GUEST BLOG: Comrade Dave Brownz – Marx and the LOV (Law of Value)



Michael Roberts has just written another good blog post with data supporting an impending world crash.   

Of course every trader, money guru and left wing academic is also predicting a crash, sooner or later. At some point it becomes so obvious it can’t be denied. When China’s production begins to slow down, when bank interest rates in the West are around zero, and sovereign bonds yield nothing, this signifies that trillions of QE ‘easy money’ is not being invested in production of value and the global economy is more or less stagnating and heading for a crash.  

Still the marketeers want a full-on depression to write off debt in a storm of “creative destruction”. The Keynesians want an end to austerity and more state spending on jobs and wages to stimulate demand, regulate debt and encourage investment in production. But as everyone knows capitalists don’t invest money in production unless it returns a profit. Marx explained capitalist investment was based on the “price of production” (POP) which is the capitalist’s costs in machines, raw materials, labour power and at least an ‘average’ profit. If this POP is too low and profits fall, bosses go on strike, put their money in the bank and pray for a bailout. At least that’s the current situation.

This is not new. Marx was rediscovered in the 1960s by student radicals when the post-war boom came to a halt. The New Right blamed the workers (and the students, unions and reds under the bed) for yet another crisis because it looked like their wage demands were causing price inflation and squeezing profits. The Keynesians refused to blame the workers but could not bring themselves to blame capitalists except for blocking social democratic governments stopping the crisis. What they had in mind was the welfare state, not the warfare state.

All they had to do was read Marx and find out where they were wrong. The LOV states that only labour produces value. This is the basis on which human society has existed for millennia and on which capitalist production takes place. But because it does not justify profits, rents and interest, mainstream economists are in denial of the LOV. Yet without knowledge of the LOV we fail to understand the most elementary features of capitalism including its inbuilt tendency to crash and the inability of states to prevent crashes

The state serves the interests of the capitalists by attempting to solve crises but it cannot take over the investment decisions of the private capitalists. It can help create the conditions to drive down the POP by cutting costs through depressions and wars, but since the essential component of all costs of production are that of labour (LOV again), then in the last analysis, the working class has to suffer “austerity”, and the historic destruction of past, present and future labour to restore the conditions for profitability.

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Surely if workers knew of the importance of the LOV they would realise that resistance to austerity can only succeed by getting rid of capitalism. However capitalism is not transparent. Capitalism encrypts the way it exploits labour power as the ideology of the free market, where individuals exchange commodities on an equal basis. Though Marx cracked the code over 150 years ago, this knowledge has been suppressed by bourgeois intellectuals who continue to create a smokescreen of neo-classical economics, and social democrats who transmit bourgeois ideology into the working class via parliament, education and the media.  

Knowledge doesn’t fall from the sky. It grows out of the earth. Marx was a scientist whose examination of the commodity ‘cell’ of capitalism revealed its contradictory dual nature. It was a ‘use-value’ to be consumed to meet needs, but only if it was exchanged on the market for its ‘exchange-value’ (the socially necessary labour time (SNLT) used to make it).  Marx was not the first to discover that labour was the source of value any more than he discovered economic classes. But he was the first to prove that the value of workers labour time measured by the commodities they consumed was less than the total value of the commodities they produced. The difference was surplus-value realised as profits.

The LOV became much less obvious with the rise of capitalism because capitalists accumulated their capital by dispossessing producers of their land and means of production. They could then force landless labourers to sell their labour power and expropriate the surplus-value produced as profit. When labour power is sold as a commodity it is paid its exchange-value, capitalists claim the surplus-value as their profit for investing money in production, just as landowners and bankers claim rent and interest.  The commodity then ‘appears’ to be the source of value and not the labour power that created it. Marx dispelled this ‘appearance’ of capitalism posing as a ‘Holy Trinity’ of land, labour and capital, by ex-posing the origin of profits, rents and interest in the surplus-value appropriated by capital from labour in production.

However, if you reject the LOV, as non-Marxists do, then you fetishize the ‘Holy Trinity’ of market shares and cannot account for crises of production except by blaming workers for demanding high wages, or economic policy for failing to boost demand. Let’s take the case of Steve Keen, a radical post-Keynesian who rejects the LOV as “mysticism” because ‘value’ is not observable.  This amounts to a retreat to market price rather than value and the ‘Holy Trinity’ formula as measure of income distribution. Keen follows Minsky arguing that excessive debt creates instability deterring capitalists from investing in production. He rejects both Keynesian ‘under-consumption’ and Marxist LTRPF explanations for that of banks creating too much money. The solution is to mobilise workers to vote for governments that will prevent private debt from rising too far. This must fail because Keen makes the fundamental mistake of separating banks industry.  He sees excessive debt as the disease rather than the symptom of falling profits.

Debt is the normal basis for investment in production. What makes debt ‘excessive’ is insufficient profit to meet debt repayments. In other words debt is a claim on profits.  Keen’s rejection of the LOV accounts for his focus on money rather than value. Marx shows how the LOV contains the contradiction between use-value and exchange-value that leads to the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall (TRPF). Workers resistance to increased exploitation (because the exchange value of their labour power will not allow them to buy and consume enough use-values to survive) forces the capitalists to continually replace their labour with better machines. However machines do not create value they merely pass on the labour value already contained in them as they are used up in production. This means that capitalists have to continually increase the rate of exploitation of those still in work to produce enough surplus value to return a profit on the rising investment in machines. When workers succeed in resisting a rising rate of exploitation to pay for increasingly expensive machines, the TRPF causes a fall in profits.

At this point crisis sets in and rising debt represents capital that is not productively employed which must then speculate in existing assets driving up their price well beyond their value. Such investments are called ‘fictitious’ because they cannot be exchanged for value. As speculative bubbles grow banks create more money to fuel the boom. Thus excessive credit is an effect of the TRPF. So neither Keynes solution of pumping up demand to induce capitalists to invest to meet new demand, nor Keens solution of using state regulation to stop banksters creating mountains of debt, can prevent crises because they are both effects of the fundamental cause, the LOV and the TRPF which is inherent in the social relations of capital.    

If as Marxists claim the LOV means that crises occur because capitalists cannot extract enough surplus value from wage labour to make a sufficient profit, then capital is to blame for crises not labour. If you reject the LOV you cannot explain why reforms do not work. You resort to genes (human nature) or dreams (Corbynomics).  Without Marx and the LOV there is no scientific theory that explains why crises cannot be resolved except at the expense of workers, which is why the proletariat has to rise up and overthrow the capitalist class that exploits them.  Anything less brings us closer to the inevitable crash into social and environmental oblivion.  For the proletariat to live capitalism must die!


Comrade Dave Brownz is a NZ socialist blogger asking hard questions of global capitalism. 



  1. However machines do not create value they merely pass on the labour value already contained in them as they are used up in production. – See more at:

    I can’t see that. If a worker (labour) creates value by producing, say, a piece of furniture such as a table, then a machine producing the same creates equal value. It doesn’t matter where the worker or machine came from, besides any intrinic value or cost in producing a machine has a finite cost that will likely be exceeded at some time by its output.

    Also, we could also write “However workers do not create value they merely pass on the labour value already contained in them as they are worn down in a life time of production. ”

    Anyway, I’m glad you are on board here David (aka ‘Trotky’ from Rhona Ave, 1994?). You make me realise that I really should get off by backside and read Marx, we all should.

    • Thanks for your comment Richard. I don’t know a Rhona Rd.
      As for your points first, the Marxist take on them is as follows:

      The value of machines is equal to the labour-power used up to make them. It is that value that is used up by workers to make things as the machine wears out. That ‘dead’ labour is not exhausted until the machine is replaced. The balance of the ‘output’ is therefore contributed by ‘living’ labour using the machine. The bookkeeping value of the machine and rate of depreciation is just a bookkeeping exercise.
      Second, workers are not machines, the have to reproduce their labour-power daily from their wage buying and consuming the commodities they need to do this. This is why it is called ‘living’ labour as opposed to the ‘dead’ labour in machines.

      Of course you don’t have to agree with Marx. Shame you did not do that reading 20 years ago. Its not too late.

  2. keep the articles coming Dave, would be interested in something on how Finance Capital employs digital transactions

    amazing how many bourgeois economists go into “not listening” denial when asked to consider TRPF

    if all the worlds CEOs stayed home for a week who would notice, if all the worlds workers withheld their physical and intellectual labour for a week society would come to a grinding halt

  3. You can scarcely avoid seeing or hearing some business lobby group or financial reporter moaning about the world’s slowing economic growth rate and how terrible it is.
    But is it really terrible? and if so for what and who?
    Actually for the health of the planet, it is probably the best thing we could realistically ask for, given that we can’t actually expect people to suddenly stop using their cars. A slower growing rate will mean a slower increase in CO2 emissions. Not that there will be any reduction in CO2, you understand, just that we might get another six months before the Antarctic ice caps reach the stage where their melting cannot be reversed.
    The people who do the biggest moan about the slowing world economic growth rates are the richest people in the world. The people who could get by very comfortably on a lot less, but they always want a heap more of everything.
    My heart bleeds for them!

    • You hit the nail on the head Mike. I have an overview of economic dogma from all sides: none has a functional response to “degrowth”. Marxism like neoliberalism is an industrial growth based dogma. The economic and social relations of decline will leave all current theories a bypass.

  4. Economic growth has been fetishised, but workers should reject it since it can only lead to increased exploitation due to the TRPF. It’s also killing our only planet, but Labour parties take pride in the fact that the economy grows faster under them (sometimes). In reality, a growing economy is about as bad for us all as a growing rate of sex offending.
    Thanks for the article, Comrade Brown.

  5. This is why Marxist economics is totally bunkum.

    If Labour is the only value add to products (and services) what happens when items are being sold for a loss? Does that mean Labour is being overpaid?

    Take an example of a company that decides to manufacture a new car that noone buys (this has occured quite a lot in history e.g. the Ford Edsel). Virtually the entire cost of production can not be recovered. Following the ideas expressed by Marx the workers whould have been paid next to nothing for the time and effort making the vehicle.

    The only way to reconcile a product that results in a loss is to achknowledge the input of capital in to the production process. Marx never understood that and that is why Marxist economics fails.

    • “Following the ideas expressed by Marx the workers whould have been paid next to nothing for the time and effort making the vehicle.”

      No. Marx never suggested that the way to run an economy is to have each company distribute their profits to each of the company’s workers.

      Have you ever engaged with Marx’s critiques of capitalism? Or do you just spout off imaginary things in response to his name? Why so threatened? He can get a bit dry, but it’s worth having a read – just google his work and set aside your emotive assumptions.

          • For what it is worth. You have the sympathy of a random internet user in the Internet.

            You have shown a complete lack of understanding about any and all issues in this and other threads you have posted comments in.

            And now you back up your capital input costs argument with a labour cost argument.

            Your statements are completely contradictory and have no bearing on the original post. Which is if we can’t get the machine to buy the stuff they make, why make them at all.

            If for some reason you still think investing in companies with no discernible sales record is value add. Then again, you have my sympathy.

    • Gos, you might have added “price discovery” that does not exist in a command economy as a reason why Marxist economics fails. To address the issue of transactions between free individuals can go through any number of theories but people don’t respond very well to theory, the real drivers can be far more subtle or obvious. Human nature and societies don’t tend to fall into theoretical abstraction very well.

      • Marx once said “all that is solid melts into air.”

        After 10 years of ceaseless saves, we all know the mechanics of Plunge Protection.

        We have wheeled out the talking heads of the Reserve Bank.

        Now to coordinate a buying campaign with Wheeler acting in concert with other central banks.

        But what the Plunge protection teams are really monitoring is the dangerous sentiments of fear and panic. When the trap-door opens and the herd turns to selling, the entire six-year prop-job will crumble.

        • Real price discovery….too true there will be blood on the floor. Funny thing is that those “aspirational” voters for Shonks have tied most of their perceived well being and “success” to ownership during a property boom. When the bubble bursts and destroys their own perceptions of “successful aspiration”, they will be looking for someone to blame for their perceived and real financial “impoverishment”. This will of course be the workers, the unions, Labour, Greenies, anybody but themselves and their mates the real perpetrators.

  6. Another great post Dave – I’m really enjoying your Marx based writing.

    How does LOV relate to his later concept of commodity fetishism? Does CF complicate the equation? I think CF is one of Marx’s more relevant concepts today

    • Thanks Fatty (and Tiger and Ovicular).
      The LOV and commodity fetishism as you know are both addressed in Chapter One of Capital Vol 1. They are the scientific concepts of what constitutes value in labour, and second how this labour value is inverted by the market so that the commodity appears as a ‘fetish’ of value at the level of exchange rather than production. It is CF that is the essence of bourgeois ideology and it is reproduced daily as part of wage labour.
      So I agree CF is a key concept often overlooked or dismissed as a hangover from the early Marx analysis of ‘alienation’, ‘estrangment’ etc. When CF is ignored then the question of ideology is isolated from production as politics and culture. eg Althusser. Class consciousness becomes trapped at the level of exchange unless it incorporates Chapter one of Vol 1 of Capital.

  7. I tried buying an outdoor furniture set once from a Chinese manufacturer. It turned out that particular line had been discontinued and in order to buy one set I had to buy 1200, to justify turning on all the production line machines and hiring of staff to run the machines.

    The moral of the story is about over coming gravity.

  8. Profit is really the return to the entrepreneur, for having the vision and energy to launch a productive process. However, once the process is up and running, and bcome more or less routine, profit seems unjustified; and in fact Schumpeter believed that profit would disappear,. as a result of competition, leaving an enterprise merely recovering its costs. In practice however profit remains as the source of investment returns to shareholders and moneylenders. It looks as though profit will continue as long as productive activity relies on private finance.

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