Malcolm Evans – Maori Language Week


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  1. Yes …..we’re very much like the Victorian English elite who took to wearing tartans ( the Scots plaid ) because it was fashionable to view our ‘ dear Scots ‘ as our much beloved Northern subjects who serve us well…

    So much so the Scots became disgusted with the kilt itself. And after 400 years of oppression had real motive for that attitude.

    And this is similar…platitudes and bullshit to be seen in the ‘right ‘ politically correct light.

    Its cringe worthy .

    Any language is a bad thing if it becomes extinct. Because that demonstrates the bland corruptive influence of the cookie cutter manner of modern day western capitalism.

    However ….like the Scots and Irish Gaelic…it is up to the Maoris to value it enough to ensure it doesn’t die. And like many cultures worldwide…that’s a hard act when there are so many other pressure’s placed on people in modern living.

  2. I heartily agree Mr Pungawerewere just like those imbecilic Victorians…

    But the important point is the translation on the right.

    As long as that list remains unresolved no amount of “Kia ora katoa” on the TV and radio can be taken seriously.

    The same has happened to the Native Americans and until the settlers face up to the legacy they have (we have!) inherited everything remains stalled and unresolved…

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