Hone confirms – MANA Movement is back



Hone and Annette have confirmed on TV3’s excellent ‘The Hui’ this morning that they are fighting back to bring the MANA movement back into the 2017 election.

The treachery of Labour and NZ First at the 2014 election (a treachery that right wing Lord of the Sith Simon Lusk claims he was involved in) means that MANA can not rely on its ‘allies’ to gain power. The Labour and Green Memorandum of Understanding is a model that the MANA leadership and Maori Party Leadership need to consider. If an agreement like that was reached, MANA can win Te Tai Tokerau and Maori Party could win Waiariki plus with the coat tailing, they could each bring in an extra MP with them.

An independent Maori voice is crucial for our political system, if Labour and the Greens can put aside their differences, the great schism within Maori Politics can be bridged.


  1. another do-not-miss! moment from the pol talkshows was laila harre vs. michelle boag on q & a..

    ..and i tweeted out that i reckon that nat-rad 9-noon political segment would be kick-arse/must-listen-radio if they ditched the blokes.. and their over-used/tired tropes..the hectoring-one and the submissive one..(i’ll leave you to guess which is which..)

    ..and had ‘laila harre from the left – and michelle boag from the right’..

    ..’cos currently we have centre-right and far-right…

    ..and some sort of verbal s&m ritual going on between them..

    (..’i agree with master..!’..)

  2. and if mana are back – does this mean that as a party member/voter i will start getting emails from the party again..?

    ..they ceased shortly after i wrote/published critiques of the handling of the election campaign..esp. around the cannabis-issue..contending the mishandling of that by hone cost him his seat and mana/internet party the election..

    ..i am sure they are not dots to be joined..eh..?..and i welcome the return of those regular emails..

    ..and as a (pakeha) foundation member of mana i totally support the idea of a deal between mana and the maori party..

    ..and i remember at a post-election-debacle meeting annette saying she would be willing to stand aside in the seat she stood in..and in that initial post-election grief was already seemingly advocating a deal such as is now being mooted..

    ..i really hope this manifestation of what so many want to happen..namely for the parties to work together in/for the best interests of maori..

    ..does indeed come to pass..

    ‘cos aside from those surface divisions/personality-clashes between the two..(which as a pakeha i confess not to understand..nor want/need to..so am divorced from them..i am there ‘cos i like the poicies/politics..)

    ..i can see no other reasons why this should not happen..

    • Good to see Mana back, as we need all left thinkers in the mix here not the blue shades any more so NZ move this toxic Government out the door come the snap election Natz will sock us with please early next year please.


  3. I wish Hone the best of good luck, but wonder now, whether challenging Kelvin Davis in Te Tai Tokerau next election is the smartest of moves.

    While I still remain critical of Kelvin to have done what he and his party did last election, he did some good work raising the issues around Serco and other corrections and justice issues.

    He traveled to Christmas Island high-lighting the fate of locked up Kiwis in Australia, with in many cases minor convictions or in some cases no convictions, who Australia wanted to deport.

    It seems a bit like an attempt to “pay back”, which I feel is not the best approach. Perhaps Hone should stand in another seat, e.g. one in Auckland, where housing and social issues, involving many urban Maori, are prominent and pressing issues?

    But I suppose that is where other Labour candidates will also stand.

    The strong Maori focus will though leave Mana at the margins of the spectrum, I fear, as too many poorly informed will simply not know that the Mana Movement actually caters for many other people on the left of centre, wanting social justice and a real change.

    We will have to see how all this will work out.

  4. This is great news.

    But now Labour have to show if they are still a broad tent for the neoliberals, or if they have returned to being a broad tent for the left. Labour did give Winnie a free run in the Northland By-Election, so we know they understand how MMP works. Will they tell Kelvin to step aside and take a list seat?

    If Labour contest the seat then it is clear Labour does not represent the left.

    What would Bernie do? What would Clinton do?

    • All good questions FATTY,

      We should take some thought on all this you suggested and we hope the opposition Parties do.

      As their end goal is the same as ours are, – to remove this toxic government from our shores.

    • ka pai hoki mai ki nga tangata o te motu nei Hone. Chur………..I think most people want to see Hone’s physical presence as he is during election mode. I think thats what most people are grasping for, because things are so crappy at the momento.

      We all love and trust Hone, but these days of struggle and uncertainty the people are more needy, therefore need the physical presence of a leader. Thats just how Maoridom is, very demanding ya know….. but all good, just do the do’s as you have always done.

  5. I used to dislike Hone Haraweria but he has earned my respect as he has matured in to a forceful advocate for the poor and working destitute.
    The previous alliance was a disaster in 2014 and played in to their enemies hands at the general election.
    I hope that he can work towards a united front to fight what will be a hard campaign next year with Lab/Green Maori and others who want our country back.

  6. I’d love to say “Welcome Back, Hone” but in truth he never left. His presence and support of grassroots issues has still remained strong and he (and Annette) will continue to be great leaders for Māori to be inspired by. I respect that MANA has bever swayed from their founding principles regardless of whatever storms swirled around them. We need leaders with heart, and Hone, Annette John Minto and others have always worked tirelessly to provide that. This is good news!

  7. Hell! – when is this useless toxic PM going to honour his pledge to leave “when things turn negative” as he did in 2013?

    • Not if their names are Lusk or Key.

      Or Slater.

      Or Collins.

      Or Bennett.

      Or Joyce.

      Or Bridges bridges.

      Or Brownlee.

      Or Smith.

      Sorry mate,…no room for lying , useless bastards.

  8. Nothing Labour and NZFirst said or did would have made an iota of difference. Northland maori thought Hone partnering up with Dotcom was treachery. I would take the words of ego driven Lusk with a pinch of salt. Right wingers like him are such liars.

    • “Nothing Labour and NZFirst said or did would have made an iota of difference”

      I’m not sure how you can claim that. Labour ran their candidate hard in te tai tokerau. Kelvin Davis attacked Internet-Mana with the same vigour and rhetoric as Key, Paddy Gower and Sean Plunket…basically word-for-word.

      Labour could’ve done what National do with ACT in Epsom. Step aside or at least have a candidate that campaigns for a party vote only. But Davis attacked Hone.

      Labour are responsible for Mana’s demise at the last election. They bowed down to the mainstream’s framing of KDC. I’ll always vote on policy. I don’t care if Ronald McDonald is involved in a party called the ‘Poo-Party’. If their policies are for the working class, then that’s what I’m voting for. If Labour continue bowing to neoliberalism then I’ll campaign against them. It’s that simple

      • Get real Fatty. What makes you think they would have listened to them? Maori were unhappy with Hone partnering up with Dotcom. They felt he had betrayed them. Labour made no secret they would go after all the Maori seats, the Maori Party said the same thing. No opposition party could have stood with Mana with Dotcom in the mix. People need to get real. Dotcom knew his presence was toxic, and so did Hone.

        • “Maori were unhappy with Hone partnering up with Dotcom”

          Some yes, but remember it was the Mana members who chose to team up with KDC. And those members were overwhelmingly Maori. In fact, it was the Pakeha socialist faction that resisted the merger (most of which were from outside of te tai tokerau).

          Your story comes from Paddy Gower & co. – it’s only a half-truth. If Labour applied to Mana the same strategy that National do to ACT, then Hone would’ve won te tai tokerau.

          It’s basic maths:

          DAVIS, Kelvin (LAB) 9,712
          HARAWIRA, Hone (MANA) 8,969

          That’s a difference of 743 votes. So if Labour told their voters to just give Labour their party vote and instead give the seat to Hone, there’d only need to be 372 voters switch their seat vote and Hone Harawira + Laila Harré get in.

          You overplay the anti-KDC thing. National voters have voted for ACT in Epsom for years, and ACT are an absurd party. Absurd policies too. It’s called strategy.

          As I said, it’s basic maths + MMP strategy. Stop repeating Paddy Gower’s silly stories. Labour killed Mana.

          • More bullshit from you Fatty. Its basic maths that Hone lost his seat, and it’s due to a politically toxic Dotcom, whom Hone is now trying to distance himself from, after saying he would work with him again after the last election. My story comes from Maori, elders no less I was told Hone lost all credibility by teaming up with Dotcom.

            • “More bullshit from you Fatty”

              Really? You mean my stats are bullshit? Or my assumption that shifting 372 votes would’ve happened if Labour did to Mana what Nats do to ACT?

              Where’s the bullshit? I call it logic.

              “My story comes from Maori, elders no less”

              Thought so. I’ve also heard many conservatives say that too.
              And that’s what happened – the Maori Party, National and NZ First voters backed Davis. There were over 7500 voters in TTT who gave their party vote to National, the Maori Party and NZ First – and many of them teamed up with Labour to vote for Davis and kill off Mana. Those conservative voters were never going to vote for Mana or Hone, but they voted against him because they believed Mediaworks’ d-grade journalism

              Sorry to give your bullshit statistics again, but I find them useful. Relying on Paddy Gower’s shaggy-dog stories ain’t my style

              • Your stats still show Hone lost his seat, which he would of retained if he had of stood independently. He did win it on his own twice before. And that’s the point you just don’t get.

                It appears you don’t know Maori well at all, they can be quite conservative in their thinking. They didn’t like Hone partnering up with Dotcom, they felt betrayed that he needed a “white man” to win. A rich white man, a foreigner, who didn’t have a clue about Maori. They also felt there was another agenda at play, Hone alluded to that this week. They were right, weren’t they? No party could have worked with Mana with a politically toxic Dotcom in the mix.

                • “It appears you don’t know Maori well at all, they can be quite conservative in their thinking.”

                  Mana is not just for Maori. About 80% of the Mana members I know personally are Pakeha.

                  “It appears you don’t know Maori well at all, they can be quite conservative in their thinking”

                  I know, but Mana isn’t for them and Mana has never pretended to represent conservative Maori. You’re making an irrelevant argument.

                  “They didn’t like Hone partnering up with Dotcom, they felt betrayed that he needed a “white man” to win. A rich white man, a foreigner, who didn’t have a clue about Maori.”

                  Just going to repeat what I said before, because your Paddy Gower-echo doesn’t get it:

                  ‘but remember it was the Mana members who chose to team up with KDC. And those members were overwhelmingly Maori. In fact, it was the Pakeha socialist faction that resisted the merger (most of which were from outside of te tai tokerau).’

                  Stop parroting mediaworks’ analysis. It’s wrong

  9. Having see how TV3 reported on this in their news tonight, the next round of mudslinging between Labour and Hone and his Mana Movement has already started. Maybe it was just the way they reported it, but they had Andrew Little and Kelvin Davis comment rather negatively and critically.

    That is not a good omen at all, I fear.

  10. I, for one, welcome the return of the Mana Movement to Parliament. Their voice must be heard, as a counter-balance to the right-wing extremism of the ACT Party, National, and elements of the Labour Party.

    In simple terms, they’ll keep the bastards honest!

  11. Hone does not have to make a “come back”–he has been politically active for over 40years!, Mana’s issues have got worse–housing, poverty, mining, workers rights etc. so the time is right to reinvigorate Mana as an organisation

    some see the bourgeois parliament as the totality of “politics” rather than just a part of it, but having the Mana voice, the peoples voice, in parliament is worth pursuing as a rallying point and exposure of the woeful toadying of other parties to the moneybags in our NZ tax haven

    various routes could lead to Hone and or Mana returning to parliament, and the speed at which the usual suspects have been knifing Hone after his announcement show their fear

    Kia Kaha!! Hone and Mana

  12. Let’s hope Labour/Greens do this one right and get Hone and the Mana Movement onside. There is enough time at present to do some talking with him and his team.

    The opportunity for Labour and Greens to change the government for the better is there right now, with Hone’s latest announcement. A progressive and positive future for the workers and middle class is in their grasp.

    Labour/Greens … for goodness sake do this one thing right for the majority of ordinary Kiwis. Get chatting and negotiating with Hone. Get him on board. Please!

      • Honestly I have no idea how Maori can vote for a deputy Labour leader that once called Maori terrorist. That’s a huge contradiction

        • What was that over Sam?

          Honestly, I have no idea how any Maori can vote for the tory Maori party, that has it’s election fundraising done courtesy of the National party and its cabinet club, and who shafted their own people just to sit at the table and pretend they have power. Mind you, their personal bank accounts will be very healthy.

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