Why Judith Collins is the only one happy with Gower’s Poll and why she suspended Ngapari Nui’s voluntary work in Whanganui Prison



I love how far Patrick Gower will go to try and appease the social media criticism that he’s biased to find any tiny silver lining his political polls that Opposition Parties can celebrate.

Unfortunately TV3 refuse to acknowledge the reality of MMP by not combing the Green and Labour vote so really the headline should be ‘Opposition only 4.7% behind’.

The internal polling is telling a very different picture, which explains National’s lurch from one PR disaster after another as the Housing Crisis swamps them.

But the only person who found joy in Gower’s polls is Judith Collins with Key’s slip in popularity.


The extent to which she is now manoeuvring for a Leadership attempt are pretty obvious now. The real story from the National Party conference was who Collins was meeting with in the shadows.

The real reason behind Judith Collins suspending Ngapari Nui’s voluntary work in Whanganui Prison was because she could paint him as a gang member, and to the electorate within National that she is trying to appeal to – angry 50something white Kiwi Trumpers – hate gang members with a blind passion.

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It echoes a dog whistle Collins gave earlier this year when she suggested speed wasn’t the issue with road safety. That’s the very message  angry 50something white Kiwi Trumpers tell themselves as they speed around.


“I am not a Monster”, hissed the Monster.


I don’t think anyone should celebrate Cameron Slater quietly leaving Whaleoil to do something else. Slater is Collins favourite attack dog, and if he is silently dipping beneath the surface of the muddy lack like a crocodile crossed with a manatee crossed with a bloated corpse, we should all shudder. Wrexit could turn out to be far worse than Brexit.

The candidate classes that Slater and Lusk used to run for National Party pretenders to the throne had one grand plan. Insert a hard right politician as National Leader at a point in the electoral cycle where a more moderate National leadership is waining and is looking out of touch.

Put hard right candidates in safe National Electorates so that when the election is close they remain inside Parliament growing their influence within the Party.

Activate the angry 50something white Kiwi Trumpers with hardline get tough policy on everything.

When the National Party hierarchy found out about these plans in 2012, they quickly distanced themselves…

Confidential minutes of a National board meeting in March reveal high-level concerns over the influence of party member Simon Lusk in the party.

But Prime Minister John Key, who was absent from the board meeting, suggested he did not share that view: “I don’t have any great concern.”

Mr Lusk, who is based in the Hawkes Bay, has been a campaign strategist and adviser to MPs at various times and runs his own private candidates college that is not sanctioned by the party.

In an embarrassing leak, the March minutes have been obtained by Labour MP Trevor Mallard, who in the past has accused Mr Lusk of having orchestrated the Act leadership coup against Rodney Hide.

The minutes reveal that senior whip Michael Woodhouse reported to the board he had spoken to MPs with “an involvement” with Mr Lusk.

“He [Mr Woodhouse] has let them know that it is not appropriate for any MPs to engage with any alternative candidates’ school that is not sanctioned by the party,” the minutes said.

“He said this has been understood by all.”

It also said Mr Woodhouse had had a”disturbing discussion” with Mr Lusk and that Mr Woodhouse believed that it highlighted Mr Lusk’s motivations and “a very negative agenda for the party”.

…Collins is blowing her dog whistle now for a reason.


Oravida Employee of the month



  1. Normally you’d say Oravida FIASCollins would have no back from the lying of that episode.

    But this is NZ where anything goes. NZ, where she misses on the leadership, she gets out of politics, gets on this board, that board and then is on board for a Damehood.

  2. Will this nightmare ever end?

    Where the fuck’s the Governor General?

    It’s like House of Cards but without the class. And if it wasn’t for TDB we’d never know what’s going on. Good God !

    • “Preferred.” Christ, never has that word sounded so tenuous and grasping. I guess, yes, he is, but that’s like saying I’d prefer a bowl of horse shit to a bowl of elephant shit. How did we ever get here, NZ?

    • After his latest tweeting over housing…? He’s definitely demonstrated his cognitive dissonance… so I’d say he’s qualified. Let the blood sports begin!!

    • The problem with Joyce is the giggling. The giggling monster.

      Now… seriously… look at the psychological profile of Stephen Joyce… he has neither the street smarts of John Key nor the ability to hold himself together in the public glare under pressure… if you remember, that panel where he and Grant Robertson were both being interviewed.. all Joyce could do was utter that inane giggle and constantly speak over Robertson.

      The height of rudeness and insecurity.

      And he lost badly in the public’s and the party’s confidence with his incompetence in the Northland by election debacle.

      Joyce will never live that down as much as he will never live down the dildo in the face . Can you imagine Stephen Joyce turning up at a world dignitaries summit?

      ” Oh look , – there’s that idiot NZ politician who got the dildo thrown at his mouth ”…

      ” Oh yes,- didn’t John Oliver make him look quite the idiot ”…

      ” Guffaw guffaw”…

      Yeah right.

      So you can count Joyce out.

      Judith Collins.

      Have you ever met her?… I have . She is the most sour looking person in parliament. And shes tarred herself royally with the Orivida fiasco.

      She will always be remembered for that. And even those angry 50 – somethings wont forget that rich bitch lining her own pockets. She would be the biggest wrecking ball for the National party to date.

      Perhaps we should support her. She would keep National in opposition for years after 2017.

      She is NOT a Margaret Thatcher.

      She is NOT a minister of integrity.

      She does NOT have resistance to being tempted to avarice and divisiveness.

      She HAS demonstrated the use of anti democratic techniques and the use of those so inclined to manipulate our political system.

      So who have we got left?

      The Double Dipper from Dipton?… wasn’t he the guy who dejectedly walked down parliament steps after a shocking National loss in the elections?

      Simon ‘ squeaky voice ‘ , ‘ bridges ‘ Bridges?…

      Northland bridges , anyone?

      Jerry ‘ walk through the security door ‘ , ‘now minister for defense ‘ Brownlee?… didn’t he have something to do with the incompetence of the EQC ?…

      Paula Bennett ?

      Lets all now have a laugh.

      Nick Smith ?…

      ‘Dirty Rivers’ ‘ Housing minister’ Nick Smith ?… the only contribution he could ever make is driving in a stinking broken down old diesel van that needs work on the exhaust and then sleeping in it himself.

      So who have we got left from this sordid bunch?… not a lot.

      Not anyone worth mentioning… and that leaves just Key.

      And Keys not going to be around after 2017.

      And that leaves the National party up shit creek without a paddle for a very , very long time into the future.

  3. Here’s the biggest change, it’s the first time Gower has admitted that National and their partners in crime cannot form a government !!! Winston won’t support National with John key in it. And I don’t think he will support National with Collins as leader or any other member of the current crop either.

  4. I fear Collins’ antics and comments do not only appeal to certain white middle class people over 50, there are also a fair few younger ones who have similar “Waitakere Man” style views.

  5. I’m curious what the polling TRENDS will show, after Labour’s release of it’s housing policies, and National’s knee-jerk panic reactions.

    Interesting times lie ahead.

  6. So the hard right faction is about to get tough on immigration? Yeah, right… NZEXIT is going to involve blood on the streets and widespread anarchy… I wonder how high the monsters’ walls are… high enough?

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