The NZ drought – a totally predictable state of affairs



Only a fanatical climate denier like Cameron Slater would suggest that the drought facing farmers was totally unpredictable.

There is also a cost to the infrastructure trying to cope with the heat and water restrictions as well.

Hell even the cannabis growers are having trouble.

Rapid climate change caused by human pollution is causing incredible heating of the planet, to the point that extreme weather conditions become the norm, not the exception. With National economically relying on ever increasing milk production, which in turn generates more climate changing gas, which in turn uses up more water, which in turn pollutes more of our water, the drought and problems it will cause are entirely predictable and underlines the reason why NZ must do far more than the pathetic offering Key’s Government has given to climate change.

Climate change is a bit like inequality, despite the denial by middle Nu Zilind, inequality is damaging our society and economy…


…and unchecked climate change will impact every aspect of our day to day lives.

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Like inequality, climate change is no longer a scientific question, the science is in, both are disastrous for our collective good. The problem is a cultural one, those who enjoy huge cars and huge houses refuse to accept they have to change and refuse to vote for political parties who will change things.


The disconnect between what is happening and our role in making that happen and the self deceit we tell ourselves so as to not do anything about it happening will be damned by future generations.

We have only ourselves to blame.



  1. Society and economy are the drivers of climate change, well this current society.
    Alas if we were all equal it would have to be at the lowest Somalian or .. fill this space … level of living, and even then it wouldn’t be enough to affect runaway climate change.
    A bit like Dr Norman demanding an inquiry into the loss of 40,000 jobs in manufacturing, as if it was a bad thing?
    As bad as it is, general the less affluent you are the smaller your footprint, unless you are banging out babies.
    There isn’t enough planet left to ‘fairly’ distribute the so called 1%’s wealth, ie we/the planet can’t afford to put a flat screen TV, + Sky dish into every home on the planet.
    The “rich’ may end up with all the toys, but they will be just as extinct.

  2. As John Heywood observed back in 1546, “there are none so blind as those who will not see “.
    Paralysed by ideological gobbledegook 47% of New Zealanders just cannot bring themselves to admit that they have been played for fools .
    So deluded are they, that they choose to ignore hard facts.
    I was at a BBQ a couple of weeks back and of course the right wingers there started parroting Leighton Smith or Mike Hosking or Paul Henry or Key, by saying “those bloody Greenies are just a bunch of wackos, and as for that Len Brown wanting his ‘ little train set ‘. Well they are all barking mad.”
    It was at that point one of the BBQ attendees daughter (who is a town planner for the London City Council) skyped in from London and the conversation turned to the marvels of the London underground, at which point the daughter said “yep ,who ever had the foresight to build that when they did was way ahead of their time.”
    It was priceless. She then went on. “What’s stopping Auckland from getting on with theirs. I hear the place is near gridlock most of the time . It’s starting to sound a bit 3rd world .”
    Priceless again.
    Everyone went silent . Then came the inevitable subject change, as also happens when the subject of spiralling house prices comes up.
    And there you have it. Luddites who don’t want to know, supporting supporting Dinosaurs who lack any imagination.
    When you get an uncorrupted opinion, you get common sense !!!

  3. Bang on, they’ll say so you knew about climate change, and then you decided it would be a good idea to increase your emissions.

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