David Carter isn’t just sexist, he’s biased as well



MPs accuse Speaker David Carter of sexism
Female politicians have turned on Speaker David Carter, accusing him of sexism.

Green Party MP Julie Anne Genter says Carter cuts women off when speaking in Parliament’s debating chamber.

She says she encounters “unconscious sexism” regularly from other MPs. And that female MPs catty behaviour to each other puts ordinary women off politics.

Genter claims Carter, a former National Party minister, doesn’t take women seriously.

“I feel, personally, he is more likely to cut me off or to respond negatively to my point of order, not even let me explain it. And I know that he treats some of my female colleagues in a similar way, like Jan Logie.”

Not only is Carter sexist, he’s unbelievably biased towards the Government in almost every circumstance but the most egregious behaviour by National Party MPs. When he was appointed, Carter said trying to be unbiased was going to be the biggest challenge of the job. To date he’s proven his original assessment completely correct. Carter’s running of Parliament and the manner in which he allows Minister’s to get away with the weakest attempts at answering questions has made Question Time a pointless exercise in the pretence of democracy.

Lockwood took the role of Speaker seriously but Carter has made it a poor shadow of his previous mana.


  1. Get rid of Carter and we might have a chance to get rid of Key.
    Carter runs a protection game for National that is surely illegal.
    Key and Carter are the biggest bullies in parliament.
    Who wants bullies in charge? We want decent honourable people,
    not the undiplomatic goons we have
    protected by American corporations.

  2. The Speaker should have the respect of the whole of Parliament and all our people, not just one side of the political spectrum. They should be a neutral referee overseeing our most treasured institution -democracy.

    In my ideal world this would be achieved by locking all the MPs in Parliament after each election with the instruction of not coming out until they have unanimously elected a Speaker.

  3. True Martyn.

    And if you listen carefully, when an opposition member calls a point of order, Carter is shouting “order, order, order” all the time throughout the member’s point! Rude, ignorant bugger!

  4. The greens love to needlessly cry sexism for political blame so I wouldn’t take that to seriously. However he is obviously politically biased.

  5. David Carter has been a joke as speaker. There are some people who believe the position of Speaker is reserved for old fuddy duddies representing ultra safe seats who the government doesn’t have much use for but doesn’t have the heart to kick out. David Carter certainly reinforces this view. Lockwood Smith on a bad day (and he had a few) was better than Carter on a good day.

  6. Perhaps Carter should learn that taking the job seriously pays. It certainly paid for Lockwood Smith. A plum job in Paris followed by a knighthood. Perhaps Carter lacks ambition.

  7. Don’t worry he will soon be off to claim his reward a very flash penthouse in London and lunch with HRH. Meanwhile Key will be lining up Brownlee to replace him. “Get Carter” bloody good film.

    • If Brownlee gets the job then I’ll need to borrow a line from the movie Jaws… “we’re gunna need a bigger boat(chair)” !

  8. Carter is one of the main reasons we stopped watching parliament and we believe this is so for many ex-watchers. Not only is he sexist and biased towards National – he disrupts the flow and continually cuts off opposition and this degrades our government. He is an embarrassment, not an asset.

    He is the worst speaker we have ever had and we only wish he would retire or be forced out to pasture.

  9. Carter dismisses our comments and laughs a lot like Jonkey donkey.

    This is all a joke to them – that many have stopped watching parliament out of disgust and embarrassment. They are unaware that many find them revolting and a sad representation of our government that as gone very astray.

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