GUEST BLOG: Ben Peterson – In the Shadow of Kim Dotcom 2: Beaten Black and Blue and the Rocky Road to Victory



The previous post, In the Shadow of Kim Dotcom- the NZ left taking lessons from the 2014 Election, I went through the results of the 2014 election. Many of the left were understandably disappointed by its outcome. However justifiable this disappointment is, it’s fueled several damaging myths. These myths need to be challenged. In the Shadow of Dotcom argues that the popular belief, that the Mana party lost support because of the failed deal with the Internet Party, is not true. All available statistical evidence has shown that support for Mana grew as a result of the Internet deal. This was the case for both general seats and the Maori electorates.

It is important to break these myths because of their implications. Seeking new alliances and ways to bring more people into the radical movement is an important strategic challenge for the left. If the lesson from 2014 is that the left should do this less, socialist activists will be less prepared to build our movement in the future.

But if the InternetMana experiment worked, why did Hone lose his seat? And If these experiments were positive, why has the left been left so deflated and directionless after the election? These points deserve further elaboration.

Why did Hone Harawira lose?

If the Internet alliance lead to greater support, its fair enough to ask how did Hone lose his seat? Here the conventional myth of the Dotcom poison chalice has a couple of slightly different interpretations, neither of which holds up to scrutiny.

The first version of the myth is that Hone’s vote decreased as his supporters abandoned Mana after the Internet Party deal. This is easy to disprove. The vote for Harawira actually grew significantly from 2011 (8,121) to 2014 (8,969). Kim Dotcom attracted negative media, but he did not stop Mana from building on its support between the elections.

The more nuanced alternative version of a similar argument is that while Harawira didn’t lose support amongst his followers, it did motivate more people to vote against Mana, and tilted the election in favour of Labour. The available evidence disputes this.

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More peopel clearly turned out this election up north. About 2,500 more people voted in Te Tai Tokerau in 2014 than in 2011. But not all of these new voters went Labour. Looking at the results between the two elections, it seems to roughly break down to 800 new Mana voters, 1200 new Labour voters and a few hundred extra, who largely vote NZ First (who I will return to shortly).

If we take just the new voters, the result would still have been in Mana’s favour (Mana 8,969-Labour 8,000 give or take). It is possible that these voters were motivated to come out in response to opposition to Dotcom, but even if that is the case Mana would still have won. These new voters for Labour closed the gap, but were not the decisive factor in defeating Harawira in Te Tai Tokerau. Mana would’ve beaten Labour in a straight race, even with the baggage of Dotcom.

Beaten Black and Blue

So who killed Hone? Right wing voters voting strategically.

Looking at the election results in 2011 and in 2014 there is a small number of ‘Black and Blue’ voters. These voters vote Maori Party for the seat but give their party vote to National. The National Party in the Tai Tokerau gets roughly 1800 party votes. It seems about half of them vote Maori for the seat, and half only use their party vote (which explains the larger number of party votes in the seat). In 2011 the Maori Party candidate received 3,114 votes for their electorate candidate, but only 2,100 party votes, the gap goes to National. In 2011 and in 2014 the Black-Black vote for Maori party is about the same (about 2,300 voters). Looking at the figures shows about 900 National voters who voted Maori in 2011, but changed that to vote Labour in 2014.

This would bring Mana and Labour roughly head to head. The second section of strategic voters on the right side of politics come from NZ First. In the lead up to the election Winston Peters came out in support of Labour’s Kelvin Davis (the first time in Winnies career that he had endorsed another party’s candidate).

In 2011 the vote for Harawira for the seat is almost almost exactly equal to the combined party vote of the Mana, the Greens and NZ First. However in 2014, this is not the case. It seems that on Winston’s instigation, several hundred (new) NZ First voters changed their candidate vote to Labour, and in the process finally overcame the InternetMana campaign in the north.

The evidence is clear- National and NZ First voters swung the election to Labour in Te Tai Tokerau. Neither John Key nor Winston Peters needed the boogeyman of Kim Dotcom to make the call to support Labour for the seat. It is highly likely that they would have done so anyway- both of them had very simple political and pragmatic reasons to want to kill off potential partners in an alternative government. Equally, there is nothing to suggest that Kim Dotcom was necessary to motivate people to vote strategically, as the voters of Epsom and Ohariu have been proving for years.

The simple fact is that, based on any and all available evidence- Kim Dotcom did not kill the Mana Movement. Mana was beaten by the political establishment (including Labour, the Nats, and NZ First).

Space for reflection

None of this means that the InternetMana campaign was flawless. Nor am I arguing that the the left is in a better position now than before the election. The importance of smashing myths of the IP failure is not to paint a rosy picture or say everything turned out fine.

I will say that the election results showed that the Internet Party alliance achieved its stated aim, in building support for the Mana Movement. But it was also clear that even with that growth, the result was less than 2% of the vote. It is clear from election that the left needs greater organisation and political clarity. But we will be in a better position to do so if we base our analysis on reality, not post-election depression.

There has been some responses to the election, some better than others. In response to the previous article Ian Anderson from Fightback wrote that:

“The campaign routinely stressed support for ‘entrepreneurs’ as an anti-poverty strategy, with Dotcom explaining how German state support enabled his rise. Ben suggests notions like ‘entrepeneur’ are open to interpretation, and aspects of the campaign were certainly vague. Dotcom’s class position is clearly more exploitative than the position of a self-employed worker. However, Dotcom sent a clear message; more state support means more opportunities to climb the capitalist ladder. This entrepreneurial emphasis cannot patronisingly be reduced to ‘imperfect’ politics that don’t go far enough”

The above paragraph has both strong and weak points.

It is true that socialists should be critical of ideas and formulations that we do not think articulate a vision for an alternative world. It is true that there was a difference in the political vision of Kim Dotcom (based on his life as a billionaire) and John Minto (based on his life getting beaten by police at protests). Differences exist between any two people, and building a movement is going to require tying together ever increasing numbers of people, each who will bring their own formulations to the movement. What is important is the basis for unity, as Ian writes in the same article:

“Dotcom’s political affinity with the MANA Movement was forged around opposition to state repression, around democratic demands. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, expansion of state surveillance powers, violent enforcement of copyright laws, are dividing lines separating Dotcom from most of the capitalist class.”

Mana has always been a place that has had a wide range of views and opinions, but maintained a firm commitment to representing the poor and dispossessed. Some have argued that the deal with the Internet Party violated the kaupapa of the Mana movement. To show this, it is not enough to find a statement, or a collection of statements, that can be critiqued from a socialist perspective. It was a well established fact that Mana was already a broad and imperfect radical project. It needs to be shown that there was a systematic departure from the kaupapa that had existed previously. While I don’t agree with entrepreneurial rhetoric, it is not a departure from the existing kaupapa. The Mana movement has market mechanisms in other areas of policy since its inception. It is not a valid critique if it holds Mana to different standards in the pre/post Dotcom period.

This isn’t papering over differences, or an endorsement of a small business road to socialism. Leftists should be confident to argue for their positions in all movements. The importance of this point is to put to death the myth that there was a qualitative shift in rhetoric or policy after the Internet Alliance. It is important to go beyond these myths to open up discussion on what we are doing now. If we are caught up on a myth of Internet failure, or combing over policy looking for a great betrayal, we are not looking to the movements in which we can rebuild.

Organisation opens doors

As was argued in the original article, the InternetMana experiment should be seen as an extension of the strategic direction of Mana. Mana was created as a left split from the Maori Party. But it was also an attempt to build a radical political instrument that had resonance and organisation in the communities of the poor and dispossessed.

The attraction of the Internet Party was that it was created in response to the expansion of the surveillance state and intellectual property at the point of conflict with Kim Dotcom. For Internet Party supporters, the attraction of the Internet Party wasn’t KDC’s personality, but the sense of injustice at his treatment and the desire to build an alternative. For those on the left it is essential to grasp the importance of building political alternatives out of the sites of struggle that exist today.

This was dramatically evidenced by the electoral success of the Australian Greens at the recent New South Wales elections. Out of the election on Saturday March 28th,it appears that the NSW Greens have been able to expand their parliamentary party room from one electorate to four. This significant increase has been built not out of generic ‘Green’ campaigning and snappy slogans. Instead, the Greens are publicly seen to strongly support strong community campaigns.

In the seat of Newtown in Sydney’s inner west the Greens were strongly identified with the Campaign against ‘west-connex’, a new series of highways that will plow through the densely populated inner suburbs. More unexpectedly, the Greens have won two seats in the rural areas of Lismore and Ballina. These seats have long been considered bastions of the conservative National Party, however plans for drastic expansion of Coal Seam Gas in the area have generated a significant protest movement. Hippy environmentalists and farmers have found themselves united in blockades against gas companies. This popular movement has spawned such a change that the local communities have drastically changed their political worldview, and have swung behind what’s seen as an alternative.

Whether or not the NSW Greens have the political and organisational vision to continue these community campaigns will remain to be seen, but the lesson for the left should be clear. When movements are organised and politicised, it is possible for the left to make significant gains, even in areas where it has low traditional support.

Aotearoa’s rocky road

The left is in a difficult place. Hone losing a platform in Parliament is a significant loss. During and since the election, many on the left who were formally Mana members have now left that organisation,leading to further stratification. But this difficult position is not an impossible one.

Finding ways for leftists as individuals, and as groups, will be an ongoing challenge. Whether this is again through Mana, or through new opportunities coming out of the trade unions, Labour or the Greens is not certain, and can only be shown in time.

What is clear is that there is opportunities for the left to rebuild organisation and confidence. This can which can make new experiments possible in the future.

Unite Union’s Zero Hours campaign has been generating increasing momentum and has the potential to be a significant site of struggle for workers in the hospitality industry. Already we see others in the Union movement seeking to build off this basis, with FIRST Union launching a ‘secure our hours’ campaign in their negotiations at Countdown.

Auckland Action Against poverty continues to bridge the gap between advocacy and political activism in new and exciting ways. As poverty and inequality increase, we can expect these actions to grow and gain even more importance. Further, Sue Bradfords ‘Left Think Tank’ project continues to generate enthusiasm, and could become an important part of the left constellation organisationally and ideologically.

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is also generating considerable momentum. This trade deal is the latest manifestation of capitalism and will greatly increase the legal power of corporations. This campaign is creating dozens (if not more) of new activists who are often coming from outside the established left. The March 7 National Day of Action had some of the biggest marches in years, with action in no less than 22 protest actions in cities and towns across Aotearoa.

It should be clear while the uniting framework (organisationally and politically) might not be immediately available, the possibility and opportunities for the kind of struggles that breathe life into the left are there. It is for this reason why a retreat into orthodoxy is so dangerous. If the lesson from the Dotcom experiments is that attempts to reach new layers of people are pointless and counterproductive, the left will run the risk of isolating itself from the struggles that can take it forward.

In all these movements there will be people with whom we disagree. The lefts role is not to automatically be at the head of the march. The Left will need to convince new supporters and build up its Mana as fighters. It will require building and wining leadership that can grow these movements into political challenges to the status quo. Building a political instrument out of these movements can do more than win seats in parliament, but can fundamentally change society in Aotearoa.


  1. Kim Dotcom and Glenn Greenwald and Laila Harre etc. put out the truth at the ” Moment of Truth ” just before the election. It was lied about and misrepresented by those who were threatened of the truth getting out. Internationally it is known that Kim Dotcom was illegally and abusively treated by the NZ govt. Hone lost his seat mostly because the voters were ill informed of the truths and just bought what National affirmed. They perpetuate the lies and propaganda that confuses many so that voters do not know all the truths about long nosed Donkey ” Jon-key ” ; Sky City ; KIm Dotcom and Hones loosing his seat etc. There are many millions of dollars, according to National, for war and for the Maori claims but never much money for the homeless ; Seniors and Vets and Disabled in need ; quality education ; hungry and abused children and those who need job training and drug rehab. etc.

    I think that we get bogged down in what is “left” and what is “right” and who is doing what. Maybe a new paradigm is needed where there is just one right and just side and it includes all those who are fighting for justice for all and want what is best in everyone’s best interest as well as our environments best interest. Putting profit before people is what these corporations and our present govt. is all about. Standing up against TPPA and these greed and propaganda machines is what we need and maybe that is beyond the labels of LEFT AND RIGHT. I agree with most that you affirm but there seems to be a lot of rhetoric about what is left and right and I just feel like a simpler and more direct and all inclusive approach is needed. Maybe it is time to put little greedy boys and their toys aside and seek out and support those people and those leaders who are compassionate ; honest and switched on and can relate to the people beyond labels. The ones who are not bought by big oil and other unethical corporations. When the voters get the truths and become well informed, then they can make informed decisions and we can start to take back out country. It is hard to do this when most media is owned and dictated to and told what to put out by governments and their puppet masters – the multi-national corporations. Thank you The Daily Blog for being a beckon of light.

  2. Great analysis. In particular

    The attraction of the Internet Party was that it was created in response to the expansion of the surveillance state and intellectual property at the point of conflict with Kim Dotcom. For Internet Party supporters, the attraction of the Internet Party wasn’t KDC’s personality, but the sense of injustice at his treatment and the desire to build an alternative.

    In addition the Internet party attraction, was that it was strongly technology savvy. In my view NZ needs to diversify into digital investments and encourage new Internet based businesses in NZ to grow the economy.

    While keeping with the traditional farming approach.

    It is all about hedging bets and diversifying our offerings as a country. Most politicians have a rudimentary understanding of IT and technology and this has to change. Due to our geographical distance it is obvious that to break out of the ‘banana republic’ NZ needs to focus on Digital investment in addition to farming.

    The government response would be to put in a Paula Restock stooge. Someone with no knowledge of industry and just an idiot to ruin any strategy that might be useful.

    I feel sorry for Dotcom. He is a successful person being vilified for that. How many multi millionaires are in NZ that made their money by not wrecking the environment and stomping on the poor? Not many.

    In fact, Mega is making money by taking from the rich and powerful and that is why he is a target. The Viacom court case in the US against You tube shows a file sharing site is NOT copy write infringement!!!

    There is the tie up with Mana straight away.

    Thats why the extreme hatred from powerful interests.

    Now the madness is continuing with Sony and the US wanting to attack North Korea for some attack on Sony’s poor security, which there is no evidence in a court of law they did it!

    Go Internet party! You were defeated but I think you should run again with Mana.

    • Yes we need Parties we can trust ,internet mana were too inexperienced to do it first time, but keep at it,NZ is going to need a fighting force in the future.Check out Wake up Kiwi, The shenanikins going on in corporate worlds will shock anyone.
      Someone’s house was taken for non payment of rates recently,that was just the beginning ,rates will rise so that people cant afford to pay them , and will suffer the same fate. Mortgages in Auckland to buy a house will cripple buyers, if you default “they”will take houses and all your deposits and payments will be lost.Dont rely on good incomes they can disappear.
      Check out Wake Up Kiwi it will explain the world wide grab by the corporates and top of the heap wealthy.
      Its happened in USA so many lost their properties to banks and the media story was the people shouldn’t have got mortgages they couldn’t afford ,they took the blame while all the while the banks encouraged people take out was planned to skim money off the ordinary person.
      This government is encouraging immigrants with plenty of money to come in and invest in houses especially in Auckland,knowing full well the prices will rise as a consequence ,forcing NZs to borrow more to compete to gain a roof over their heads.The banks can foreclose if people cant pay so they win every time.
      Wake up Kiwi explains the plans of this problem and how the powerful will suction off the money and bring us into poverty ,the pensions and benefits will dry up . in event of big disasters or wars the banks can fail(deliberately) and your money will be taken ,so “they’ get your houses, your money,your security.
      Check it out its so easily explained.We must fight back against governments who are in on this scam .Hone ,Dot Com, start rebuilding
      Nz is going to need an alterative government we can trust.

  3. Yes Yes & Yes to all three responses.

    Blake’s was 1000%.

    It was truly about as close as it gets to tell “the whole story”.

    If only we had these thoroughly examined reasons for the Internet/Mana failure aired on MSM we all would have been better served by now.

    But thanks to folks like Ben Peterson that place these thought provoking post election critical reviews up for us to reflect upon.

    Only then, can we go forward to strategise effectively during the months ahead when we will once again carrying the hopes and dreams for us to take back our country from those who have been traitors to our common Kaupapa of rebuilding a fairer kinder gentler society which we have had in the past, before the corporate lobby overtook this Government and now rules over us for greed and self interest

  4. I think the answer is simple- the election was rigged. And I dont mean just by National offering up an MP who was being investigated at the time- I mean the electoral commission. Internet Mana blew the election apart- but it was all covered up by a corrupt electoral commission. Who were not able to do it again this time round. Simple.

  5. Spot on Jim. You just need to look at the footage of John Key, on election night, when it is announced National has won. There is a look of disbelief on his face. I think ‘someone’ had told him, pre election “don’t worry we’ll fIx it.” – and they did, and even John could not believe it. A lot of wealthy people, corporations and countries NEED John Key to be running this country, for their own means. As most people who contribute to the Daily Blog will know, the average New Zealander is of no concern to this government.

  6. 1000% Kim & Jim,

    I warned Winston before the Northland election to avoid Electronic tabulation.

    As they enter a undetected “Source code” that can skew the results when final electronic countings are made after the manual paper voting is input into the electronic Election Commission register.

    Winston may have ordered this to be avoided finally as his result may also have been rigged.

    Perhaps all Opposition parties now must also call for no electronic final counting to avoid rigged elections or referendums (On a stupid flag chance) for instance.

    Just see how easily Key could have rigged the General Election here.
    Beware of NatZ pulling yet another election fraud here as possibly did last election since there were anomalies in the pre election predictions and election results which suggests vote rigging has occurred.

    Watch this video of evidence given by a US federal incitement of a Election ex NASA programmer hired by a Chinese Lobbyist during a US election using rigged “Source codes” developed by Programmer Clint Curtis.

    Also this is confirmed by a retired NSA analyst also in this link.

    So according to NASA programmer if the pre election and the final election results are significantly different then according to his testimony there is evidence of voter fraud and therefore to prove voter fraud it requires only an manual independent vote recount to prove rigged voting fraud as the programmer had built the software program to not be traced or even finally discovered as his program finally eats itself afterwards.

    To help protect the integrity of this vital election we must have opposition use this resource of independent oversight of these elections from now on.

    Election Defense Alliance has tools to protect election fraud we observe.

    Here are some other pieces of evidence for our election strategists to be aware of.

    Note we shall require a significant winning margin (more than 10%) because the vote rigging program will shave off 10% of the NZ First vote the evidence information tells us.…chive/2012/11/how-to-rig-an-election/6…ction-rigging-danger-2.html

  7. cheers for using one of my/our cartoons.

    ..and i wd note that you have left the smoking joint in the room out of yr calculations..

    ..harawiras’ driving away/demonising the pot-vote..(12,000 to alcp..)

    ..and giving all the pot smokers from west auckland to the cape a reason not to vote for him..

    ..whereas..handled differently – the opposite wd have been the effect..

    ..and harawira + wd now be in parliament..

    (and i seriously hope they have learnt that lesson..if nothing else..)

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