TDB Political Caption Competition




  1. hush my followers, loose lips sink Planet Key ships!

    I’m actually carrying out austerity without saying it – see!

  2. Shhs im listening for further instructions from my puppet masters, cant hear what they are saying if you useless eaters ,homeless,and sick keep complaining.TPP might not be good for you but its marvellous for me and my cronies.

  3. “And My Solution for all you bespectacled, know-it-all time wasters is to transfer your energies to the formation of an agrarian utopia where the Southern Alps are alive with the sound of cow bells, surrounded by a moat of cow dung producing biogas – a silent killer rich in methane. At the end of the day, I’m not just a pretty face!”

  4. Our job growth plan comes from pay cuts and job cuts.
    Benefiarcies live in luxery and can afford it.
    Means testing pensions. No we have no plans to but must be looked into.
    We will make surplus in the budget but next year so its another defecit.
    We will take out loans introduce new austerity measures and less harsh and expect another loan but not repay it.

  5. You’re over thinking it. Jonkey’s motivation is Greed & Vanity; why else would a wealthy neocon enter politics but to game that system? Feed the kids? Only if there’s a womans weekly photo op. involved. PR spun as a competent leader, but runs a government that wants to govern by proxy via the ‘private’ sector… classic bait and switch. And a sufficient number of baby boomers have swallowed the bait, hook, line, sinker, & fishing rod.

  6. FOUND: Left behind at photocopier. Possibly a page from someone’s C.V. Smells of hair product. Currently being used to paper over cracks but will be returned upon request, for a price. Contact J. Collins.

  7. At the end of the day, not a bad list of achievements, bot so very much more to do and SO LITTLE TIME.

  8. Hush, my dissident friends with your impressive “facts” I’ll tell you a secret, the voting pubic don’t give a fuck.

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