John Key u-turns on Saudi sheep bribe story



The justification for this bribe to a Saudi Businessman has always been…

1 – It’s Labour’s fault

2 – We paid him the money to stop him from suing us.

After the Government were forced to release these papers on the deal…


…it turns out it had nothing to do with Labour and there was no threat to sue the Government.

So what does Key have to say now?

TDB Recommends

Why, it had nothing to do with compensation at all…

PM’s new explanation for Saudi deal

After months of claiming the Government did a deal with a Saudi businessman to avoid the possibility of being sued, the Prime Minister now says it was never about compensation.

…that’s right, after months of telling everyone we paid this money to avoid getting sued, the PM now says it had nothing to do with compensation.

This is John Key before he was forced to release the papers proving everything he said wasn’t true…

“He [Mr Al-Khalaf] certainly argued very vigorously that the actions of the previous government misled him. You know whether that would have legally succeeded in court it’s not for me to determine because I’m not a lawyer. I can just tell you what he was claiming and I think overall we found a way through all of that and I think that’s broadly the right step,”

…and after the papers are released showing everything he has said simply isn’t true, the PMs position now is…

“What Mr McCully was saying though was he didn’t want lawyers brought in to be talking about compensation because the deal was never about compensation.”

…what is more terrifying, that the PM can lie straight to the media and then simply change his story once the lie is caught out or that NZers will still flock to him and vote for him?


  1. …what is more terrifying, that the PM can lie straight to the media and then simply change his story once the lie is caught out or that NZers will still flock to him and vote for him?

    The fact that a lot of people still vote for the lying schmuck and his lying accomplices the entire National Party.

  2. “She’ll be right” was once the New Zealand dream. Now it is the New Zealand nightmare.

  3. a lying PM or “Klingon voters”? both are a worry of course

    in todays world of precarious, contract, agency, SME and unpaid work (interns, DoC volunteers, NCEA students at the Warehouse, jail slaves) the “average hard working Nu Zilunda” is a myth, more the bastard spawn of the focus group,

    but nonetheless too many people indulge in “Key Love” to protect their own arses basically, which is unlikely to change until there is a nasty outbreak of negative equity in property and sold off ex dairy farms, people support Key even though they know deep down he is a piece of s**t because to question dear leader would be to question their own integrity

    I was on the picket line with Warehouse strikers in West Auckland yesterday and that is the type of spirit that is needed to break the tory cycle and evict FJK

  4. I met someone recently who lost a legal battle over a contractual obligation that cost him serious money. His adversary had lied in mediation to swing the findings in his favour. Subsequently his adversary stood in the electorate and this person I met voted for him – despite knowing he was voting for a dishonest person who had shafted him. I was stunned. But his adherence to his political beliefs trumped all else. It wouldn’t matter what the PM or anyone did – it would always be two ticks National.
    He’s not alone and Key knows rhis.

  5. Another day, another bald-faced lie from John ‘Polygraph’ Key. It seems certain sections of New Zealand society would vote for a dog turd in a wig if they felt it would best serve their venal self-interest. Add to that a mainstream media that looks increasingly like a poorly animated ventriloquist’s dummy, and the collective shafting of the nation continues unabated.

    This is so fucking depressing.

      • However did you guess? Hosking in particular reminds me of Lewis Prothero, ‘The Voice Of London’ in Alan Moore’s ‘V For Vendetta’.

        As Bomber’s remarked previously, Key could tear the heads from mewling kittens, and Hosking would find a way to blame the kittens. Our Dear Leader can do no wrong in the eyes of some partisan mouthpieces it would seem.

    • “John ‘Polygraph’ Key” you know that’s got merit as a title -JPK. As in meaning (a gentleman prone to mendacity) rather than DonKey etc. It’s saleable for the always obvious reason of – well kind of factual.

  6. Once a bankster always a bankster, eh John.
    Jonkey’s U.S. bankster buddies are busily dragging gold in from wherever they can steal, stashing it for themselves, while they prepare their underground holes. (All over the financial web sites if you want to do your research). U.S dollar now known as the shiite dollar. Good name!! Estimated time for Market implosion – September.
    Poor old jonkey. All that lying and slithering around for what ….

  7. JK said “I don’t think there will be a resession”so I guess that means we can expect a resession on his form for lying, but he can always blame labour as usual.

  8. Where’s the ‘U-Turn’? You haven’t even quoted verbatim Key’s comments, just made unsubstantiated claims.

  9. With all the lies and scandals NatzKEY has been caught out in, I ask why is FJK & co conspirators still there? It has to be more than one eyed, obedient voters calling the shots.

    And what is most disturbing, is it seems everything NatzKEY says or does now, has become an avalanche of corruption, deception, lies and cover ups, smothering the truth and fact!

    So who or what is keeping ominous NatzKEY in business? I am at a loss here, because if anyone else, another political party, a business, organization or whatever, had been discovered wallowing and still surviving in a stinking cesspit of filth, sleaze and slime as this government has been and still is, they would be goners!

  10. ” …or that NZers will still flock to him and vote for him? ”

    But did they/we vote for him/it ?

    Admittedly, this is Kansas etc . But really ?

    The lying little shit seems to be capable of anything .

    This was posted as part of a comment by someone , I’ve forgotten who, on TDB and I’ve only just got around to watching it. I mean … ? WTF ?
    Jonky handed his Parnell neighbour hundreds of millions of OUR tax money ??? There are not enough W’s, T’s and F’s to fully express my dismay at this .
    X U G ? ( Yep, ran out of the above . )

    Alan Hubbard conspiracy .

    I bet, I fucking bet you. If there was an ” Rid NZ of Yankee doodle psycho Jonky-stien day ” tens of thouseands of people would turn up in Wellington. What then of our mind bendingly easy to rig voting system ?

    • In India they are manual voting also, as we should do as we use paper voting and should just count them later so when the “electronic tabulation comes out early to give a fast result that should be only used at a possible result until the manual paper voting forms are counted in n the days after the first electronic counting .

      1000% Country Boy,

      electronic vote rigging is globally happening nowadays.

      Clint Curtis a Florida Computer programmer who worked for US Government developed a vote rigging program called “Source Code”

      And testified in court afterwards during electrons where his program rigged the Florida elections.

      That way anyone using those Electronic “Source Code” vote rigging programs will not then try to use them, as they will know that their “rigged electron results” will be found to be suspected later.

      As it is now we have to believe them that the electronic tabulation is honestly carried out.

      As Clint the Florida programmer for NASA admitted his vote rigging program eats itself after it is used and cant be traced, so we need to have paper manual counting again next election done by independent overseas voting officials as I will never believe this Government to be honest as they have deep agendas to rig an election to complete their crimes.

      Curtis, a life-long Republican up until then, had been a programmer at YEI, which had several top-secret clearance contracts with the state, NASA and other government agencies. Curtis’ understanding at the time was that the prototype he was being asked to create (built to the very precise specifications of Feeney) was to address Feeney’s concerns that the Democrats might attempt to electronically rig the election and Feeney wanted to know what to look out for in that event. After informing YEI CEO Mrs. Li-Woan Yang that he would not be able to hide the vote-flipping routines in the software source-code as Feeney had requested, Curtis testified that Mrs. Yang informed him that the program was needed to “rig the vote in South Florida “.

    • This report was a year ago,why has there not been an investigation into it,why is it being covered up.?
      What Is TDB going to do with this info,at least make it a lead story and expose the corruption of this government.

    • Countryboy I don’t understand why people arnt commenting on your last link about Alan Hubbards business?. The story and video in the link is mind boggling. I wrote a comment but it disappeared as most do.
      Do people not follow links anymore? this info should be acted on .
      I expect this comment will go the way of other comments on this subject, so maybe people do follow links but their comment was either timed out of just disappeared. Not Martyns fault I don’t think, why would he block comments? at least the math capcha error has disappeared , but comments don’t appear or sometimes appear next day if we are lucky.
      Microsofts windows 10 being downloaded is causing the internet to be overloaded, but innocuous comments get through,my suspicious mind wonders about hacking!

      Bye Bye comment!!!!

  11. When questioned about it in parliament, he reacts in his customary childish way of calling people names, like “Angry Andrew”. To paraphrase the words of King Henry II, “whilt no-one rid me of this foppish fool?”

  12. We should not be trading with the Saudis anyway. Saudi Arabia is a brutal barbaric regime that holds public beheadings. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is bombing to destruction one of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen.

  13. The mindless support for the lying turd is the scariest.

    It’s happened before; when the National Party was known as the National Socialist Party back in the early 1930s…

    How could they vote for such a devout liar?

    Birds of a feather, young Martyn.

    Birds of a feather…

    • Answer, not many do vote for Key,its all a charade,the Herald tells us what he means us to know.
      How can we stop him?,hard when he owns all the law .
      The truth is the press and a lot of the people are afraid of him,because he is so ruthless and will use any method to get his own way and keep himself in power.

  14. Well done Martyn for keeping your eye on the ball on this one. They rely on events moving on and statements being forgotten. Key, Obama, Cameron, Abbott, Harper. They are all proven liars. 5 eyes should be renamed 5 lies. It is a little off topic but I thought this clip below was so funny I wanted to share it……. anyone hear anymore about those Australian terrorists that were foiled in their dastardly plot just before Abbot announced some major bit of toadying up to the USA a month or two ago.

  15. The time he had to return to the house to admit he had not, not been in contact with Slater for months, and akshully it was only the night before …..but it had slipped his mind.
    Basically he barefaced lied and then admitted it and……..NOTHING!

  16. A big worldwide ponzie scheme and I suspect the TPPA and JK are part of it.
    See Wake up New Zealand today,Germany has made millions of dollars from Greece with printed money. The EU like other alliances is a big fraud enacted worldwide.

    • Wake up New Zealand shows proof of worldwide financial swindle.
      Everytime a country is said to be lent money its just a piece of paper to say that country can spend the amount written on paper,no money changes hands.When the money is made to be paid back it goes into banks with interest.
      NZ borrows on a daily basis,and owes hundreds of millions,it is a Ponzi scheme to make taxpayers responsible for a paying a loan for what is just a piece of paper with no backing,the interest on the false loan is taken from tax’s,when the loan is called in NZ will be responsible to pay banks who have not lost a cent ,the National government with a money trader in charge must know this.

      If the loan cant be paid,the banks can move in and privatise, and make a country sell all their assets to banks and so called lenders. What we have in NZ is a pre -emptive action , asset sales, and Paula Rebstock (American) busy preparing privatisation,such as the prisons that have gone to Serco, charter schools. Now on behalf of Key, looking at health and welfare.
      We are being conned NZ just as Greece was conned ,but unlike Greece NZ was in good heart until National came to power to run the country.
      We are the victims of an organised vaccuming up of NZ. The Tppa is part of the Ponzi scheme,initiated by Key and Grosser.

    • Another comment on the Wake up new Zealand article ,gone into wrong file as expected. this will probably go through tho;must be a busy time for scarlet mod.

  17. error everytime now,
    Make a full page story of countryboys revelation pony tail it should go viral.

Comments are closed.