Why I don’t care about MPs and their wives travelling




I don’t care about the supposed furore over MPs travelling with their wives overseas.  Bagging MPs and their perks is a national past time that bores me. Most people have no idea how busy MPs are, they have no idea how much work MPs get through, they have no idea how much stress that work load has on politicians lives.

Being able to travel overseas with their spouses is a perk that they have earned. I have no problem with that, and I can’t get excited about it when the Government are privatising state housing, damaging public education, cost cutting in public health, selling public assets for a pittance, spying on everyone we can see and allowing child poverty to become the norm.

MPs travelling with their partners is the least thing we have to worry about people.


  1. Perhaps not Martyn, but it still makes me hot under the collar that traitors like Roger Douglas get perks like this, especially considering that what they really deserve is a gibbet on Tyburn Hill.

    • it is Not a big issue in the scheme of things

      ….it is however a smokescreen to hide the really BIG things going on

      ….ripping off New Zealanders and undermining their Democracy and Sovereignty and Human Rights

  2. At last!!! Someone who gets it!! The latest outrage is the proposal to force expectant mothers to be drug tested… with continuing tests throughout the pregnancy if a positive result is given…..

    Where’s the “hot under the collar” response… Tepid at best is how I would describe it… It’s becoming the bane of my life seeing people being so easily lad down the cul-de-sacs of irrelevant side issues, while this government is raping and pillaging everything we’ve built up over the last century……

    and who is the beneficiary of this sacking of our country?? why, none other than the drug dealers, fraudsters, and utterly ruthless robber barons that would happily force a permanent state of marshal law on the general populations of every country they now “own” just so they can continue the rape unabated…

    meanwhile… we get ourselves tied up in knots over the fact that the herring we’re fed for dinner is red….

    • yes it is rather cute of John Key to say he always pays for his wife going overseas…how many million does he have?…blind trusts?…working for him

      …it truly is a red herring to make the stupid think John Key is being good paying for his wife

  3. You are right Martyn, but it has a very dirty look. Is it the fact that some of those enjoying the benefits come from parties you support dampen your enthusiasm to keep the issue in the public domain?

      • Yep . Correct. It is trivia.

        Like a lot of things this govt does . Magnify’s the irrelevant and minimizes serious breaches of democracy.

        If Mr and Mrs Phatlot politician go off to some diplomatic summit overseas , so be it.

        However if Mr and Mrs Phatlot politician commit us unilaterally to war , lie about mass surveillance , spy on individuals and country’s illegally – then lie about that as well , encourage cheap immigrant labor , use police as a tool of the state to harass opposition party’s or individuals , indulge in undemocratic underhanded methods to win elections, use govt spy agencies to smear opposition party’s and their leaders , and control public opinion and consumption regarding the incumbent govt via the media ….

        Then it IS a concern.

        And THAT govt…can then be deemed to not only be corrupt – but also treasonous.

  4. I do take the point that it is pretty much an irrelevant issue, but I feel sure I would be less critical if some of this lot were somewhat more understanding about child poverty, zero hours, living wage state housing sell offs, etc, etc.
    Unfortunately I don’t think many of them have much of a clue what it’s like outside of their bubble.

    • And that’s WHY they need educating .

      Poor things.

      Like the terrible twos …they need leading by the hand to show them it isn’t all about them.

      And their false crocodile tears.

      The main concern is they will have learnt nothing at all while in tenure.

      And will only fondly reminisce over their glasses of port when they have retired to their well feathered estates.

      Therefore it is time we stop mollycoddling them…and give them an extended break from the corridors of power long enough to think circumspectly just why they were there in the first place.

  5. Is Martyn hoping to become an MP? A little while ago he defended the parliamentary pay rise. Now this – “a perk that they have earned”. Earned how exactly? By showing up and voting the party line?

    Do tell us more about your political ambitions, Martyn. They pay is better than blogging, or so I have heard…

    • LOL – I detest most politicians – I have no political aspirations beyond kicking this current Government out and replacing it with one that has the people at the bottom as their main focus

  6. Mmmmm it’s 2015, not all MPs have ‘wives’.

    Says something about the way you think.

    I’m not sexist/racist but……

  7. Read a letter in the trashy herald (at work, never buy it!), that actually had some merit. The writer suggests that instead of the MPs touring Europe, would it not be more beneficial to do a tour of New Zealand – so they can SEE the PROBLEMS first hand in THIS COUNTRY!
    Good point, I thought.

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