Woman Interrupted: Some thoughts on the Jacinda Ardern controversy



EVER SINCE TAKING fourth place in the Preferred Prime Minister stakes (after John Key, Andrew Little and Winston Peters) Jacinda Ardern has been in trouble. Not serious trouble: at least, not yet; but trouble nonetheless. The NZ Herald’s DigiPol has swung the spotlight onto a work-in-progress much too soon. The political project called “Jacinda Ardern” is not yet finished, and, as we all know, it is most unwise to show fools and children unfinished things.

Which category Paul Henry and Graham Lowe fall into – child or fool? – I will leave for the reader to decide. But the upshot: Lowe’s description of Ardern as “a pretty little thing”; ignited a social media firestorm. Not far behind the Tweeters and the Facebookers came the NBR’s dynamic duo, Matthew Hooton and Rob Hosking – whose right-wing provenance only added to the shrillness of the Left’s all-too-predictable responses.

“I am sick to death of the ignorant, sexist bullshit that my friend and colleague Jacinda Ardern has had to put up with in the past few weeks”, thundered Labour’s Grant Robertson on Facebook.

Well, yes, there’s been plenty of ignorance and sexism, and loads of bullshit, spouted about Ardern – and not just in the past few weeks. When Ardern and National’s Nicki Kaye first contested the Auckland Central seat in 2011 a young Herald reporter by the name of Patrick Gower framed the political encounter as “The Battle of the Babes”. Sadly, Gower’s characterisation (as insulting to Kaye as it was to Ardern) stuck, and both politicians have been living with it ever since.

It is a measure of Ardern’s maturity as a politician that she has been able to make the “Babe” label work for her – rather than define her. In no other profession does Oscar Wilde’s bon mot: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”, carry as much weight as in politics. To be called a “Babe” may transform a woman into an object of the male gaze, but if she is committed to constructing a successful political career, then Mae West’s wry quip: “it is better to be looked over than overlooked”; makes more than a little sense.

Because, of course, Ardern brings a great deal more than a set of regular facial features to the political table. Were this not the case, it is highly doubtful that the nation’s leading businessmen (shrewd judges of character – almost by definition) would have ranked her so highly in their assessment of the Labour Opposition. Hearing Ardern speak, it is immediately obvious that one is not only listening to a person of considerable intelligence, but also to a very experienced communicator. Combined with her open and affable disposition, these are formidable political assets.

Why, then, describe Ardern’s political project as “a work in progress” – upon which the spotlight of public scrutiny (and the dubious boon of public acclaim) may have fallen too soon? Because it is simply not enough for a political leader to be in possession of high intelligence and finely-honed communication skills. A leader must also have something to say – and Ardern is still finding her voice.

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She cannot be another Helen Clark. The voice Clark perfected, to such extraordinary political effect, was the product of an era in which the values and purposes of social democracy required little, if any, definition or explanation – so ingrained were they in the New Zealand character. Ardern is the product of a very different historical period. Not one of Savage’s children, like Clark, but a child of Rogernomics and Ruthanasia. Losing the insidious accents of neoliberalism is no easy matter.

This is especially so when Labour’s psephological advisers continue to insist that the rhetoric and policies of undiluted social democracy (let alone democratic socialism!) will not be well-received by an electorate fed almost exclusively on neoliberal ideas. That the electorates in Greece, Spain and Italy have violently regurgitated these ideas does not impress these political “scientists”. Nor have they been moved by the huge crowds that are turning out for Bernie Sanders in America and Jeremy Corbyn in the UK.

That Ardern’s political career, to date, has been guided by such “Third Way” theorists has rendered her eloquence curiously ineffectual. One can listen to her speeches, and be impressed by the strength of their delivery, and yet, when they’re over, find it difficult to say with any certainty what they were about. Many people walk away impressed by Ardern, but nowhere near as many are inspired. Indeed, it is difficult not to agree with the NBR’s Rob Hosking when he argues that it’s not Arden’s sex appeal that matters “but the vapid, substance-free politics she has offered so far”.

That’s why the glare of the “Is She Up To Being Leader?” spotlight represents trouble for the Ardern Project. It has swung in her direction too soon. She is being assessed as a potential party leader well in advance of her settling on something more substantive to offer the news media’s relentless interrogation than a fetching physiognomy.


  1. Sorry to say it ,….but when both Robertson and Adern looked grim when Cunliffe came through as party leader that told me everything I needed to know about the former.

    More of the same tinkering with politics and excusing /apologists for neo liberalism – of which the former covertly expounded.

    This is why – if anything – Adern seems to be described as ‘lacking in substance’ – there are only so many ways one can present an angle on the same old picture ….after that ,…the subject becomes exhausted.

    And it will continue to be so until we have a Jeremy Corbyn arise from the Labour party.

    And to be blunt – we don’t need makeup or a pretty face or a bubbly personality talking up neo liberal lite policy’s anymore in this country – we need gutsy , radical performers who can take the country by storm and reinstate social democracy with guts, grit and determination.

    I don’t care if their short , fat , poorly dressed , balding and have a face that’s looked like its kissed the wrong end of a bus so long as they deliver.

    That’s what we need – someone with honesty , integrity and passion and drive.

    I’m not saying Adern doesn’t have those quality’s but I am saying shes barking up the wrong tree, unfortunately. Dump the neo liberal lite bullshit and she’ll come over in her speeches.

    A lot of people turned on David Cunliffe…in particular the treacherous neo liberal element in his caucus. By doing so,…they sealed their fate as being confirmed as the very reason Labour lost the election.

    If anyone had witnessed the speech given by Cunliffe …and the things he stood for and wished to implement …if there was an ounce of social democratic passion in them it would have been ignited by that speech.

    The man was dynamic.

    That speech ,…which incorporated so much of what Corbyn of England invision’s for a united and strong England…had it been allowed to blossom into fruition instead of being ruthlessly opposed by the very people who were supposed to back him …would have set the Labour party aside as presenting a real alternative to Nationals destructive neo liberal rampage.

    And it would have been at that critical mass point that the tide could have been turned for this country. Instead the unseen hand of those destructive neo liberals was seen …ie..a casual talk about bringing back the Moa…in reference obviously to bringing back social democracy…

    How snide, how venal …how very subversive on the fledgling Cunliffe leadership. And almost smutty in its effect , – certainly snide – and coming from one of his closest lieutenants as well.

    In short…how despicable.

    It will not be forgotten.

    I’m sorry to say ,..but Adern just doesn’t have the low end torque required to pull this country out of the neo liberal swamp we find ourselves in – and like so many political contenders – it is not so much for her personal attributes – and certainly nothing to do with her looks -but rather what she believes…

    Which is the product of the age of the neo liberal. We do not need any more of the same . Its been done truly to death now.

    We need a visionary – not a PR person.

    We need a person who has seen and lived the graft under the neo liberal jack boot and seen family and friends suffer under it as well. We need a person who has bothered to read the reports of those huge numbers who live in destitution while the mainstream media continue to talk up the neo liberal agenda.

    We need a gutsy , uncompromising yet compassionate person who speaks the truth and presents the alternative . We need a person so impassioned by the ideals and workablility of social democracy that in the simple delivery of those ideals – captures a new generation and breathes life to the older generations who once lived under it.

    This is why it works for Jeremy Corbyn . And until Adern has a quantum moment and cuts loose from those neo liberals that have so influenced her…she will continue to be just another ineffectual neo liberal lite advocate.

    We already have more than enough of those.

    We do not need yet another .


      • yes very well said Wild Katipo

        @Denis Dorney…and of course thumbs up or down are not necessarily an indication of quality of argument …they can indicate tinkering and politicking… and a little campaign going on to skew poll appearances

        ambition does not equal ability or what is good for a political party

        it was a great shame when David Cunliffe, the rank and file’s choice, was rolled by a few who had ambition which way exceeded their ability

    • +100…I have always found Adern to be vapid and lacking in substance also…like candy floss…she is no Helen Clark….and the fact she did not support David Cunliffe says it all !

      Good Post!

    • Too many misjudgments and righteous condemnations sprinkled with hatred and sexism in most of these comments about Ardern.
      This is the saddest article and narrow minded comments I have ever seen on this blog. It is so easy to judge and misrepresent someone, especially a female politician with such irresponsible rhetoric. Shame on you Chris for your constant need to insight division and misjudge and lacking in good ideas to make things better.

    • Well said WK, I thought David Cunliffe was awe inspiring. It was exciting listening to him. Key just makes me want to vomit!
      ‘Bring back the highlander’.

  2. Sadly I believe this was another sting or “dirty politics” piece by Audrey Young to try and drive a wedge into Labour. In parliament the next day, national ministers were all waiting with baited breath when Ardern rose at question time and they didn’t hold back. it reminded me on the attacks prior to election time of Cunliffe
    At a time when people like Audrey Young and Fran O’Sullivan should be holding the government to account, given the amount of ammunition they have, they opt to be Key’s little stooges. Now we have Gower working on behalf of Key allowing for the All Black captain air time promoting the need for a change of flag. It is quite sickening when there are any number of issues this government needs to be held account for, none more so than the increasing privatisation of our social services.

  3. And in addition to what I wrote earlier….here’s a clue…

    If we really want change…

    If we really want to make serious inroads into this insidious neo liberal morass with which we find ourselves….

    We need either a Jermy Corbyn or a Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National party.

    Nicola Sturgeon…now there’s a woman who Jacinda Adern could use as a mentor…

    There’s a woman who could see her on the right path.

    There’s a woman who has that fighting spirit I was talking about.

    • We need a journalist like the one that interviewed Key on Hardcopy about New Zealand 100 percent pure. We need a media that actually is not biased and asks the hard questions. IF we did have that, Key would have been gone by lunchtime.

      • Yes….Kim Hill.

        One of the best.

        John Campbell.

        One of the most compassionate and inquiring.

        But no….New Zealanders are used to having their ears tickled so we get a moron like Hosking.

        Stephen Joyce has a lot to answer for in using his media industry contacts to influence the decline of this nations democracy.

        A lot to answer for.

  4. Ardern’s heart is in the right place. But she has nothing to say. no mongrel, no fight, no real belief. Just like Robertson.If she had she would have beaten her intellectual inferior Nikki Kaye, hands down and go the basics right. i.e. won an electoral seat.

  5. i’ve noted before that i see ardern as one of the few within the current labour line-up who could ‘corbynise’ with any degree of credibilty..

    ..unfairly or not..she is not as tainted by neoliberalism as most others in labour..and could carry that new/old-labour message with ease..

    (much as clark was able to distance herself from the excesses of rogernomics..(despite her being a happy little ‘gnome’ at the time..and a pimper of neoliberalism/soft-rogernomics ever since..eh..?..)

    ..and i sure as hell don’t see former head of the most conservative/rightwing union/lawyer little ‘corbynising’ at any time soon..

    (does anyone see that as an even remote possibility..?..)

    ..so..looking ahead…it is clear that little has to go/be rolled..

    ..not yet..but at a decent enough time before the next election..to give ardern time to articulate that new vision of what labour is/means..to corbynise-up..

    ..and i repeat..of all the current labour front-bench line-up..ardern is the only one i could see taking up that corbyn-mantle..and running with it…

    ..who else is there..?

  6. “One can listen to her speeches, and be impressed by the strength of their delivery”

    Really? I know Ardern got schooled every day by Paula Bennett while National attacked welfare at a ferocity not seen since the 90s. But I don’t blame Ardern, the Labour party have had her flogging a dead horse – ‘more individual responsibility, etc’.

    I remember one of the recent Labour leaders telling stories of sickness beneficiaries painting the roof…that probably didn’t help Ardern. For Ardern to offer Labour a different option she would’ve had to have spent her years opposing Labour policy and rhetoric. But in doing so, she would never have become an MP. Therein lies the problem.

    Mind you, Kelvin Davis went against party wishes the other day and was being supportive of charter schools. But that’s the broad-church for you, neoliberalists and welcomed inside the tent, and they’re encouraged to piss on the social democrats outside.

    • Pretty much this :

      ‘ But that’s the broad-church for you, neoliberalists and welcomed inside the tent, and they’re encouraged to piss on the social democrats outside ‘.

  7. Actually, I can’t see any “controversy” at all. Jacinda has her own way of dealing with things and people. Would it be considered controversial if she happened to be a man?. Seems like when male politicians say something we are told they are speaking their mind, but when female politicians say something they are described in less flattering tones. Wonder why that is?

  8. We unfortunately live in a world of sound bites and short video clips which is supposed to pass for “content”. A central part of this is to look good and sound good…..content does not really matter so long as it is a meme or similar. Check out the practitioners, Shonkey, Barak, Cameron etc, all look sharp and sound the same.

    With all of us youth and beauty don’t last but we can make the most of it: I think Jacinda would be silly not to use her obvious good looks for the video clip. No point denying it attracts audience, the real issue is as is quite rightly pointed out making the right noise. And it is higher risk for those perceived to be young and pretty because a chunk of the audience either expect or want the noise to confirm a prejudice or attitude, so the sound clip just has to be right. Of course as we age and become less eye candyish we can assume different persona for the sound bite…gravitas, elder statesman etc…….God its so tedious, when did we get conditioned out of just listening to the message? Maybe a good strategy is to just go on the radio so the audience has no other sensory input?

    PS Shonkey on the spell checker comes up as SeaMonkey…how appropriate.

  9. I tend to agree with most of the posts so far. Just a tad less with Monsiuer Trottoir.
    From what I have seen and experienced of Ardern, she’s definitely got the zap and the kapow of political martial arts. I was very impressed with her continued and resounding attacks on the welfare issues.
    As Fatty points out, however, that lingering cancer in the Labour caucus is a very heavy albatross around not just Ardern’s neck but of EVERY member of the NZ Labour Party.
    How heavy? Heavy enough to lose the next election. And while I have very little (Ho! Ho!) sympathy or interest in Labour I do know that they are key (Ho! Ho!) to getting rid off the current toxic crew.

  10. Again I wonder where your alliances are Chris? I mostly disagree with you lately.

    Sexist terms and people need challenging.

    Hypocrites like Helen Clark and her NWO United Nations should be challenged and thank goodness Jacinda never needed to be compared to the likes of Clark whom many of us have lost much respect for.

    Again Chris many many wonder about your intentions of so much labeling and misleading information. Its like you want to support the divide and ridicule folks and rarely do I hear any of your good ideas you state that Jacinda is lacking.

  11. Bullshit detector alert!
    There has been a lot of talk lately about who will take over from Key, and on more than one occasion, (heaven forbid) , Paula Bennett has been touted.
    This NZ Herald poll and the ongoing comments that have come out of nowhere is an apropos of what?.
    Awhile back there was much made of Bennetts “Zip it sweetie” comment to Ardern during an exchange in ‘The House’.
    So get Ardern in the forefront of people’s minds. Panic Labour into changing the Leadership yet again, then play the zip it sweetie comment adnauseam.
    Game over for another 6 years!

    • Both Bennett and Key raised on the government tit, Both now cut that tit off despite their faces. Hypocrites. Long live Jacinda!

  12. Maybe Ardern’s just a bit of a sweetie? Perhaps she doesn’t like to mix it with the thugs? Perhaps she should surprise everybody with a massive, angry melt down , as sweeties can do. I’d be cool with it if she called jonky a lying, fucking scumbag then kicked him up his little nuts. I bet that’d get media attention.
    Who writes her speeches? What night crawler whispers in her ear?

    • quite frankly Annette King has more ooomph and appeal as a female Labour politician…she is concise , forceful, and to the point in any debate….she sheets it home…her words and media presence has impact

      Adern…no!…and her throwing her lot in with Grant Robertson against David Cunliffe was the final straw…Adern also lacks judgment and loyalty

      imo Annette King has always been very effective as a Minister…she should be retained in the next Labour Government (hopefully)as an elder granny figure like Indira Gandhi or Golda Meir.

      ..Labour needs strong female politicians …but Adern is not leadership material imo…and speaking as a feminist..maybe some of the back benchers like Poto Williams

        • @ pu …well accepted that there is quite a discrepancy between the males who like Jacinda Adern and what many females seem to think of her effectiveness…I still doubt your judgment

          because I know you vociferously did not like Helen Clark!

          and Helen Clark was one of the most successful female politicians Labour and New Zealand has ever had

          • i neither like nor dislike clark – i don’t know her..

            ..what i don’t like are the neoliberal/fuck-the-poor! policies she delivered up – for nine long years..

            ..she and her govt just turned their backs on those who need the most help…she not only didn’t raise benefit rates..she cut them…

            ..she not only cit them – she also stigmatised/ostracised beneficiary-families..

            ..wtf was working for (some) families if not some thatcherite/tory-lite bullshit..?

            ..some ‘success’…eh..?

          • I’m afraid I agree with Phil there Chooky.
            Just because a politician is a woman does not necessarily imply a good politician. Helen Clark chose to govern the way she did and must bear the consequences of that; she is clearly a self-declared enemy of the working and dependent classes as well as being single minded on her own career.
            I evaluate politicians on their actions/inactions not their gender.

            • Helen Clark kept Labour in power and afloat after the rogering by Douglas…..sure she wasnt perfect…but

              … she was Labour’s saviour …and this is why the right wing hounds of the Baskervilles put her in their sights and unrelentingly went after her…as well as her male critics who call themselves leftists…who let in John Key…thanks for that!

              …I would much prefer Helen Clark to John Key ( at least she didnt take us into war with Iraq)..

              if you think Jacinda Adern would do better than Helen Clark you are kidding yourselves!

              • clark did not have to demonise/ostracise the poorest/weakest to stay in power..

                ..and of course there is the reality that by her treatment of them..she so well prepared the ground for the tories’ all out war that followed..

                ..yes clark did not take us into iraq..so credit for that..

                but chooky..do you seriously defend clarks’ persecution of the poorest/weakest..?

                ..is power for powers’ sake all that matters..?

                (..her and far too many of the same neoliberal labour faces that still stare out at us..and not a hint of fucken contrition from any of them..eh..?)

                ..really..?..you defend these actions of clark..?

                .if not..what say you to it..?

                ..and they/labour have learnt nothing/changed their ways not a fucken jot..

                ..they went into the ’14 election promising to continue to screw over the weakest/poorest just like they had before..

                (then they scratched their heads (still?) wondering why those disposessed didn’t flock to the ballot-box..?…to support them..)

                (..and when clark moved to the u.n. to fight poverty..i had to be taken to a&e suffering from an irony-overdose..eh..?..

                ..didn’t they see that bit in her c.v. where she detailed fucking over the poorest/weakest here in nz..?..for nine long years..?

                ..i mean..she wouldn’t have lied to them..would she..?)

                ..and as an aside..ardern was on backbenchers..and in the 5 mins i saw..she was asked what her priority would be were she prime minister..

                ..she said (with no small degree of passion)..

                ..’.end poverty’..

                ..so..that to me is the nearest anyone from labour has come to that afor-mentioned ‘contrition’…

                ..for those nine long years..

                • like Tariana Turia…your view of Helen Clark is invariably negative and damning and one sided

                  …and you say “i neither like nor dislike clark” ?!

                  … “clarks’ persecution of the poorest/weakest”

                  I dont think so!…all in your head

                  • bullshit it’s ‘in my head’..

                    ..these are the facts chooky…

                    ..this is what clark did..

                    ..facts that deny what ‘is in your head’..eh..?

                    ..benefit rates have only been cut..over the last 27 years..

                    ..was that all the tories..?

        • sure King was a Roger fan way back then, as were many Labour people ( Winston and Anderton and Clark were not!)..however I haven’t heard King spouting Rogernomics in along time…as far as I can see she keeps her head down and concentrates on her portfolios ….and she is damned effective in what ever portfolio she takes on ….unlike Adern

          do you have links to support your statement that King is the… “queen of ABCs the rabid Thatcher of national lite”..
          (or are you the supporter of John Key?).

          if so I would be interested to read them

  13. Graham Lowe’s “pretty little thing” needs to get a bit of mongrel in her, and she needs to attack the “sexist pigs” in the Tory Parties.

  14. It is probably unfair to expect anyone within the Labour machine to do a Corbyn or a Bernie Sanders. Sanders is an independent and Jeremy Corbyn was only put on the leadership list because he was so far from the mainstream Blairites as to be unelectable (or so they thought).
    In fact his presence on the list was a particularly snide joke that has back-fired horribly.
    Also, even if a leader with similar skills could be found, he wouldn’t have the same effect here as in the UK or the USA. I’m afraid that Kiwis are much too politically illiterate for such a person to make a scrap of difference.

    • Yes…that might be the case until we had the equivalent emergence of the something akin to the Scottish National Party and a Nicola Sturgeon.

      Then we would see the gloves off and the hair and blood flying around Parliament.

      We would no longer be able to call politics bland – and, – like the Scottish National Party we might just see a huge turnout from the youth – those most affected by this disgusting little pseudo ‘PM’ USA lapdog that we currently have.

  15. “After graduating from Waikato University, she spent time working in the offices of Phil Goff and of Helen Clark as a researcher. She later spent time in London, working as a senior policy advisor. In early 2008 she won election as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.”

    Apologies for being uncharitable, but that is a CV that says “never done a real job”. Am I alone in thinking we need leaders with real life experience? People who have worked in a business, raised a family, eeked out an income in the tough times…

    • I have a daughter who has worked as a policy advisor and researcher. It can be quite demanding and requires meticulous organisational skills. You should find out a bit more information before you label someone as ” not having a real job”.

      • I’m sure it can be demanding, but I stand by what I said in the context in which I said it. Jacinda’s work experience does not qualify her to lead a country. In my opinion.

          • both Clark and Keys made their careers in a tough environment outside parliament…neither were hot housed plants within an incestuous parliamentary environment

            …Clark was a university academic (tough for women to make it in those days) and Key was an international trader ( unfortunately that is a recommendation otherwise)

    • quite frankly Annette King has more ooomph and appeal as a female Labour politician…she is concise , forceful, and to the point in any debate….she sheets it home…her words and media presence has impact

      Adern…no!…and her throwing her lot in with Grant Robertson against David Cunliffe was the final straw…Adern also lacks judgment and loyalty

      imo Annette King has always been very effective as a Minister…she should be retained in the next Labour Government (hopefully)as an elder granny figure like Indira Gandhi or Golda Meir.

      ..Labour needs strong female politicians …but Adern is not leadership material imo…and speaking as a feminist..maybe some of the back benchers like Poto Williams

    • +100 Born in a Barn….good points!…just because you are a good policy adviser and researcher does not make you a good politician

  16. quite frankly Annette King has more ooomph and appeal as a female Labour politician…she is concise , forceful, and to the point in any debate….she sheets it home…her words and media presence has impact

    Adern…no!…and her throwing her lot in with Grant Robertson against David Cunliffe was the final straw…Adern also lacks judgment and loyalty

    imo Annette King has always been very effective as a Minister…she should be retained in the next Labour Government (hopefully)as an elder granny figure like Indira Gandhi or Golda Meir.

    ..Labour needs strong female politicians …but Adern is not leadership material imo…and speaking as a feminist..maybe some of the back benchers like Poto Williams

  17. Lots of hatred and sexism in these comments meant to mis-represent
    and mis-judge Jacinda Ardern.
    Chris, seems like you enjoy stirring up the pot and inciting turmoil instead of adding to the ideas and plans to help change things here for the better.

    I have lost much respect for those cowards who are so righteous and judgmental and trying to keep down those who are trying to do good work.

    • yes David Cunliffe was undermined and put down by supposed Labour Party leftists…Jacinda Adern was not a supporter of Cunliffe

      …and quite frankly Adern is not up to replacing Cunliffe as leader …anyone who thinks she is, is crazy or a pretend lefty…this is NOT sexism or hatred

      • i also think that Andrew Little is light years better and a way and beyond Jacinda Adern’s ability and electability as a leader of the NZ Labour Party

        …so I am not sure why her name keeps popping up as a future leader

        • in fact Andrew Little has been really getting into his stride lately…maybe this is the reason some people are bringing up Adern as leader….to destabilise the Labour Party yet again!

  18. I think the Labour Party needs a new name , logo, colour, agenda and people. What’s that saying about giving a dog a bad name ?
    Labour’s fucked. And the traitorous neo liberals like douglas , quigly, and hideous , odious annette fucking king are to blame. Fuck Labour . How about a re boot? A new party altogether . Something not tainted by arseholes helping themselves on our hard earned money.
    Something modern and in keeping with modernity.
    How about The New Zealand / Aotearoa Direct Action Party.
    The motto could be ” You fuck with us and we’ll fuck with you right back mate ! ”

    I know one thing Jacinda Ardern is . On six figures plus entitlements.

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