Status quo Left Parties globally do anything to stop real progressives


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As more and more citizens question the neoliberal capitalism we have, the  further old political parties do everything to try and repress real policy changes from the free market dogma.

This is particularly true on the Left. The manner in which the DNC rigged the system with Super Delegates against Bernie Sanders and the machinations and smears they attempted behind the scenes is one example.

The way that Corbyn is facing another leadership challenge and the way the right wing Labourites are attempting to disqualify 40 000 newly registered members is another extraordinary example…

Labour leadership: quarter of new supporters could be barred from voting

The battle for the Labour leadership was becoming increasingly fraught yesterday as allies of Jeremy Corbyn expressed concerns that more than a quarter of new supporters who signed up to the party could be prevented from voting.

Backers of the Labour leader, who faces a challenge from Owen Smith, say 40,000 of the 183,000 people who joined as registered supporters in recent weeks, paying £25 for the chance to vote, have been disqualified by Labour, with another 10,000 referred to a scrutiny committee.

…even in NZ we have seen these powers at play. The manner in which David Cunliffe’s leadership was sabotaged for mentioning neoliberalism and the way in which right wing dark politics master Simon Lusk claimed he manipulated the election result in Te Tei Tokerau to dump Hone from Parliament so Kelvin Davis would win are all examples of the Right wing within the Left denying real populist policy to challenge the free market dogma they have benefitted from.

These DINO’s and LINO’s (Democrat in name only, Labour in name only) are the biggest stumbling block to real policy gains to counter the naked greed and inequality of the current system. Defeating DINO’s and LINO’s are the first step in challenging neoliberalism.


  1. “Defeating DINO’s and LINO’s are the first step in challenging neoliberalism.”

    Absolutely correct. IMV.

    The disquieting thing for me re Labour is that not one so called leader of Labour, certainly in recent history, has ever tried to appeal to the human in the street/country on a one to one basis. They just hang about in centrally heated offices breathing in their own gasses while spending their $-six figures plus entitlements of your’s and mine’s money while just outside people bed down for the cold night on carboard boxes.
    Not one of them has walked out the doors of our parliament, threw off their jacket, rolled up their sleeves and said. ” Ok. These bastards must go. Today. Who’s with me?
    That must surely mean they’re either afraid, or are too comfortable with a status quo that’s killing us, both metaphorically and literally. Either way, action must be taken with or without them.

    The question is, who’s going to lead the charge?
    Which sheeple’s going be the first to run for it?
    I’m serious. Read Prof Stanley Milgrams studies. All it takes is for the first person to make a move. And the huge tide of suffering souls will rage until the jobs done and they know that. That’s why they’ve taken control of our media and stuffed it full if over paid, giggling idiots.

  2. Political parties in the western world are all doing what they are required (paid) to do, which is to ignore all the fundamental issues and focus on matters trivial and unfixable, whilst making everything that matters worse by the day.

    Politics in the western world is merely a puppet show, designed to provide the pretence of representation and public influence whilst all the important decisions are made behind closed doors by people (mostly opportunists) with close connections to the transnational banks and corporations that created the system and actually run the system.

    Since the western industrial system has almost reached the end of the line in terms of overpopulation, overconsumption and looting-and-polluting of the planet, we should expect ever bigger lies from the public figures who pretend to represent us, ever greater repression, ever greater surveillance and further declines in the quality of life etc., until the system finally completely implodes, either as a consequence of the corruption and lies that characterise western politics and commerce or as a consequence of major military conflict with Russia-China.

    The latest round of interest rate cuts (RBA 1.5%) and decline in oil prices (WTI below $40 US, causing major oil companies to slowly go broke) and increasing climate chaos (another consequence of the rotten system) suggest the end is not far off.

    By the way, the culture of black that has been imposed on the western world and has taken a firm hold in NZ is yet another manifestation of deep psychological sickness that characterises the much of the western world these days.

    • “By the way, the culture of black that has been imposed on the western world…”

      I am curious and would like to know exactly what you meant by this, as my interpretation could be wrong.

  3. Facing impending reality not polling numbers should be the political focus.

    NZ is deeply in debt to mother Earth yet we still keep robbing our children’s future. The rich are more to blame than the poor yet we allow them more protection.

    Why because it breaks the rules rock the boat even when they are drilling holes in the hull to sink it.

    Lets be ridiculous

    The CSIRO has had its website stripped of content on LTG by Abbott- another pimp for destruction.

    Get your own copy and begin coming to grips with the original which has been given detailed scrutiny by CSIRO, Melbourne university and many others over 10 decades. We are still on track for scenario one.

  4. [Comment deleted. Chris, please address the issues and not engage in ad hominems. Whatever one of our posters might have to say on another left-wing blog is not necessarily relevant here. – ScarletMod]

  5. Corbyn is accused by his leadership opponent of risking the Labour party splitting if he wins. He rises above this speculative, fear-mongering innuendo, and delivers an ambitious rejection of neo-liberal and neo-con orthodoxy in his 10 policy points:

    Will Corbyn will be the next Cunliffe or Sanders? Will a Corbyn-led Labour win the next UK election? If they do, can they actually deliver on this platform, or will it be Syriza all over again? The fact that politicians who publicly reject neo-liberalism are gaining traction in mainstream parties suggest their focus groups think the public are doing the same. We can take some encouragement from that, and start organising to do ourselves (“we the people” remember?) what we keep demanding political parties and governments do for us, despite the fact they consistently don’t, and may be as structurally powerless as local bodies in a globalized world.

    • Corbyn is not responsible for splitting UK Labour, rather he is the democratically elected leader of the Party. It is the Blairites who are splitting the Party by challenging his leadership less than a year after he was chosen. He has stated many times that Labour is a broad church, with many different opinions within, and has tried to reflect this by giving shadow cabinet posts to MPs who didn’t support his candidacy for leadership last year.
      I’d be pleased to see the Blairites get out of the Party, perhaps joining up with May’s Tories, to whom they are closer in outlook.

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