Top 5 News Headlines Tuesday 27th October 2015


TDB top 5 headlines 2


Blair Acknowledges Iraq War’s Role in Rise of ISIL

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has issued a qualified apology for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, saying he’s sorry for “mistakes” made during the war, but not for the ouster of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Blair made the comments in response to questions from CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

Fareed Zakaria: “When people look at the rise of ISIS, many people point to the invasion of Iraq as the principal cause. What do you say to that?”

Tony Blair: “I think there are elements of truth in that. But I think we’ve, again, got to be extremely careful; otherwise we’ll misunderstand what’s going on in Iraq and in Syria today. Of course, you can’t say that those of us who removed Saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015.”

Democracy Now!



U.S. Military Used Christian NGO as Front for North Korea Espionage

MAY 10, 2007, in the East Room of the White House, President George W. Bush presided over a ceremony honoring the nation’s most accomplished community service leaders. Among those collecting a President’s Volunteer Service Award that afternoon was Kay Hiramine, the Colorado-based founder of a multimillion-dollar humanitarian organization.

Hiramine’s NGO, Humanitarian International Services Group, or HISG, won special praise from the president for having demonstrated how a private charity could step in quickly in response to a crisis. “In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,” read Hiramine’s citation, “HISG’s team launched a private sector operation center in Houston that mobilized over 1,500 volunteers into the disaster zone within one month after the hurricane.”

But as the evangelical Christian Hiramine crossed the stage to shake hands with President Bush and receive his award, he was hiding a key fact from those in attendance: He was a Pentagon spy whose NGO was funded through a highly classified Defense Department program

The Intercept


GOP creates a mess it doesn’t know how to clean up

According to the Treasury Department’s most recent written warning to Congress, the nation’s debt ceiling needs to be raised by Nov. 3, which is just one week from tomorrow. Republican leaders know they’ll have to do the right thing fairly soon – sometime over the next eight days – but they have no idea how.
House Republicans thought they had a plan. The strategy called for passing a right-wing plan, called the “Terms of Credit Act,” on Friday, tying the debt-limit increase to a series of conservative goodies that GOP lawmakers couldn’t get through actual legislating.
That plan, however, was scrapped late last week when House Republicans decided it wasn’t good enough. Some GOP members wanted it to go further; some didn’t like the fact that the bill was bypassing the committee process; while others didn’t see the point in wasting time on a bill that would die in the Senate soon after.


Extreme heatwaves could push Gulf climate beyond human endurance, study shows

The Gulf in the Middle East, the heartland of the global oil industry, will suffer heatwaves beyond the limit of human survival if climate change is unchecked, according to a new scientific study.

The extreme heatwaves will affect Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha and coastal cities in Iran as well as posing a deadly threat to millions of Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia, when the religious festival falls in the summer. The study shows the extreme heatwaves, more intense than anything ever experienced on Earth, would kick in after 2070 and that the hottest days of today would by then be a near-daily occurrence.

The Guardian 


WHO links processed meat consumption to cancer

Hot dogs, bacon and other processed meats raise the risk of colon, stomach and other cancers, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said.

Monday’s announcement follows studies which looked at more than a dozen types of cancer in populations with diverse diets over the past 20 years.

The findings back what many doctors have been warning for years, and will anger the meat industry which has been rallying against putting processed meats in the same danger category as smoking or asbestos.



  1. Good article on Red meat cancer risks,

    So now we wonder if NZ has done any (adipose tissue) (flesh) Toxic Chemical (VOC) analysis on NZ Cattle & sheep as Canada’s Ministry of agriculture certainly does???????

    Probably some very ugly facts of high concentrations of (“Volatile organic chemicals”) (VOC’s) contaminant residues) will emerge about our (not so cleangreen) agriculture adipose tissue we actually have here now? Such as some organophosphates, Roundup, drenches, herbicides, pesticides, ect’.


    An assessment of the risks associated with residues of selected insecticides in foods of animal origin was undertaken. The assessment is organized so as to combine information on toxicological hazards with data on exposure to arrive at recommendations for risk management and avoidance. The assessment focuses on dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), heptachlor, and hexachlorohexane (HCH) as being typical of the agricultural insecticides which are of public health concern. The lessons learned from these insecticides are applied to the more general case of pesticide residues in foods of animal origin.

    Corresponding author.
    Copyright © 1994 Published by Elsevier B.V.


    An assessment of the risks associated with residues of selected industrial chemicals in foods of animal origin was undertaken. The assessment is organized so as to combine information on chemical hazards with data on exposure to arrive at recommendations for risk management and avoidance. The assessment focuses on pentachlorophenol (PCP), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), several essential minerals, and metallic compounds, particularly mercury, cadmium and lead.

    Corresponding author.
    Copyright © 1994 Published by Elsevier B.V.

    SECONDLY; air pollution from heavy freight trucks.
    In the news on red meat causes cancer risk, there was also coverage on diesel pollution as being also among the (class A) pollutants that will cause us all cancer too?

    So why is Government (Treasury) advising Government to encourage more freight trucks and shut down most rail????? It is treason of treasury to do this while they know that Diesel pollution from trucks is one of our most toxic cancer causing exposures also advised by WHO.

    1. Diesel Fuel Issues

    The link between diesel exhaust and cancer is nothing new. In fact, back in 1988 the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified diesel exhaust as ‘probably carcinogenic in humans’. But on June 12, 2012 the IARC went one step further, announcing a reclassification to ‘carcinogenic in humans’, with its advisory committee concluding that diesel exhaust is a cause of lung cancer, and causes an increased risk of bladder cancer.

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