Dear NZ – your attention is desperately required here right now please


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& Key must be so grateful that Campbell Live was killed off before this fight club, hushed up murder & riot-not-a-riot scandal erupted hu?


Kia ora folks – let’s get this whole Serco Prison thing straight.

Serco were warned 18months ago about Fight Clubs, intimidation & violence caused because they only have 2 staff per 50 prisoners. Corrections and the Minister knew this, yet the Minister claimed this was all a lie at the beginning of the week.

Since his claim that it’s all a lie, it turns out 1 prisoner was killed and his death covered up, another one has suffered broken legs from being thrown off the balcony although Serco claims he was chased off (because the distinction makes it somehow less serious right?) and another prisoner has come forward with abuse claims.

Serco recently was graded ‘Exceptional’…

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TDB Recommends

…yet an immediate fail based on this system is having a riot. Serco had a Riot involving 11 prisoners, yet Serco didn’t define 11 prisoners rioting as a ‘riot’ and thus it wasn’t recorded. That tells us conclusively that these gradings are rigged to make Serco look much better than they actually are.

This on top of National stripping prisoners rights to vote away so they can’t even change the system they are being thrown into, remember that these are men in remand –  many haven’t been found guilty of the crime they have been arrested for.

It gets worse. ACC is a 30% shareholder in this Private Prison at Wiri, that’s right, a Government Department gets some of its revenue stream from incarceration.

Can we not see what that profit incentive model creates?

Merely asking Serco if everything is fine is a joke. Look at how they have abused prisoners overseas and their record of corruptly scamming Governments for money, to think they would somehow treat us differently seems delusional.

At some point, no matter hoe much you personally love John Key – you have to demand a serious inquiry into what the bloody hell is going on. No amount of Max Key holiday shots or Dancing With The Stars private school yard fight should eclipse the enormity of what is happening inside this Private Prison.

This cuts to the very heart of why we have a Government – it is their obligation to be the only ones in a Democracy that has the power to contain someone against their will. That power should never be sub-contracted out so that direct accountability between the Minister and abuse of prisoners is undeniable.

What is happening here is inhumane and we should be ashamed it’s taken 2 years to gain our attention.


  1. We are all going to change this – by unifying and demanding that all the peoples of New Zealand be treated with respect and dignity and that wherever “punishment” is meted out this too falls in line with this demand.

    How … by tossing out the Nats and then cleaning up their mess.

    And those wanting to come into Power after them would be well advised to listen to the people of New Zealand.

  2. Mt Edens, Exceptional on the Prison Perfomance Table is such a concocted pile of rubbish, and looks like the correction dept is not even blinking just accepting it.

    How can the Mt Eden prison get a 96.75% rate in Rehabilitation
    Does that mean that ex- prisoners just dont go back to that remand prison,
    Or does rehabilitation have a completely different meaning when serco are using it.
    Recidivism of 25% was promised by national thats 1 piece of rhetoric national gave as a reason to hire serco,
    wasn’t it… get that recidivism down
    as its climbing towards 80%
    How’s that going sam ray john winstone’s moko any one?

    Mt Eden remand prison get an Exceptional for NOT reporting the following…
    fights assaults drinking drugging intimidation cell phones etc.
    which has all been documented to have taken place
    and recorded on contraband cell photos and up loaded on youtube
    Unbelievable you just wouldn’t read about it in the MSM
    you just wouldn’t.

  3. I had the Paul Henry interview recommended to me of Sam Lotu-Iiga and Sam was so, so bad it was embarrassing. To be fair he is wearing Bill English et al’s blind stupid ideology here however even so he is not a shade of the boss when it comes to ad-libbing/making it up/defusing, that’s for sure. Henry could not save him but God knows he tried.

    And it was this very insight that was of interest in the interview. Henry is a very capable interviewer, but I always have concerns when the National Party interview the National Party. Henry gave Lotu-Iiga so many cues, “Sam this is how you should behave, this is how you should feel” type of thing. It was a Media PR interview lesson done live, I guess to give to Sam and others a quick 101 on how to make sure he/they do better next time. But the old school tie came through with Henry. He wrote Kelvin Davis off as “politicking” and “just a shabby member of the opposition, doing a great job”. So TV3’s bias is alive and well, even though this very serious subject should and must be known by the public.

    It started well but the only reason I would recommend it is to be a fly on the wall to watch the usually hidden National Party PR machine in action.

    • Thank you, X-ray, for doing what many can’t stomach:- watching Paul Henry and his trumpeting of the National mentality.
      If Saddam and G W Bush where Natsis he would cheerlead them as well.
      We don’t have TVKey in our house for some months now. Nice to know they are still playing the same tune onboard their sinking ship.

      I do have concerns about the Natsis being kicked out in 2017 if last year was anything to go by. I’m just waiting for the next PM, Judith Collins to outlaw the opposition.
      Then we can truly claim to be like North Korea in many ways.

  4. ( Nearly out of my unpaid sabbatical )

    @ Martyn Bradbury.
    Add the ‘money effect’ to any human endeavour and you get nothing more nor less than a population of pimps , tricks and whores ( No disrespect to actual working girls . ) . Keeping it simple means a rapid dawning of an awareness. Then, when the penny begins its intrepid journey… Lets act ! Tally Ho !

    @ HELENA.
    I agree. And I disagree with you. ( I’m sure you will be deeply saddened by that ; – )

    I agree that NZ/A’rns need to unite. ” Fuckin’ right ! Unite ! ” One might chant. Make it simple. A chant the dumbed down hoi polloi can get their post -brain-melt TV3 minds around.
    But lets keep the Nats where they are. In ‘ power’ , if that makes them happy little sociopaths. Better the devil you know, so the saying goes, and that saying goes for a good reason.

    The difference we could make is to make sure the bastards do what they’re told . Not what they feel like on the day . Certainly not to do the bidding of some deviant and dodgy lobbyist with a wad of cash, a round bottom and a hearty Hey ! Ho !, for the ladies. Or blow-up dolls or sheep . What ever floats the average weirdy National Party M.P.s boat.

    Build your hoards @ HELENA then lay siege to the nearest National Party MP’s office by the afore mentioned hoard. And ask the police to come along and lend a hand. Ask the military while you’re at it. And all the gangsters and ex cons too. After all, it’s not their fault. It is not their fault. That’s important to remember . 99% of all criminals are as a result of negative dysfunction, abuse and trauma.
    We have a government building packed to the rafters with a cadre of over confident sociopaths on six figure salaries PLUS entitlements who know damn well they can please themselves what they do to us.

    Lets leave them there and change their minds for them. Lets help them out . Lets slap their fat little arses until they stop playing with fire.

    And I don’t feel comfortable with demonising Max Key. Ok, he does look … well, shall we say damnably handsome with a cute girlfriend and he can come and go with the ease that is afforded the wealthy and well educated. A prime target for my jealously , envy and on cold, wet days, my hatred. But I must remember; the kid can’t help who is daddy is. I know this sounds rich coming from this writer but lets keep it classy.

    Lets forge a human shield against the overtures of Big Money and make our politicians do their jobs, and that is to take care of us. It’s that simple.

    Oh , and did I mention? I’m publishing my very own Blog soon? Lets curl some toes and whiskers I say !

  5. There is also the issue of some of these ppl being mental health patients. I don’t understand how anybody could think serco running our prisons was a good thing. They are financially punished for their ‘mistakes’ but they are the ones reporting these incidents, it follows that they would hide their mistakes, to avoid the punishment. NOT rocket science. And now we can all rest easy because serco is now investigating serco, she’ll be right mate.

  6. The fact that someone died while in the care of the State, by itself, is reason enough for an investigation. And what is ACC doing having shares in anything??? They’re supposed to be about helping people recover from injury. They’re not an investment company.

    • It’s not just ACC. It’s local and regional bodies too.

      They’re all “investing” their funds in markets. Because they think that’s the proper behaviour of business. And they’re supposed to be run as a business. They’ve been given a “business model”.

      And if the markets go down and they lose all that money? The money that they’ve taken via levies, taxes and rates?

      They’ll go bankrupt.

  7. I am waiting for an associate of ours to get the truth out of MSD too, who are also hiding true figures, re beneficiaries they send to outsourced service providers, all working to earn big bucks from the government.

    It is before the Ombudsman now, I have heard, this is the crap they responded, being to an OIA request, never fully answered. We recently learned from the CTU and also Christian Social Services, what is really going on, many dropping out of benefit support through the cracks, and facing endless sanctions.

    Where is the info on mentally ill referred to providers, to get them jobs? The questions for data have simply been ignored, and only been replied to in selective, marginal fashion, telling us stuff all:

    A weak, only partial response by MSD:

    Not quite fitting together with some earlier info:

    As with Serco, the truth can only be concealed for so long, it will eventually come out.

  8. Countryboy 😀 Nat has had its day and so has the paper currency with which it built its empire. I would add here that from the statement that company is in financial difficulty and I believe Nats are using taxpayer money to help prop up a Mate’s company. Prove me wrong, Nats!

    We are on the verge of a new currency being rolled out underpinned by gold. Each country will receive the appropriate amount and decide the name it wishes to give its currency, and every individual will receive an appropriate amount … without taxation which was always fraudulent.

    The Leader of the Labour Party appears to understand what is happening.
    No one needs to storm anything anywhere. Change will happen slowly but just like the sun rising, change will come. Then we will stand united and say what it is we would wish to be put in place (with guidance) which will benefit all. See BRICS – NESARA

  9. @ Helena – one would only hope that you are right. All systems have issues, but whatever happens ‘the people’ need more of a say in their futures – not less, as is happening now.
    And @ country boy – look forward to curling my toes – make sure you post your blog link here!

    • I know I’m right!!!!!

      The only thing I’d don’t know is how to do an ampersand followed by the name 🙁

      The first thing I don’t understand is why I can’t make a contribution thru Pay Pal which wont accept new password (forgotten the old) and why TDB contact tells me my chatcawhatever is time expired. Oh.. and the second thing I don’t understand is why TDB doesn’t send me an email with bank a/c no so I can just transfer funds.
      Perhaps Frank is around and he’ll slip in a no. into his blog.

      That’s about the sum total of what I don’t know and don’t understand (for now anyway).

      • @ Helena – ampersand (hold shift key down – press 2/@ key) then add name.

        Re contribution to TDB I’ve done it through Pay Pal which I’m not really comfortable about. Prefer to do away with the third party. I have read it can be done using Bitcoin, but being a bit of an ancient relic myself, I haven’t a clue how to go about that.

        Agree re email from TDB giving bank a/c no. for contribution payment. Much easier and convenient. If that was the case, I’d be prepared to donate more.

        In cases where my password is continually rejected, I give up! Not prepared to put myself through the stress of the nonsense!

        Also been having a few problems with Capcha recently. Same thing going on with regular poster Elle as well.

        • @ MARY_A Thanks, Mary. You guessed correctly! I’m a OAP computer ignoramus. Got my computer three months ago. It’s wonderful!

  10. Ombudsman? Are you kidding me – the office set up to Ensure FAIRNESS for ALL – never investigates anything concerning abuses by government offices – I have had a complaint with them for over two years now, initially they REFUSE on every level to accept a complaint – then when you keep pushing they finally agree to officially notify the complaint = and then refuse to continue with an investigation…..they wont even take my phone calls now……during that time they tried to fit me up, entrap me, have me arrested and as we are now seeing = use this private prison camp to met out justice to anyone who tries to speak TRUTH to POWER – can we all see the dangers here?? All I was asking for was the RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS – FAIRNESS – the very corner stone of the Justice system – justice must be seen to be FAIR – else NO ONE will TRUST it – these were breaches by a Government organisation – which refused to adhere to the LAW – and a citizens rights to due process before getting secret warrants and taking property owned by my family – illegal and unreasonable search and seizure – and because I complained about it = rather than investigate it they tried to fit me up, have me thrown in prison where I am sure I would have been given a right working over to shut me up…..this is the new Fascist form of governance we have mistakenly permitted to take control of this lovely country. And that people is why my story has never gone main stream – because it would create an uproar across the nation.

    Everything is connected – everything right now leads to the same concerns for all of us – right or left. Many are being silenced to hide the truth – to keep secrets……

  11. The Department of Corrections and therefore the Government have known about prison violence for years. Privatising prisons, purportedly to provide more effective prison functioning and rehabilitation services, was simply an exercise by the National Government to reduce costs.

    Fatuous comments made by Anne Tolley and Judith Collins, that “there are bad people in prison”, were an attempt to minimise the fact that many prisons are dysfunctional and privatisation to save money is at the expense of implementing effective rehabilitation programmes, which would enable prisoners to contribute to society when they are released. Cost cutting does not allow for enough staff to monitor prisoners’ behaviour and prevent violent incidents.

    Anyone who has any insight into human development and who is aware of evidence-based research, will know that many prisoners have various conditions, including foetal alcohol syndrome, psychiatric illnesses, and intellectual impairment, which is often the result of head injuries caused by abuse as babies and children.

    Many people are in prison for relatively minor offences. This Government is devoid of compassion and knows of the brutality that has occurred and continues to occur in public and private prisons. People who think that the abuse is acceptable because the prisoners have committed offences show their ignorance and lack of humanity.

  12. @ HORNET sounds as if you have been through an awful time and still trying to cope. There’s not much one can say when you are caught up in a system deliberately intended to be difficult to dissuade people from choosing this route. I’ve had to do it myself so I can say leave it behind and move on. The truth will out.

  13. Well Martyn, hope you watched Prime news tonight on Serco. I did a double take – hardly recognised John Key. He is a very rattled man. Prison conditions may improve. Let’s hope so.

    • I noticed the interview with Key on ‘The Nation’. No teflon. No charming blokyness. Just a very politicised, rattled Prime Minister.

      This will be his final term.

      • Let’s hope it’s not just his final term, but National’s also. Can you imaging having Paula Bennett / Gerry Brownlee / Steven Joyce as PM? That would be even worse than the current deal.

      • Frank, some of what you have been saying will clearly be proved, but it would be good to await until the reports on Mt Eden and the the state system are completed so that we have all the facts.

        Drawing final conclusions based on hearsay tends to distort the actions required, as the information is gathered there will be some turns in the road. About the John Key interview, when he was able to get a word in (while the interviewer, caught her breath) he explained very clearly what the government will be doing, when they have all the facts rather than hearsay. Finally, I thought TV 3 was a no go zone?

  14. @Frank – He’s just got hang in there to sign the TPPA ( what he was installed to do) and he will disappear into oblivion. Personally I’m not sure how he could live with himself after such a charade on an entire country, but I guess he has had plenty of practice. More the shame for us…

    • @Kim Dandy – and the knighthood. Don’t forget the knighthood.

      After signing off the TPPA to satisfy his US masters, FJK will hang around just long enough to get his knighthood. Then he will be gone, having moved on to a lucrative job as his reward for committing treason against his own people, leaving NZ in such a mess, it will probably take a couple of generations to clean up!

      FJK is a parasite!

  15. A pity the account in ‘Pututara’ by a former political prisoner in Spring Hills Correction Facility cannot be on the front page of every newspaper in the country or discussed on Campbell Live. Let us prepare, citizens, for the ultimate break out.

  16. [Fake email address. Hiding behind anonymous pseudonym. Defamatory comments. Welcome to the Hall of Permanently banned. – ScarletMod]

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