Stealing Maori Land to pretend you are dealing with property speculation: The Nick Smith meltdown



News of housing land offer comes as iwi plan to take case to court
One of the surplus land holdings in Auckland shown off to journalists in May as available for the Government’s affordable housing partnership with private developers had already been offered to iwi under right of first refusal, the Herald has learned.

Can this get any more humiliating?

Nick Smith’s magical mystery real estate tour turns out to be as empty & vacant as state house insulation.

So far Nick has recommended land next to exploding power generators, cemeteries, Council owned land the Government didn’t have the right to sell and now Maori Land that Nick would just like to steal thanks.


This plan was hurried out of Parliament to create the pretence that the Government were doing something about the property bubble they’ve helped cultivate, the sick joke is that this pretence is designed not to actually solve the problem hence all the clusterfucks that have occurred along the way of this cavalcade of lies.

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The Government are dangerously dependent on the property bubble as it’s the only thing creating the illusion of growth, and it benefits the property speculating middle who vote National.

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The plan Nick is pretending to champion isn’t supposed to work, but National should have at least put some effort into lying to us.

All this needs now is for Judith Collins to start framing the issue racially and attack ‘Maori privilege’ for demanding their legal rights.


  1. The Prime Minister defends Smith and the Governments plans to rip off Auckland Maori on the basis that Christchurch land held by this Government was sold into private hands without first offering it to the locals, Ngai Tahu, after the Christchurch earth-quakes,

    My opinion is that that from the Prime Minister is akin to the burglar claiming immunity from prosecution on the basis that no-one seen him burgle the property next door,

    All Iwi with a ‘right of first refusal’ written into their settlements should rightly be looking askance of the Government…

    • Yep looks like the Foreshore and Seabed banana skin all over again, but this time it’s National using the Treaty as dunny paper instead of Labour.

      It’s OK this time though, because the Maori Party are at the head table and will sort it all out eh?.

      The Maori Party have gone awfully quiet on this issue – and why aren’t the Maori Party on Hooray Hosking or Hooray Henry defending the Govt on this issue eh? Too busy getting Maori drivers with no liscensces (sic. Memo spelling) out of the offending stats and $400 fines, in preparation for the 2017 election stats.

      This country is going to hell in a handbasket as my Oma used to say.

    • Careful what you wish for. Bastion Point protest action facilitated and then paved the way for National and Muldoon winning another election back in the late 70’s, early 80’s.

      Do you really want to turn this into a race issue, because it could blow up in your face and allow National back into power in 2017?

      Chinese and middle class, the main supporters of National, are not going to want the cash cow of real estate, housing bubble stymied by a race problem?

      Or do they?

      • I dunno…..because if Bastion point became a race issue…perhaps its time to recognize that disproportionately ……it has become a race issue by default.

        And if that is the case it might shed light on the activity’s that have made it a ‘ race ‘ issue.

        And if that is truly what this about – rich Chinese and others coming in here and exploiting this climate of greed- overriding the fact that WE have an obligation to Polynesia – then perhaps we should be looking at that.

        The primary difference between the govt of Rob Muldoon and what we have now is neo liberalism.

        If we were to look at a political graph and see where Rob Muldoon ‘s govt was – as opposed to where we are now- we would see Muldoons govt far to the Left of Labour.

        We are a Pacific nation. Not a South East Asian one. Our obligations are to the Pacific region.

        Not Mainland China.

        As such,…our first obligations are to this nation and those of the Pacific.

        All else come a distant second.

        And in arguing ‘ race’ …we also argue culture. This is not about ‘money ‘ – this is about who we are and what we as a nation represent.

        We are a PACIFIC nation.

        We are not Americans.

        We are not Chinese.

        We are not Europe.

        And these issues relevant to us pertain to the PACIFIC.

        As such…we should be dealing with the issues relevant to our place in the PACIFIC.

        And nowhere else.

        Get that right…and balance will be restored….get it wrong- and we will see constant political opportunism and perversion.

        Such as we are seeing presently.

        • >> If we were to look at a political graph and see where Rob Muldoon ‘s govt was – as opposed to where we are now- we would see Muldoons govt far to the Left of Labour. <<

          I remember thinking this for a while, and scoffing when Russell Norman compared Key to Muldoon. Then I read a few books and remembered a few things about just what a Pinochet-style tyrant Muldoon:
          * tried to have the previous Labour government's superannuation scheme aborted by royal decree
          * was a rampant homophobe (remember Colin Moyle?), and staunchly opposed homosexual law reform in 1985-6
          * supported the dawn raids (to be fair initiated by Labour's Norman Kirk in 1974, but he accelerated them)
          * appointed a Minister in his Cabinet to the post of Governor-General
          * levied a tax on boats and caravans and refused to lift even though it measurably increased unemployment among boatbuilders and coachbuilders
          * indulged in paranoid McCarthyism (those reds in the trade unions…)
          * reacted to the 1970s oil shocks with "Think Big" and "carless days", instead of initiating a forward-looking plan to reduce our dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels like oil as energy sources, as Jimmy Carter did in the US
          * supported the Springbok tour in 1981 and viscous attacks on non-violent protestors by the infamous Red Squad
          * imposed heavy-handed wage and price freezes
          * deployed NZ Navy ships to (indirectly) support the British in the Falklands War
          * was a big fan of Thatcher (hoik, pthh!)

          (thanks are due to Wikipedia for jogging my memory, I was only a child when Muldoon was PM)

          Plenty of parallels with Key can be found in that list.

      • Yep – look out for some serious wad being spent to appease iwi. Similar to FIFA backhanders/corruption I would think?

        But will the USA World Police step in and storm National Party residences like they did with Kim Dotcom?

        I think not.

    • @ esoteric pineapples –

      Maori Party?

      Is it still alive?

      Given the party’s deafening silence on this issue, I thought it died ages ago!

    • Sitting in Uncle Tom’s cabin, watching reality TV now that Campbell Live and Mihingarangi Forbes have been ousted as investigating journalists.

      Stephen Joyce and the black ops team have stifled and shut down any adverse media interest in the Maori land issue.

      Or do you think that Paul Henry and Mike Hosking are going to champion the rights of Maori for first refusal on iwi land, already “acquired” once upon a time and now imminently about to be sold off to the highest European, or Chinese developers?

      The land grab that began in Christchurch, is spreading like a virus. Who will profit the most from the sell-off/fire-sale?

      • Remember about two years back when there was a Chinese party that started up on the North Shore that was financed from Beijing?

        That’s right – it was disclosed that that party’s financing was emanating from Beijing.

        Now why would that be so?

        For greater cultural awareness and the feel good motives of greater social participation and integration of cultures?


        It was done to leverage a greater political advantage to those of the Chinese mainland to influence this country’s internal policies towards making a convivial financial experience for mainland Chinese entrepreneurship.

        Nothing more , and nothing less.

        And you cant say that of all those Chinese students …that amongst them there isn’t card carrying members of the Chinese Communist Party that doesn’t keep tabs on all these Chinese students…….making sure they don’t get too westernized.

        Grow up NZ – this isnt about race….this is about geo politics.

        Yeah sure…the humble Chinese student over here is only interested in getting their degree and going back to the celestial mainland – but don’t you worry , mate…

        They’ve got their minders here amongst them to ensure they don’t stray far from the flock.

        We are a PACIFIC nation. Not a South East Asian or mainland Chinese one.

        And that’s the blunt truth about it.


      • The Dunedin City Council has given its officers powers to sell of any public land it holds under a certain value. The justification, as with the asset fire sales of the 1984 Labour govt, the 1990s National govt, and Key’s govt, is reducing debt. Debt that the Council are in because they borrowed to build a white elephant stadium that the Dunedin public didn’t want, which has lost money every year since it opened, and that debt has been shifted from the stadium company’s books to the Council’s to keep the stadium solvent. Think Big on a smaller scale, with the same neo-liberal “sell, sell, sell” reaction.

    • If the Maori party don’t walk they they are finished if any maori actually vote for them they deserve all they get.

      This comment placed on facebook by a Matthias theis says it all in just a few paragraphs if you ask me.

      Causing Racial Conflict To Distract From Dirty Deals

      …and making some extra money at the same time. He’s a professional, you’ve got to give him that.

      I actually think Key might be deliberately trying to pitch Maori against pakeha within the population.

      It’s a simple recipe:

      Deliberately push historically ingrained buttons by the theft of land that you don’t own, to trigger an outrage amongst Maori people. With a little luck someone somewhere who has been pushed too far in their personal life – of which National has created a whole lot, so surely one of them will snap – loses their nerve in some argument and gets violent towards some white guy.

      Next thing you know, it’s “Maori against Pakeha” all over the country, and while everyone is busy with that, you can continue to do your dirty business without anyone noticing.

      In other words, he’s trying to start a bar brawl so he can sneak out the back door with the cash register.

      As an additional bonus, you can then use the “unrest” in the country to push through even more draconian measures to take even more rights away from the people – “for their protection”, of course.

      Mark my words.

      Divide and conquer. There’s nothing new under the sun.

  2. Guesstimated, made it up, lied, its all the same. But didn’t it sound SO genuine and reliable and truthful when it left his lips the first time. That’s the trouble with a National MP, you can’t trust a damned thing they say!

    It had to happen, it has to end badly but when we have a government that runs on dodgy statistic analysis, one that hides information, one that misleads as a matter of course, one that has brought off the media to stifle criticism and one that has made appearing to do something when it never intended to do anything, an art form, well then we get today’s Auckland property market

  3. The supreme dual award for bullshit and sheer blind panicked incompetence goes to Smith and National for:

    The land Smith cited as being available for housing, that is a very small island of vacant land in the Manukau CBD with a motorway off ramp and actual motorway on two sides, bordered by Manukau Station Rd, Lambie Drive and Wiri Station Rd, plus as bonuses, a railway line, a 24 hr Police station and the District Court just a stones throw away at all points of the compass. We are talking industrial and more trucks and cars per square metre than almost any other place in NZ!

    However the coup d’état; its owned by Auckland Council. What an idiot but Nick is only the unquestioning messenger!

    Not that any normal thinking shaved Chimp would put anything living there anyway, but with National not caring how people live, (other than the wealthy), it’s pure semantics.

    • He should have been sacked for the Bronwyn Pullar affair, but they hid him from the media limelight, and kept John Campbell away from him, then wheeled Smith out 6 months, 1 week and 4 days later, to scuttle the monorail and gave him Housing portfolio.

      Hasn’t learned from his 6 months, 1 week and 4 day exile and is now blaming everyone else, media, advisers, the waning moon and the Labour Party for putting him under pressure. Jeez, he even blamed people for dying prematurely from flu every year to deflect blame from substandard State Housing.

      Find a nice comfortable diplomatic posting for him somewhere – Palestine, North Korea, or Yemeni and get him the hell out of the limelight again. For crying out loud, the National Party found a nice cushy job for Shane Jones (a Nat in Labour clothing).

      The very least they can do is sort out a cushy little sinecure for Nick Smith. Get Stephen Joyce to sort it National – you know it makes sense!

  4. “All this needs now is for Judith Collins to start framing the issue racially and attack ‘Maori privilege’ for demanding their legal rights”

    As a pakeha I am with Maori here as this Government is using the “divide & rule” tactics again as they have in the past that always end in hurt & anger.

    Let us stand with Maori together against this carpetbagger out of control illegal Government that have lied and stole to many times and are now an enemy of the people.

    Bring on the Land march Hikoi please I will be there with my family.

    • In my opinion now days, It is Maori and Pakeha that should stand together against foreign investors. It may sound wrong, but when our country is bought up from under our feet and our politicians won’t do anything it causes US here in NZ to suffer more. The people who own the land are already rich and are just making another dollar. Eventually the Asian population will increase to a proportion so high that they will be able to elect their own government rendering us outnumbered and useless.

    • Hear hear CLEANGREEN 🙂

      This is where all Kiwis can stand as a strong collective for once and challenge the self serving, lying, corrupt fraudsters, disguised as people’s representatives, in support of a common cause here, to give government a message it won’t forget in a hurry!

      NatzKEY’s response will be predictable. FJK’s personal police force and possibly the army will be rolled out in droves to quell any protest!

  5. Newer and more dangerous levels of toxicity in Housing management reached – accompanied, naturally, by patronising governmental all-knowing smiles! When will this era of privatization/corporatization – creep end?

  6. Recently the Government has been selling off State Houses because the houses are ‘inappropriately located’. Is the land it has recently ear-marked in Auckland suitable for development? There may be no services such as roads, schools, public transport. Who will bear the infrastructure cost? How long will it take to create it?
    And importantly, does the development fit in with the Auckland City Council’s long term planning?
    The underlying assumption of this latest mess is that the Government is happy with low density housing leading to Los Angeles-style urban sprawl and greater dependence on the motor car. My understanding is that the Ciity Council wants a higher density, more public-transport based model. Does this mean that Nick Smith intends to effectively side-line the Council Planners? From the safe distance of Dunedin I dont have a high regard for the City Council, but if the choice lies between the Council and Nick Smith, its a no -brainer.

    • The existence of the ghost houses proves pretty conclusively that a lack of supply of houses is not the cause of high house prices, and that the problem is the real estate market being confused with the stock market, with houses treated as shares in the city to be bought and sold for profit (or loss), rather than homes to be lived in. Of course with no law limited land ownership to permanent residents of the country, you could cover every square inch of the country with houses, and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference to the house prices, as long as anyone in the world can make untaxed capital gains off NZ housing.

  7. This Government is controlled by Bilderberg and are carrying out their dictates in the long game of taking over complete control of us and this is a diversion as they sow the seeds of division and distraction.

    Yes but we have to fight the hidden enemy.

    Check this out.

  8. No John, it is not your land and you can’t do what you like with it!
    Go Iwi, take them ( the Govt) to court, and try them for treason while your at it! Crooks the lot of them.
    I too, will come on any protest march on this one.

    “When will this era of privatization/corporatization – creep end?”

    I wish it never began and I wish it could end!

    • Just remember that previous generations had it far worse than we did…think back to the 19th and early 20th century.

      And also remember those in far more deprived country’s around the globe that had to fight huge odds to affect change.

      Human beings being what they are….wont move often until things get intolerable.

      No one in their right minds wants a war – and that’s where we have a huge advantage in this country. But it still does not abdicate us of the responsibility’s of righting wrongs.

      But we can do things here without the horrific recourse to bloodshed and violence that unfortunately is a part of the fabric for change elsewhere.

      And currently there are a lot of wrong situations in NZ. And its up to us to do something about it.

      We actually have a colossal amount of push if we wanted to exercise it. We are a small country. Weight for weight – those who are poor or just getting by far outnumber those who are rorting the system.

      So straight away you have the numbers . Also…there is STILL in this country the notion of a ‘fair go ‘….and reasonableness. Most KIWI’S don’t really like to see others suffer needlessly.

      There’s still compassion.

      There are many social issues that need a balance of activism , reasoned argument using facts to advance the case , and social/community input to arrive at equitable solutions.

      Do you remember Tania Harris back in the 1970’s who led a march against union extremes? In no time flat it captured popular thought and conversation – so much so that marches were being held nationwide.

      Peculiarly …we need marches now that actually ENCOURAGE union activity with Health and Safety issues to the forefront. As the pendulum has now swung completely in the opposite direction.

      That is but one of many issues.

      But that is an example of hands on activism that achieved radical results.

      There is a place for academic fortification and validation of a movement – but there is NO SUBSTITUTE for boots on the ground.

      The two must run in tandem with each other.

      And that’s how we win a bloodless changing of policy through campaigning in this country.

      With no need whatsoever of the sort of extremes seen elsewhere around the globe.

      • I like your notion to come together as a mass of people in a form of peaceful protest. When it is actually seen globally how NZ is. It will change the perception that we are all fun sheep loving rugby players.

        I disagree with your statement:

        “Just remember that previous generations had it far worse than we did…think back to the 19th and early 20th century.”

        It may be ‘easy’ to get everything we need now days. But this planet is well over populated. We are controlled by so many laws. And are disadvantaged by previous generations 10 years older than we are now. They will be working and progressing for the next 30 years maybe even longer… Not to mention a new generation coming to age who will also be in competition with you. I think that in 10 – 15 years time all hell would have broken loose… We can only keep re-building ChCh for so long… Surely they cant milk it for another 5 years.

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