The Daily Blog Open Mic – Sunday – 15th May 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. Letter from America:

    ‘Bernie wins West Virginia, his 19th state’

    “Tonight’s Rumble talks Bernie’s and Trump’s big primary wins, Trumps appointing of Rudy Giuliani as his Muslim Czar, and his selecting of two insiders to tweak his tax plan. Thom discusses how establishment Democrats are already trying to hijack the convention with International Business Times’ David Sirota and in tonight’s Daily Take Thom details how Donald Trump could become the next Ronald Reagan.”

    ‘Social justice?’

    “The question of social justice: As America’s two major parties move toward anointing their presidential nominees, there is a growing sense of disaffection and even insurrection among voters. And this has set the business-as-usual political and financial elites into a panic. It is all their own fault.

    CrossTalking with Richard Wolff, Les Leopold, and Inderjeet Parmar.”

    • Go Berie,

      All the rest are Corporate lapdogs!

      I hear even if Bernie doesn’t each enough to be the Dem’s candidate he will go on.

      Perhaps he is beginnings of another party come election time?

      The two party system is dead today so like in NZ our Winnie will be the kingmaker perhaps Bernie may also be a kingmaker in a Social Democracy Party that one of the other idiots need to govern?

  2. Great articles here Chooky,

    Cant understasnd why we haven’t had both issues investigated by our MSM but of course that’s dreaming as Bernie and the deep long “depression’ we are still under that Steve & Max both agreed has been here since 2008 would sound to extreme to these Financial idiots that borrow and prop up a failed 19000’s economic system that should have been allowed to die in 2008, as now we would be on a real path to recovery rather than being left on printed monopoly money and soon to be negative interest loans, until we all implode.

    Sure is a fairyland dream we are on here until the big bang!

    Bernie has the right plan.

  3. ‘NASA temperature data shows last month was hottest April on record ‘

    And a record low ice cover, 11,293,726 km2(May 14, 2016), declining at a phenomenal rate, portending a record low ice cover or even an ice-free Arctic this September.

    Even faster catastrophic meltdown is on its way, of course, courtesy of record atmospheric CO2, which is rising at an unprecedented rate because nobody is doing anything about it (other than making it worse):

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