchering ISIS at a level that is obscene and never mentioned, yet we have to have new spy powers and the GCSB has to spy on all of us because ISIS are bitter? If we weren’t butchering people and supporting people to butcher in such huge numbers, wouldn’t that work better than needing to spy on everyone of us?

And how are those new spying powers coming along?

Gehan Gunasekara: Spy bill lacking some robust privacy protection

The much-anticipated New Zealand Intelligence and Security Bill is before a select committee of Parliament. There is unlikely to be loud applause from Edward Snowden, however, as the bill does little to address the concerns regarding mass surveillance he exposed in 2013 and the subsequent mischiefs that have come to light including the GCSB spy agencies spying on New Zealand residents.

So we are going to be forced into allowing state departments to spy on us with bullshit oversight all because we are killing numbers of ISIS at an embarrassing brutal level?

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How charming and psychotic.

When a National Party fuckwit like Peter Maguire can boast about enjoying the death of human beings through his Kiwisaver account and no one blinks, you know we as a Nation have become the problem.



  1. ‘How easy is it to manipulate NZers?

    Appallingly easy.’

    Yes. Just dress it up in black and say it’s for a sports team. Out come the wallets and credit cards.

    On the matter of ‘security’, Goering famously said:

    “Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship…

    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

    Were coming up the 15th anniversary of 9/11, and the vast majority of people STILL don’t get it.

    • Excellent. @ Afewknowthetruth.

      I particularly like words of wisdom coming from those with previous experience, but no matter how one tries, getting the message into dumbed down brains, and brains not so bright to begin with, seems near to impossible. Perhaps that’s the way it’s meant to be? Progress is only possible whilst trampling over bullet riddled corpses?
      My suspicion is that jonky’s grasping at anything to slow down the inexorable onward march for the truth of our country’s economy, of where that’s gone for decades and its current economic position and any spying to be done will be done on us. You and me. They’ll find us, confine us and fuck our shit right up once they see us as a real threat. And that real threat will be when someone finally begins to draw the attention of the masses of people who desperately don’t want to give a fuck, but must, in the end, for the tyranny of the jonky and his predecessors.
      I say, let them watch. And see this. ( Imagine raised middle finger. )

      • A typing error there: we’re not were

        We’re coming up the 15th anniversary of 9/11, and the vast majority of people STILL don’t get it.

        Yes, countryboy.

        On numerous occasions I’ve had the heavy hand of covert fascism whack me. And in recent years I have several times thought we had come to the end of the line because Internet systems had seized up and websites had been unreachable. Then, a day or so later, the Internet freed up and websites were again reachable.

        ‘Perhaps that’s the way it’s meant to be? Progress is only possible whilst trampling over bullet riddled corpses?’

        In terms of technology we are still progressing. But in terms of social cohesion and even basic intelligence we are in severe decline. And we are ruining the Earth at a rate unprecedented in geological history, surpassed only by the impact of the large asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

  2. The Industrial ammunitions business is the culprit here as they spend millions of lobbying money to produce billions in profit and often claim themselves as good for the economy providing jobs,

    Well that’s what Krupp, Flick, and IG Farben said to Adolf Hitler in the early 1930’s to buy Hitler to conduct a war, and look what happened there, so do we want to go back down that path again?

    The IG Farben Trial was the second of three trials of leading industrialists of Nazi Germany for their conduct during the Nazi regime. (The two other industrialist trials were the Flick Trial and the Krupp Trial.)

  3. Key says we (he/they) need increased mass surveillance powers. Question is why?
    To protect New Zealanders? Sounds hollow.
    To protect the interests of the TPPA controllers?
    Yep. This sounds about right. After all, aren’t the conspiracy theorists being proven more right than wrong these days about the architects, funders, controllers and arms suppliers for terrorism? Follow the money.

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